What if the economy recovers

Then tell me why you refuse to see any of the good indicators for our economy if you place country first?

For me, it is because I do not believe politicians. I do not trust them. I am not saying just Democrat politicians. I am saying all of them. They are self-serving SOB's.

Good news doesn't just "dribble" in. The economy sucks. A prediction of a 2.7% bounce in the housing market is not good news if it never actually happens or if it gets "downgraded" to a 3% decrease instead.

Housing has not turned around. Employment has not turned around. Business are still shying away due to the uncertainty caused by the political climate of today.

A slight increase is not an improvement if it is not followed up with steady gains in future months and in other industries.

When the economy starts to turn around we are all going to know it. In the meantime, it is nothing more than campaign rhetoric.

Did you read the article even the first paragraph?:

Here is an idea, maybe you should try reading your articles first!

Why should we trust the .2% numbers when the track record shows downward revisions at every step of the way?
Nope many were up graded you just remember only the ones that were revised down
More from your article:

Perhaps reading more than the article title will serve you well?

Expect TDM to disappear soon.
The July numbers are slated soon and are expected to be up from what I have read

I can accept that there is no consumer confidence in your leader.


You want to see the glass as half empty.

Why do you so foolishly believe that just like the others, this "up" number will not be downgraded next month as well? Those numbers came from your articles. Perhaps you would like to show that prior numbers were not also adjusted downward?


Because Obama and the rest of the clowns have a problem with capitalism.
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I have never lied to you or anyone on the internets.

Stupid is as stupid does my friend.
I have been providing facts and you people here have been fighting against the facts and only providing personal insults because you dont want this country to recover.

You place party over country.

I was trying real hard to give you people a way to stop doiing that.

Pretty much you all bailed on the offer and desided to keep talking crap about the good economic indicators so far.

You have been posting sound bites, talking points conjectures and opinions. You haven't posted ANY FACTS.
The only thing you HAVE proven is that you are a mindless drone without any shred of intellectual honesty. You have proven exactly what you have proven thirty thousand times before. You are a brain dead idiot.
Do you have any idea what people think of you? The right and left alike consider you a joke. If you don't believe it, read through any of the multitude of idiotic threads you've started. I'll wager your support is well under 5% from liberals.
I'm sure you are a very nice woman in real life, but you are dumber than a sack of rocks
In answer to the original question................What if my Aunt had nuts? She'd be my Uncle, right?

The economy is NOT going to recover. We are in an irreversible DEATH SPIRAL. Everybody better get ready (except for the leftists, of course.)
estimations by privite sector housing experts is not sound bites.

I have been providing economic numbers not sound bites.

Per usual most of you here are refusing the evidence at hand that a recovery could be right arround the corner because its not what you wnat to believe.
estimations by privite sector housing experts is not sound bites.

I have been providing economic numbers not sound bites.

Per usual most of you here are refusing the evidence at hand that a recovery could be right arround the corner because its not what you wnat to believe.

In what political context does two years make "around the corner"? I want to believe Obama and the Democrats would want a recovery enough to help pass a balanced budget amendment and $4T in spending cuts. Then and only then, Republicans should allow a dedicated tax increase to pay down the deficit.
estimations by privite sector housing experts is not sound bites.

I have been providing economic numbers not sound bites.

Per usual most of you here are refusing the evidence at hand that a recovery could be right arround the corner because its not what you wnat to believe.

Do you know what the word estimate means?

Basically, it is a guess and in many cases it is what is known as a wild assed guess.

They are economic indicators that have been used for decades.

They are coming out with encouraging numbers.

Why are you pretending they mean nothing?

So TM, what is it... If things don't happen as planed would you "change your vote?" Or just put party over country... Come on, man up... you ask everyone else.

I'm trying again........ because you lied and said you would answer me if I asked again.... So here we arem like 6x later. Many of us have answerd you, I know I have twice to the same fucking question.

So what is it TM, are you a full blown liar, or are you going to answer the simple ass question you spam at everyone. Also you just lied because I never said they mean nothing, I don;t think anyone here has said that... Another TM lie.

I just went and counted how many times you asked this after I said I would answer, it was twice.

I would not vote for any republicans I have seen in a couple of decades.

They created this mess and have acted like NO OTHER congress I have ever sen in my life. They treated Clinton pretty badly and played games with him but this congress is history making in its partisan hate.

When I asked in this thread if any would change their minds if there was a recovery I was pointing out (and I said it in post 13 which I proveided for you at least a couple of times) that peopel on here didnt need to talk the economy down becasue it wouldnt change any of our votes either way.

