What if Obama did this?

we knew it also when it was "you gotta pass it to read it" - but the left didn't give a shit about reindeer games then, did they?

You know that's not what Nancy Pelosi said, right? Sara Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house and Pelosi did not say you have to pass it to read it.

so you're going to tell me that's not what she said and give me a snopes article that says she said it as proof.


Nancy Pelosi did utter the words attributed to her about the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

dats some funny chit right there, son.

You didn't read the link at all...that's what's funny. If you want to stay ignorant, that's on you.
oh lord dude - stop being stupid. of course i read it - where do you think i got this quote?

Nancy Pelosi did utter the words attributed to her about the passage of the Affordable Care Act.


now if you want to pretend she meant something else that isn't the same as the claim you made that she never said it.

Did you read farther than that? She did not say they, the legislators, had to pass it to read it. In context she was saying that the American people would find out all that was in it when it was passed, not that the legislators would have to pass it before they could read it. You often try to be an honest broker...try it now.
yes. i did.

and i've known for a long time what she "meant" but look back on what you said - you said point blank she never said that and then used a link saying she did BUT...

so - she said it. you were wrong from the word go. learn to phrase your issues more correctly and we can avoid some of these rabbit holes.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.

Of course they have - and they have been provided promptly, in plenty of time with nothing withheld. Plenty of case history Marty? C'mon man, yeah - to look at the case history you kind of NEED THE DOCUMENTS.

Imagine a court case in which 42,000 pages were dumped the day before a trial. No decent judge would allow that trial to begin. Kavanaugh himself knows this. If he had a shred of cred he would delay this charade himself.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.

Of course they have - and they have been provided promptly, in plenty of time with nothing withheld. Plenty of case history Marty? C'mon man, yeah - to look at the case history you kind of NEED THE DOCUMENTS.

Imagine a court case in which 42,000 pages were dumped the day before a trial. No decent judge would allow that trial to begin. Kavanaugh himself knows this. If he had a shred of cred he would delay this charade himself.
bush and company knew this date was coming. if they are playing games then there should be a penalty for doing this and making it political, as everything seems to be these days.

it's a stall tactic and we need to move on. period.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!
The Dirty Corrupt Democrats are just attempting to delay President Trump's USSC Judge choice.
It would take them years to debate 100,000 pages.
The truth is that the Dirty Corrupt Democrats are a threat to our democracy.

It might take a week, for Senate Staff to divide up the pages, review them and provide an executive summary to the Senate and the Press/American Public.

The fact is, Trump is hiding something. Curious people would like to know what.
we knew it also when it was "you gotta pass it to read it" - but the left didn't give a shit about reindeer games then, did they?

You know that's not what Nancy Pelosi said, right? Sara Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house and Pelosi did not say you have to pass it to read it.


Nope - It's one of the rights favorite lies. She said we need to pass it so YOU - the AMERICAN PEOPLE can read it.

If 44 had done it the Democats would have been celebrating and the Republicans would have been asking for the rest of them. Though I am sure that almost everyone of them would have realized that if they had not found a smoking gun in those findings they already had there was none to find, and know that it was nothing but a delay tactic and nothing more.
Hillary's emails were illegally placed on a non-governmental server. From my understanding the documents requested are internal White House counsel documents.

Now if there is a question of privilege here, has any other SC nominee been told or asked to released privileged documentation as part of their process?

Illegally placed? There was an actual law that prohibited her from using a private server?

So you are saying breaking security rules (which are enacted via law) are perfectly legal?

Something is either legal, or illegal.

Which is it?

If it's illegal there would be a law...cite it.

Here ya go.

3 Federal Laws Hillary May Have Violated By Using Personal Email Accounts for State Business

May have? And that was in 2015? Turned out "may have" was not. :lol:

You said the server was illegally placed. The old supposition ("may have violated") you posted doesn't support your claim.

I just cited a few of them. that you don't believe them or want to play word games of illegality vs. Criminality shows all you have is chutzpah as a defense.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.

Than why withhold them? What is he and Trump hiding?

The document requests are still in bad faith as is your question that doesn't acknowledge that they are not judicial documents being requested

{Ahem} Papers covering Elena Kagan's time as Clinton adviser released

More than 46,000 pages of documents accumulated during Kagan's three-year stint as a domestic policy adviser to President Bill Clinton show another side of the former Harvard Law School dean, now President Obama's solicitor general and his second nominee to the high court.

As a policy adviser was she acting in the role of a legal advisor?
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.

Of course they have - and they have been provided promptly, in plenty of time with nothing withheld. Plenty of case history Marty? C'mon man, yeah - to look at the case history you kind of NEED THE DOCUMENTS.

Imagine a court case in which 42,000 pages were dumped the day before a trial. No decent judge would allow that trial to begin. Kavanaugh himself knows this. If he had a shred of cred he would delay this charade himself.

