what if the US womens soccer team refused to visit the white house during Obamas presidency ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
what if they disagreed with him on his policies or just didnt like his way of communicating or some other reason ,any reason ........would the liberal media be screaming racism ?
She said on tv this morning she did not agree with Trump. She listed her grievances including exclusion. Seems to me she’s the person doing the excluding. I don’t think anyone gives a shit anymore! She and DeBlasio were made for each other! Let it go.
i wonder if joe biden will invite all of them to his home later on this summer,,,,,pool party?
what if they disagreed with him on his policies or just didnt like his way of communicating or some other reason ,any reason ........would the liberal media be screaming racism ?
There have been several refusals:
Athletes passing on visiting the White House is nothing new

Why they got to make a big stinking political deal about it? Just write a no thank you note would be sufficient. But this latest asshole had to throw the flag on the ground then walk on it? She deserves nothing.
If you refused the Black President you would be called a racist and liberals think that is a fate worse than death. Republicans don't give two shits because they're used to being falsely accused.
The Cocksucker in Chief had two years with a Dem Congress to make the soccer pay equal.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson failed to do that.

what if they disagreed with him on his policies or just didnt like his way of communicating or some other reason ,any reason ........would the liberal media be screaming racism ?
I would have said they were smart, maybe. However, I feel that it's unwise to turn down a presidential invite. No matter who it is.
I have said this before I think Presidents should stop this inviting Championship teams to the White House players want to make a political statement by refusing to go and the President had nothing to do with the team winning so to hell with it end this thing and it's a win for everyone.
what if they disagreed with him on his policies or just didnt like his way of communicating or some other reason ,any reason ........would the liberal media be screaming racism ?

In all honesty, I believe the first athletes to make a public issue out of not going to the White House was during Obama Presidents. If an athlete does not want to go, don’t go. If enough members of a team do not want to go, then a President should not waste his or her time and should cancel the invite.

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