To continue to talk crap about the economy is to help the consumer confidence numbers stay low.

To ingore the good signs and pretend all the news is bad when it is not is putting party over country.

You dont wish to understand me you wish to fight me.

I know me stating this wont make any differenace to you and how you act but at least it was said.

Now you can stop pretending I didnt answer you.
estimations by privite sector housing experts is not sound bites.

I have been providing economic numbers not sound bites.

Per usual most of you here are refusing the evidence at hand that a recovery could be right arround the corner because its not what you wnat to believe.

They are estimates, guesses wishes and opinions. They are not facts
What if they're wrong? Will 2012 be the year Democrats say that the economy isn't Bush's fault anymore? LOL! Nevah!

Mortgage Bankers Push Housing Recovery to 2012 - Developments - WSJ

* October 26, 2010, 5:43 PM ET

Mortgage Bankers Push Housing Recovery to 2012

Remember the 2010 housing recovery? The Oracle of Omaha said that by the end of this year things would get better. He wasn’t the only one. Fitch also promised us stability in late 2010. Well, as the foreclosure mess spirals us toward Dec. 31, the chances for a happy housing new year seem pretty remote.

On Tuesday, the nation’s mortgage bankers released a report saying that they expect the housing market to continue limping along into next year. Things could pick up, they say, in 2012. (That’s, what, five or so years of the housing bust…but who’s counting?)

“Economic growth in 2010 has been subdued and this trend will likely continue for most of 2011. Households remain cautious given the weak job market,” says Jay Brinkmann, the Mortgage Bankers Association’s chief economist, in a forecast.

More pain-yes, more-is expected before recovery arrives.

Take unemployment. The rate, the trade group says, will increase from the current 9.6% to 9.9% by the first quarter of 2011. But it could slip back to 8.7% by the end of 2012. Mortgage delinquency and foreclosure rates should track the downward trend in the unemployment rate, the group says.

Meanwhile, home shoppers looking to tap current record-low rates might want to act quickly: Fixed rates will average about 4.4% in the fourth quarter, but, that they could climb to 5.1% by the end of 2011 and then edge closer to 6% in 2012...

Problem with experts, they often are wrong.
They are economic indicators that have been used for decades.

They are coming out with encouraging numbers.

Why are you pretending they mean nothing?

So TM, what is it... If things don't happen as planed would you "change your vote?" Or just put party over country... Come on, man up... you ask everyone else.

I'm trying again........ because you lied and said you would answer me if I asked again.... So here we arem like 6x later. Many of us have answerd you, I know I have twice to the same fucking question.

So what is it TM, are you a full blown liar, or are you going to answer the simple ass question you spam at everyone. Also you just lied because I never said they mean nothing, I don;t think anyone here has said that... Another TM lie.

I just went and counted how many times you asked this after I said I would answer, it was twice.

I would not vote for any republicans I have seen in a couple of decades.

They created this mess and have acted like NO OTHER congress I have ever sen in my life. They treated Clinton pretty badly and played games with him but this congress is history making in its partisan hate.

When I asked in this thread if any would change their minds if there was a recovery I was pointing out (and I said it in post 13 which I proveided for you at least a couple of times) that peopel on here didnt need to talk the economy down becasue it wouldnt change any of our votes either way.

To continue to talk crap about the economy is to help the consumer confidence numbers stay low.

To ingore the good signs and pretend all the news is bad when it is not is putting party over country.

You dont wish to understand me you wish to fight me.

I know me stating this wont make any differenace to you and how you act but at least it was said.

Now you can stop pretending I didnt answer you.

Another lie... This is the first time you gave an answer. Now, your answer if fine, so please stop asking bullshit questions ( I know you won't/can't) because many feel just like you about Dems or Dems/Republicans (as I do) making your retarded questions, well, retarded.
happy or sad? what kind of question is that? yeah...i'm going to be real sad if the economy slumps and my business loses money. i would freaking love that!!!!
I'll be ecstatic. I don't give a flying plotznik who fixes the economy as long as my freedom or property ( and money's property ) or nation isn't taken away.

But... The chances of me winning the first billion dollar lottery are more likely. Without buying a ticket.

You never know, you might just find the ticket in the park while walking the dogs or something like that.

estimations by privite sector housing experts is not sound bites.

I have been providing economic numbers not sound bites.

Per usual most of you here are refusing the evidence at hand that a recovery could be right arround the corner because its not what you wnat to believe.

They are estimates, guesses wishes and opinions. They are not facts

Yes thsat is an esitmate the other numbers are the facts.

Quit pretending I only gave you one link to information.

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