What If Commentators Had Cried "Foul" At Romney Debate Falsehoods?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, former GE CEO tried to label the Bureau of Labor Statistics as a Sicilian Front Organization, only today. Other analysts and pundits are hollering "book-cooking" as though there were no independent and corroborating information: Even from weeks before!

1. New claims for unemployment insurance have been dropping off in late summer.
2. Gallup had the Unemployment Rate at 7.8% in the same reporting period, just two weeks ago.
3. The Payroll Survey has been upwardly revised for months.
4. Romney's Tax Rate innuendo--he himself is actually at a 13% rate, not at 50% like in his misperception, famous rate, debate story--is not like this report at all!
5. There are nowhere found any five studies disputing The White House claim that Romney's now-on-record tax plan will cost $5.0 tril. over ten years. Even the Republicans agree that the plan itself relies on Congress to cut their throats, and all the deductions and exemptions. Jack Welch may have a point about there being A Sicilian Front Organization, even far away from Chicago(?)!

GOP Lawmakers Short On Specifics About Tax Loopholes To Close

Famously, then, possibly Jack Welch may have meant to call Bureau of Labor Statistics a Mexican Mafia front organization instead(?)! Probably someone at RNC would comment, ". . . .But that would be wrong(?)!)

One problem with that: There are no moderates at RNC, anymore! Senator Lugar lost! Even Senator McCain is closer to following dear old dad, down the stairs--in the unceremonious, oft-reported fashion!

The issue still comes down to corroboration! Moderates actually do that! So what happened early this morning: Is a Republican-Commentaries message gone insane--like Romney data discussions! They do not ask the moderate question: "What do they know, and When did They Know it?!"

No commentator of the debates, or the reports of the unemployment rate, hollered foul at the data distortions, presented at the debate, or alleged this morning.

How did Romney bring up the discussion of a rich household paying a 50% tax burden, when his own data for two years are at 13% instead?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Cry of "Geronimo!" mainly now heard among little kids at play!)
You mean they didn't? A bigger deal would be if commentators had cried foul on Obama's falsehoods. Now that would be crazy.
The Commentaries over the Unemployment Rate Commentaries are even more widespread than the tweets about Big Bird getting laid off. . .or falling down the stairs, going on disability. . .or into rehab(?)! Malibu understands about rehab.

BLS claims almost 1 million Americans found new jobs | WashingtonExaminer.com

So far, they all have yet to be found in one place. So now anyone who was unaware of the steller new rate: Knows about it one or another(?)! The 800,000 increase of employed is not unlike the 400,000 monthly increases reported in the household survey, earlier on in the recovery, however. The Establishment Survey is more. . . established(?)!

Mostly, Big Bird got the attention in the post-debate commentaries. Mostly this morning, people seem to have actually found out just how closely tied: The RNC likely is to the underworld of crime in America(?)!

"What do they know? And When Did They Know it. . . ." Indeed!

Mostly: The office pools that commentators must have won--after CNN published the overnnight debate poll--may actually have sent the genuine commentators off to the South of France for the weekend, or something(?)!

Jack Welch and others have had to fill in(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now others come to Lands of Many Nations--Where odds may be better--and gas prices even exploded through the ceiling due to refinery shutdowns in California(?)--just this week(?)!)
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