What If Trumps Recent "AssWhoopins" Brings His Approval Near 60%?What Will The Left Do?

Now you're just making things up because you want to argue. I get it, Soleimani is a hero to you because he hated America and killed Americans and to your mind America is the ultimate evil in the world.

Did I need to use smaller words? Americas died in Iraq because our leaders LIED to us. Obama and Trump both ran on the platform of "getting us out of there", but they both ended up escalating the problems.

There's a certain point where you declare, "We've done all we can" and get out. This is what Jerry Ford did in Vietnam, and good on him.
I hear what you are saying, that America is always wrong and the people who hate America and kill Americans are always right.

You and Rose McGowan seem to be in perfect agreement, except that she doesn't lie quite as much as you do.

“Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us.”

Rose McGowan defends tweet apologizing to Iran after strike
What Will The Left Do?

I suppose the left will point out how transparently manipulative Orange Donnie is being. Now that the scheme to illegally smear Biden has been exposed the Divider-in-Chief is embarking on a new strategy to dupe the voters. Not that I think the gullible rubes who support him care if they are being conned. They seem to enjoy it.
I hear what you are saying, that America is always wrong and the people who hate America and kill Americans are always right.

Said nothing of the sort... but that's okay, we realize that you Trump Cultists are fine with war as long as someone else is doing the dying.
If Trump gets to 60%, he’ll get re-elected. But his approval ratings didn’t budge when he killed that ISIS dude so I don’t know why it would for the Iranian guy.
I'd think people's opinions on the guy are largely set in stone at this point. I'm not sure that's a good thing, but it is what it is.
New ISIS attack kills Iraqi troops while rockets fall in Green Zone

ISIS going for the Green Zone already... The Militia they bombed was actually fighting them... This is a disaster...

Trump's best way out is to just leave Iraq and sign the Nuclear deal with Iran... That would be a win from here...

It would mean US retreating from Syria and Iraq, which is kind of what he promised... Actually he promised a lot in the last election...

At present there is more US troops in the ME than when he became President...

Trump is just a bunch of broken promises in ME..
They would downplay & distort all the good and highlight & focus on all the bad. As always.

Always hope for the worst when the other guys are in power. Party over country.

Partisans are fairly predictable.

What was W’s approval rating in the aftermath of 9/11?

it was high. We went to Afghanistan and it was high. And then he started a war of choice in Iraq and became one of the most unpopular presidents in modern history.

Trump’s campaign of escalation of conflict with Iran is mostly a choice.
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Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

^^^ deplorable says what?

Iraqi parliament votes to kick US troops out following killing of Soleimani
The Associated Press
5 days ago
Iraqi parliament votes to kick US troops out following killing of Soleimani

Iraq Parliament Votes US Out of the Country (broad coverage)
Iraqi Lawmakers Vote to Expel U.S. Troops as Iran Mourns a Slain General
VT Editors January 5, 2020
Iraq Parliament Votes US Out of the Country (broad coverage) – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services


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