What if the economy recovers

A normal TM thread LOL!

TM against everyone.

TM against facts.

TM lying...

Prediction, TM asks “where did I lie!” again after I and so many others already showed her.
So you are claiming Obama planted these good economic indicators?

You consider a large stock market drop, poor housing starts and sales, unemployment still over 9% "good indicators?

where was the stock market in january of 08?

two things...

1) why did you hate the recovery in 2008?

2) Why are we talking about 2008 when it's 2011? Oh, because Obama is president this collapse............... . . . . . . ...

CEOs expect to hire more as sales grow - Chicago Sun-Times

More top corporate executives expect to hire workers and boost spending on their companies over the next six months.

A survey released Tuesday by Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs of big U.S. companies, shows 45 percent of executives say they expect their companies to add more workers.

That’s the highest percentage who have said they planned to add jobs since the survey began in late 2002. Meanwhile, only 18 percent said they expected their work forces to shrink, one of the lowest readings over the past five years, and 38 percent predict no change.

Consumers splurge in July, pushing retail sales up - Yahoo! Finance

These are good things fro this country

remember these
Why does it truoble you people so much to contemplate we are recovering?
I have never lied to you or anyone on the internets.

Stupid is as stupid does my friend.
I have been providing facts and you people here have been fighting against the facts and only providing personal insults because you dont want this country to recover.

You place party over country.

I was trying real hard to give you people a way to stop doiing that.

Pretty much you all bailed on the offer and desided to keep talking crap about the good economic indicators so far.

You have been intellectually deceptive several times and you are doing it again...

You have to point out the percieved deception not just claim it.

You wont because I have not been

Are you sure you want to open that can of dog food.

Not to mention do you actually believe I would spend my time giving you an idea you claimed just so you can attempt to legitimize it?
The Glass is not half full:

Nor is it half empty:


The left has simply grabbed the wrong size glass:
Home prices will slip further over the rest of the year, before beginning to rebound in 2012, according to a forecast by a leading housing market analyst.

The study, released Tuesday by Fiserv, predicted that home prices for more than 95 percent of metro areas will rise by the beginning of 2013.

Using data from the Fiserv Case-Schiller Index of home prices, Fiserv--which provides information management systems to the financial industry--found that the drop in home prices that began again last year continued in the first quarter of 2011. The group's research found that prices had fallen in 302 out of 384 metro areas surveyed.

At the same time, however, Fiserv noted several positive signs for the beleaguered sector, including a slower pace of foreclosures. In part because Fiserv also anticipates wider economic growth next year, analysts for the company project "a broad-based recovery for housing that will begin in early 2012."

End in sight for housing slump? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

These are private sector professionals
You have been intellectually deceptive several times and you are doing it again...

You have to point out the percieved deception not just claim it.

You wont because I have not been

Are you sure you want to open that can of dog food.

Not to mention do you actually believe I would spend my time giving you an idea you claimed just so you can attempt to legitimize it?

There is nothing for you to find no matter how much you cluck about it
You consider a large stock market drop, poor housing starts and sales, unemployment still over 9% "good indicators?

where was the stock market in january of 08?

two things...

1) why did you hate the recovery in 2008?

2) Why are we talking about 2008 when it's 2011? Oh, because Obama is president this collapse............... . . . . . . ...


You obviously live in a box.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RfPTAbYtak]Alice n Chains - Man in the box - YouTube[/ame]
Why are you insulting private sector housing experts so you can pretend nothing good happened?
"Between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, homes are projected to increase by an average of 2.7 percent, with gains in 365 out of 384 metro areas," Fiserv said in a press release.

will it change who you vote for?

I heard housing prices will fall to 1998 levels, so, live in hope, die in despair.

It would be very easy to get this economy growing at 5 or even up to 9%

Just end the war on capitalism, screw the debt, its the regulations OBama is enacting that are killing the recovery.

How can you have a war on capitalism and expect the economy to do well?

Please explain thank you in advance.

There is no war on caplitalism, that is just right wing talking points

You keep telling yourself that, Truth...you keep telling yourself that...

Here's a little hint for you...sometimes when things with the economy appear really bad? It's not a right wing talking point...it's the reality of what happens when you consistently pass legislation or appoint people that are anti-business. At some point progressives need to accept responsibility for the results of their actions and stop trying to blame everything on a party that didn't have power for over two years.
You have to point out the percieved deception not just claim it.

You wont because I have not been

Are you sure you want to open that can of dog food.

Not to mention do you actually believe I would spend my time giving you an idea you claimed just so you can attempt to legitimize it?

There is nothing for you to find no matter how much you cluck about it

You can believe what you like but that doesn't make you right......
truth is truth.

I dont lie and I dont play tricks.

If I did you would have produced an excample already.

Now why are you ignoring private sector housing experts so you can keep pretending all is bleak?
So you are claiming Obama planted these good economic indicators?

Who are you even talking to? And where the fuck did you get "Obama planted" anything... And why have you literally ignored like dozens of questions aimed at you? You keep wanting everyone to answer you, and they do, but when people ask you questions (many times the same questions you ask us) you fucking run away and start new threads or pretend you never saw them despite them getting spammed at you.

How many people have I been talking to here?

If I missed one of your questions ask it again.

There are many cons here and just me.

I have remained civil and you people not so much

Bitch you ain't civil, go fuck yourself.

Was it not you that proclaims every time someone does not agree with you that they are "party over country?" Wtf is civil about that? Read my fucking sig... Yeah, you're little Miss. Nice.

You're small minded bitch... You're outright one of the most rude bigoted people on these boards mainly because you generalize everyone and make broad sweeping statements that aim to make everyone on the right in the "uneducated" or "racist." Get fucked you lying twatmouth.

So there is another lie... You have claimed "I have remained civil" when in fact you not only attack someone you include tens of millions of people in your attacks.

And I’m not going to go back and find all my questions you ignore, I expected you to not reply to them as most people do… You glaze over them and “forget” to get back to us on purpose.
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