What if the economy recovers

Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

The question was "What if..."

That points to a lack of faith in your weak-assed policies


If you really had faith in your class-warfare techniques the question would have been started with a "When"....

She needs to leave it open so that when it fails she can blame Republicans!

That never occurred to me...thanks! :cool:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs]Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

I want one liberal in here to defend this video.
Why are you insulting private sector housing experts so you can pretend nothing good happened?

Because I understand them and disagree with them.

What is you criteria for disagreement with them?

where is their anaylisis wrong?

Reality and the federal governments prevention on the purchase of homes.

Do you really believe you can buy - with cash - a home? cash deal - no mortgage involved :lol:
So TM, what is it... If things don't happen as planed would you "change your vote?" Or just put party over country... Come on, man up... you ask everyone else.
They are economic indicators that have been used for decades.

They are coming out with encouraging numbers.

Why are you pretending they mean nothing?
They are economic indicators that have been used for decades.

They are coming out with encouraging numbers.

Why are you pretending they mean nothing?

So TM, what is it... If things don't happen as planed would you "change your vote?" Or just put party over country... Come on, man up... you ask everyone else.

I'm trying again........ because you lied and said you would answer me if I asked again.... So here we arem like 6x later. Many of us have answerd you, I know I have twice to the same fucking question.

So what is it TM, are you a full blown liar, or are you going to answer the simple ass question you spam at everyone. Also you just lied because I never said they mean nothing, I don;t think anyone here has said that... Another TM lie.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=horLLxUj3nM]Terrible Lie - Nine Inch Nails - YouTube[/ame]

Did you read the article even the first paragraph?:

Here is an idea, maybe you should try reading your articles first!

Why should we trust the .2% numbers when the track record shows downward revisions at every step of the way?
Nope many were up graded you just remember only the ones that were revised down
More from your article:

Perhaps reading more than the article title will serve you well?

Expect TDM to disappear soon.
The July numbers are slated soon and are expected to be up from what I have read
funny how I am producing fact after fact and you are merely calling me names.

Can you accept the fact that this economy is on the verge of a recovery and the main element missing is consumer confidence?

I can accept that there is no consumer confidence in your leader.


You want to see the glass as half empty.

Why do you so foolishly believe that just like the others, this "up" number will not be downgraded next month as well? Those numbers came from your articles. Perhaps you would like to show that prior numbers were not also adjusted downward?

So you will change you vote Avory?

No, I'll still vote for RP. Why would it change my vote, why should it change my vote?

You seem to think that just because 1 thing "gets better" that I need to let go of the fact that Obama is one of the biggest war presidents (bigger than Bush) our country has ever had. Obama spends like a fucking nut job. Obama bailed people out, spent trillions on a failed stimulus, still does torture, expanded homeland security, caused a downgrade on the nations credit by signing the worst budget in our countries history. There is more but why keep going! How much repeal did Obama do with a Dem Senate and House of the Bush ear policies that he RAN OFF SAYING HE WOULD REPEAL???

But wow... A few homes MIGHT/POSSIBLY/MAYBE sell right near election time and I'm suppose to change my fucking vote because of that???

maybe you should go read the thread from the begining and you would not look so silly right now.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

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