Do trial judges as for documents between a client and his lawyer?

Do you even grasp the concept of privilege?

Oh wait, I forgot you morons will break any precedent, law or statute to get what you want, because you are immorral twats.
we knew it also when it was "you gotta pass it to read it" - but the left didn't give a shit about reindeer games then, did they?

You know that's not what Nancy Pelosi said, right? Sara Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house and Pelosi did not say you have to pass it to read it.

so you're going to tell me that's not what she said and give me a snopes article that says she said it as proof.


Nancy Pelosi did utter the words attributed to her about the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

dats some funny chit right there, son.

You didn't read the link at all...that's what's funny. If you want to stay ignorant, that's on you.
oh lord dude - stop being stupid. of course i read it - where do you think i got this quote?

Nancy Pelosi did utter the words attributed to her about the passage of the Affordable Care Act.


now if you want to pretend she meant something else that isn't the same as the claim you made that she never said it.

Did you read farther than that? She did not say they, the legislators, had to pass it to read it. In context she was saying that the American people would find out all that was in it when it was passed, not that the legislators would have to pass it before they could read it. You often try to be an honest broker...try it now.
i already said she likely meant something else - but if you read back - YOU SAID she NEVER SAID THE WORDS then gave me a snopes article which said she did BUT...

so - she said 'em. that part is not up for debate.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!
The Dirty Corrupt Democrats are just attempting to delay President Trump's USSC Judge choice.
It would take them years to debate 100,000 pages.
The truth is that the Dirty Corrupt Democrats are a threat to our democracy.

It might take a week, for Senate Staff to divide up the pages, review them and provide an executive summary to the Senate and the Press/American Public.

The fact is, Trump is hiding something. Curious people would like to know what.
we knew it also when it was "you gotta pass it to read it" - but the left didn't give a shit about reindeer games then, did they?

You know that's not what Nancy Pelosi said, right? Sara Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house and Pelosi did not say you have to pass it to read it.


Nope - It's one of the rights favorite lies. She said we need to pass it so YOU - the AMERICAN PEOPLE can read it.

so - she did in fact say it - thank you for proving that.
Do trial judges as for documents between a client and his lawyer?

Do you even grasp the concept of privilege?

Oh wait, I forgot you morons will break any precedent, law or statute to get what you want, because you are immorral twats.

Now you're comparing apples and oranges .. Please stop being an immoral twat :)
Do trial judges as for documents between a client and his lawyer?

Do you even grasp the concept of privilege?

Oh wait, I forgot you morons will break any precedent, law or statute to get what you want, because you are immorral twats.

Now you're comparing apples and oranges .. Please stop being an immoral twat :)

Actually you started that when you tried to compare policy advice with legal advice.

One may be privileged, the other is not.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

The Senate is going to be voting on Judge Kavanaugh within a few weeks. There isn't time to look at all of these documents, but there is enough information out there to make the decision that the man will be a Tremendous Justice and is almost unbelievably well qualified. This is just a cheap delaying tactic IMHO.
so - she did in fact say it - thank you for proving that.

Do you understand the difference between YOU and WE?

Apparently not - Sad :(
do you understand the core to the argument?

i'm not nor have i ever been in this tread talking about her INTENT. i'm talking about what she said and seawych saying she didn't say it.

she did.

i don't give a fuck about intent at this point so bugger off.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Grow up. They are hiding something. In fact, the Senate has enough resources within their structure to read through 100,000 pages rapidly - each Senator can receive an executive summary from staff when the 100,000 pages are divided among the Senate Staff.

Screw you, the GD commiecrats are making an ass of themselves in the hearing right now. As your mulatto messiah said, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, sit down and STFU. This is all orchestrated theater.

LMAO! Those CongressCritters didn't even read the ACA bill and that was around 2000 pages. They're going to read 100,000 pages of documents about Kavanaugh? Why would they? Are they going to get to page 80,000 and suddenly discover he is a Russkie?
why would Trump Admin HIDE THEM? What are they trying to hide on him?
LMAO! Those CongressCritters didn't even read the ACA bill and that was around 2000 pages. They're going to read 100,000 pages of documents about Kavanaugh? Why would they? Are they going to get to page 80,000 and suddenly discover he is a Russkie?
why would Trump Admin HIDE THEM? What are they trying to hide on him?
why would hillary delete 33k mails and hide them?
why would hillary bleach bit her computer and destroy info?
why would hillary destroy her phones?
why would hillary setup her own e-mail server? what is SHE hiding?

when i see you attack one side for potentially hiding something, it really discredits your argument. so far i agree it's bullshit to drop 40k docs at this point and NOT expect the dems to cry foul.

but all the above was also bullshit and the dems never cried foul there.

sucks, but this is what we're building these days by allowing OUR SIDE to get away with shit.

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