What If Trumps Recent "AssWhoopins" Brings His Approval Near 60%?What Will The Left Do?

Now remember what happened to Bush after 9/11? didnt he come close to 99% approval?
Hey, so long as Trump keeps opening up cans of whoop ass in Iran as we get closer to October, odds are he will be in the high 50's approval.
Should be interesting what the final 3 or 4 Democrats will have to say and campaign on if all is still going for Trump come Sept/Oct. with the economy and watching Iran slowly turning into Venezueala and Baltimore.
From an old white fart who has never lived in Baltimore .
And are we back to the ugly American?
"Ugly American" is a stereotype depicting American citizens as exhibiting loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior mainly abroad, but also at home."
These are the current trumpanzees.
Jealous old white farts
Actually ugly American referred to US diplomats in third world countries during the Cold War, but I guess under Democratic leadership, teh schools in drug and crime infested Baltimore don't have teachers who know about the Cold War.

Not really, loud, baggy shorts, pot bellies, air tickets sticking out of their shirts.
You never lived in Europe either apparently.
And quit representing Baltimore as a few blocks.
Ever heard of the wealthy suburbs?
And Memphis has higher crime
Why is it always knees news Baltimore and Chicago.
Look it up and publish the facts PLEASE
lol The suburbs are not Baltimore. Baltimore is the emblem of the indifference of black politicians to the sufferings of black people ever since Elijah Cummings and other Democrats seemed shocked when it was suggested they are not doing enough to help the poor people in drug and crime infested Baltimore.
So you live in Baltimore?
I missed it.
Looked up the most crime cities yet?
Now remember what happened to Bush after 9/11? didnt he come close to 99% approval?
Hey, so long as Trump keeps opening up cans of whoop ass in Iran as we get closer to October, odds are he will be in the high 50's approval.
Should be interesting what the final 3 or 4 Democrats will have to say and campaign on if all is still going for Trump come Sept/Oct. with the economy and watching Iran slowly turning into Venezueala and Baltimore.
From an old white fart who has never lived in Baltimore .
And are we back to the ugly American?
"Ugly American" is a stereotype depicting American citizens as exhibiting loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior mainly abroad, but also at home."
These are the current trumpanzees.
Jealous old white farts
Actually ugly American referred to US diplomats in third world countries during the Cold War, but I guess under Democratic leadership, teh schools in drug and crime infested Baltimore don't have teachers who know about the Cold War.

Not really, loud, baggy shorts, pot bellies, air tickets sticking out of their shirts.
You never lived in Europe either apparently.
And quit representing Baltimore as a few blocks.
Ever heard of the wealthy suburbs?
And Memphis has higher crime
Why is it always knees news Baltimore and Chicago.
Look it up and publish the facts PLEASE
lol The suburbs are not Baltimore. Baltimore is the emblem of the indifference of black politicians to the sufferings of black people ever since Elijah Cummings and other Democrats seemed shocked when it was suggested they are not doing enough to help the poor people in drug and crime infested Baltimore.
So you live in Baltimore?
I missed it.
Looked up the most crime cities yet?
No one wants to live in Baltimore except the drug dealer and other criminals and the poor people, mostly black, they exploit and the Democrats who turn an indifferent eye to it.
From an old white fart who has never lived in Baltimore .
And are we back to the ugly American?
"Ugly American" is a stereotype depicting American citizens as exhibiting loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior mainly abroad, but also at home."
These are the current trumpanzees.
Jealous old white farts
Actually ugly American referred to US diplomats in third world countries during the Cold War, but I guess under Democratic leadership, teh schools in drug and crime infested Baltimore don't have teachers who know about the Cold War.

Not really, loud, baggy shorts, pot bellies, air tickets sticking out of their shirts.
You never lived in Europe either apparently.
And quit representing Baltimore as a few blocks.
Ever heard of the wealthy suburbs?
And Memphis has higher crime
Why is it always knees news Baltimore and Chicago.
Look it up and publish the facts PLEASE
lol The suburbs are not Baltimore. Baltimore is the emblem of the indifference of black politicians to the sufferings of black people ever since Elijah Cummings and other Democrats seemed shocked when it was suggested they are not doing enough to help the poor people in drug and crime infested Baltimore.
So you live in Baltimore?
I missed it.
Looked up the most crime cities yet?
No one wants to live in Baltimore except the drug dealer and other criminals and the poor people, mostly black, they exploit and the Democrats who turn an indifferent eye to it.

