What if the economy recovers

Did you read the article even the first paragraph?:

Here is an idea, maybe you should try reading your articles first!

Why should we trust the .2% numbers when the track record shows downward revisions at every step of the way?
Nope many were up graded you just remember only the ones that were revised down
More from your article:

Perhaps reading more than the article title will serve you well?

Expect TDM to disappear soon.
The July numbers are slated soon and are expected to be up from what I have read

I can accept that there is no consumer confidence in your leader.


You want to see the glass as half empty.

Was Bush a good president TM?

Remember if you don't think Bush was a good president that means you wanted the economy to fail and poor people to suffer along with the middle class to get wiped out... There are your options, pick one or it's party over country for you!

You’re like a dinosaur when it comes to political debate. You sell the oldest most childish bullshit but the funny part is you get mad when people prove you wrong and lol@u.

where have you proven me wrong?
Would it change who you vote for?

Not a bit. The economy will recover when the Obama Administration stops hammering it with new oppressive regulations and wasteful spending. There is little chance of that changing until Obama gets the boot.
Then tell me why you refuse to see any of the good indicators for our economy if you place country first?

Because all the bad/scary/holy fucking shit it's all going to hell indicators have blinded me from giving a shit about a POSSSSSIIIIBLE, SOOOOOOOMMMDAY scenario where things, and by "things" I mean 1 area of 1 thing, gets better...

Why do you chose to put on the blinders and base your support for a guy (Obama) off what the future MIGHT hold rather than what the preset does hold? Oh, I know... because for TM it's party over country, by definition lol!
I have never lied to you or anyone on the internets.

Stupid is as stupid does my friend.
I have been providing facts and you people here have been fighting against the facts and only providing personal insults because you dont want this country to recover.

You place party over country.

I was trying real hard to give you people a way to stop doiing that.

Pretty much you all bailed on the offer and desided to keep talking crap about the good economic indicators so far.

Even Obama admits things are not better.

"What I want the American people and our partners around the world to know is this: We are going to get through this. Things will get better," he said in an address to veterans.

Obama on economy: We are going to get through this | Reuters

Here's some new words for you, double dip recession.
So you are claiming Obama planted these good economic indicators?
I have never lied to you or anyone on the internets.

Stupid is as stupid does my friend.
I have been providing facts and you people here have been fighting against the facts and only providing personal insults because you dont want this country to recover.

You place party over country.

I was trying real hard to give you people a way to stop doiing that.

Pretty much you all bailed on the offer and desided to keep talking crap about the good economic indicators so far.

You have been intellectually deceptive several times and you are doing it again...
I would love it if it's true but I don't expect the housing market to rebound until the job market improves. With the current policy's and regulations in place I don't expect the job market to improve. Unemployed people and people that don't feel their job is secure don't buy houses. Just my opinion.
So you are claiming Obama planted these good economic indicators?

Who are you even talking to? And where the fuck did you get "Obama planted" anything... And why have you literally ignored like dozens of questions aimed at you? You keep wanting everyone to answer you, and they do, but when people ask you questions (many times the same questions you ask us) you fucking run away and start new threads or pretend you never saw them despite them getting spammed at you.
I have never lied to you or anyone on the internets.

Stupid is as stupid does my friend.
I have been providing facts and you people here have been fighting against the facts and only providing personal insults because you dont want this country to recover.

You place party over country.

I was trying real hard to give you people a way to stop doiing that.

Pretty much you all bailed on the offer and desided to keep talking crap about the good economic indicators so far.

You have been intellectually deceptive several times and you are doing it again...

You have to point out the percieved deception not just claim it.

You wont because I have not been

You do understand these are housing experts in the private sector right?

So what is your fucking point? You want people to be happy that in around 2 years from now it's possible a prediction comes true? Then you literally take a leap and try and credit Obama for a POSSIBLE, FUTURE, PROJECTED sales in housing? Really?????

Would it change my vote? No because I'm not fucking stupid.

Oh, and if it does not happen, will that change your vote... you know... after 2012 lol... ? Go ahead and ignore this question like you have them all.. Or blame the TP/Republicans for why you wouldn't lol. Party over country, right TM?
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So you are claiming Obama planted these good economic indicators?

Who are you even talking to? And where the fuck did you get "Obama planted" anything... And why have you literally ignored like dozens of questions aimed at you? You keep wanting everyone to answer you, and they do, but when people ask you questions (many times the same questions you ask us) you fucking run away and start new threads or pretend you never saw them despite them getting spammed at you.

How many people have I been talking to here?

If I missed one of your questions ask it again.

There are many cons here and just me.

I have remained civil and you people not so much

You do understand these are housing experts in the private sector right?

So what is your fucking point? You want people to be happy that in around 2 years from now it's possible a prediction comes true? Then you literally take a leap and try and credit Obama for a POSSIBLE, FUTURE, PROJECTED sales in housing? Really?????

Would it change my vote? No because I'm not fucking stupid.

Try reading ALL the links I have given several times and putting it all together.

Quit pretending its only ONE piece of information

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