What if Obama did this?

If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Grow up. They are hiding something. In fact, the Senate has enough resources within their structure to read through 100,000 pages rapidly - each Senator can receive an executive summary from staff when the 100,000 pages are divided among the Senate Staff.

Screw you, the GD commiecrats are making an ass of themselves in the hearing right now. As your mulatto messiah said, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, sit down and STFU. This is all orchestrated theater.


They look like monkeys throwing turds.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Grow up. They are hiding something. In fact, the Senate has enough resources within their structure to read through 100,000 pages rapidly - each Senator can receive an executive summary from staff when the 100,000 pages are divided among the Senate Staff.

Screw you, the GD commiecrats are making an ass of themselves in the hearing right now. As your mulatto messiah said, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, sit down and STFU. This is all orchestrated theater.


They look like monkeys throwing turds.

The MFs said before the nomination they weren't going to support it, now they just want to make demands and try to delay things, none are worth the powder it would take to blow their fucking brains out.

so - she did in fact say it - thank you for proving that.

Do you understand the difference between YOU and WE?

Apparently not - Sad :(
also - the quote was "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it" - if you mean the american people, tell me how they get to vote on it in order TO pass it.

they don't.

so, please explain that excuse to me again in a manner which actually works.
What if Obama did this?


I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.
What if Obama did this?
But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?
They would simply switch roles the right would acting exactly the way the left is now acting and the left would be acting the way the right now is. I think it's rather comical that many of the same people who couldn't find the time to read the ACA bill before they passed it actually expect anyone to believe they would read those pages if they got them. This is political theatre nothing more nothing less yes both sides engage in it.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.

Than why withhold them? What is he and Trump hiding?

That doesn't answer my question.

Don't be a knucklehead; the entire record not only case records cherry picked.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

The Senate is going to be voting on Judge Kavanaugh within a few weeks. There isn't time to look at all of these documents, but there is enough information out there to make the decision that the man will be a Tremendous Justice and is almost unbelievably well qualified. This is just a cheap delaying tactic IMHO.

You don't understand or are trying to mislead the reader. Senators have staff, and they provide the hard work and provide the Senator with an executive summary with notes and quotes.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Grow up. They are hiding something. In fact, the Senate has enough resources within their structure to read through 100,000 pages rapidly - each Senator can receive an executive summary from staff when the 100,000 pages are divided among the Senate Staff.

Screw you, the GD commiecrats are making an ass of themselves in the hearing right now. As your mulatto messiah said, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, sit down and STFU. This is all orchestrated theater.


Grow up. Personal attacks have no impact on me, nor should they.

Because I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to go golfing, believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Grow up. They are hiding something. In fact, the Senate has enough resources within their structure to read through 100,000 pages rapidly - each Senator can receive an executive summary from staff when the 100,000 pages are divided among the Senate Staff.

Screw you, the GD commiecrats are making an ass of themselves in the hearing right now. As your mulatto messiah said, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, sit down and STFU. This is all orchestrated theater.


They look like monkeys throwing turds.

They are doing their job, if you read the Constitution and understood it, you might, possibly, maybe understand the duty of the Senators. Some of them, that is, the Chairman lacks a moral compass.

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