So you are just whining with zero experience?
My son lives in the filthy rich gorgeous suburbs.
Like every other city you don't go to the bad blocks on sat night.
Surprise surprise
No comments about repub governors in CRIME RIDDEN cities.
Actually ugly American referred to US diplomats in third world countries during the Cold War, but I guess under Democratic leadership, teh schools in drug and crime infested Baltimore don't have teachers who know about the Cold War.

Not really, loud, baggy shorts, pot bellies, air tickets sticking out of their shirts.
You never lived in Europe either apparently.
And quit representing Baltimore as a few blocks.
Ever heard of the wealthy suburbs?
And Memphis has higher crime
Why is it always knees news Baltimore and Chicago.
Look it up and publish the facts PLEASE
lol The suburbs are not Baltimore. Baltimore is the emblem of the indifference of black politicians to the sufferings of black people ever since Elijah Cummings and other Democrats seemed shocked when it was suggested they are not doing enough to help the poor people in drug and crime infested Baltimore.
So you live in Baltimore?
I missed it.
Looked up the most crime cities yet?
No one wants to live in Baltimore except the drug dealer and other criminals and the poor people, mostly black, they exploit and the Democrats who turn an indifferent eye to it.

So you are just whining with zero experience?
My son lives in the filthy rich gorgeous suburbs.
Like every other city you don't go to the bad blocks on sat night.
Surprise surprise
No comments about repub governors in CRIME RIDDEN cities.
I'm glad your son is safe and staying out of drug and crime infested Baltimore, but that doesn't explain and certainly does not excuse the indifference of Democrats to the sufferings of the poor, mostly black, people who live there.
The Electoral College is a protection against states like California and New York importing Illegals to boost their voting roles, share of Federal Dollars and Representatives.

Hillary didn’t win shit. Besides that she fled to Ireland were there is no extradition treaty with The US.

They will mock those posting the poll results, asserting the same posters mocked the polls showing hitlery winning by 90% ratios.

some snarky bed wetter said:
Oh, so now you nazis believe the polls?
Zero college.
The polls were correct you know, she won by 2% or 3000000
Um, I don't remember. I think it was pretty high temporarily. Looks like you're jumping in to illustrate my point for me again, cool.

Were Dems hoping that Bush failed in his response to the attack? Was it party over country then?
Exactly right, and now they are hoping for a massive Iranian response that will kill many Americans because it will be bad for the President. I can still remember when Democrats were loyal Americans and not just loyal to the Party.

wow - you really believe that? that's fucking pitiful.
he is right when it comes to the die hards of the party....but they aint alone,republican die hards are the same way......

but i thought (D)s were bleeding heart liberal peaceniks not wanting any bloodshed ever - ESPECIALLY americans. the whackadoodle can't have it both ways. & no, i'm sorry - i don't accept that (D)s want americans dead just so they can 'own' donny
the die hards of both parties are some of the worst among us.....party over country....
What If Trumps Recent "AssWhoopins" Brings His Approval Near 60%?

It won't

I doubt it will have large effect on the polls. Most people approve of this one action, but doesn't mean they have forgotten, the daily lies, divisiveness, antagonism, Putin worship, NATO bashing, constant insane tweets, his impeachment, attacks on Justice Department officials he put in office, his hiring and firing history, especially Generals he has hired, fired, resigned, or been convicted, the nepotism, the pussy grabbing, the failure to condemn racist groups, the childish name calling, the love letters of Kim, sticking his nose into military justice, deserting the Kurd troops that fought beside our troops, appointing anti-environmentalists to the EPA, or that crazy Amway wife to education, the unqualified justices appointments to lower federal courts, William Barr, trying to get international summit meetings on his Trump resort, statement he could kill somebody on 5th Ave and his base would still support, his infidelity to all his wives, paying off whores with hush money, turning his back on his oath to support the constitution, people that have resigned rather than break the law for him, his association with at least 8 people in his inner circle now convicted criminals, working on a Trump Moscow deal while saying he had no business deals in Russia, windmills that cause cancer with their fumes, being an un-indicted co conspirator with his long time lawyer now in jail, shifting money approved by both houses of congress for military schools, barracks, base housing and Hurricane repairs to fund his wall, attacks on dead patriots and gold star families, denying Russia interfered to get him elected, obsessing over Greta somebody because Time picked her for person of year,failure to condemn Russia after palladium poisonings, playing to the echo chamber, disdain for all Americans that did not vote for him, shit hole countries, his fake hurricane forecasting, possible witness tampering, protecting the Saudi Prince after Kashoggi's murder by the Prince, opening up the only rain forest in America to logging, withholding evidence, draft dodging bone spurs, the border wall he promised Mexico would pay for, repeal and replace (without the replace) arms treaties broken unilaterally with no replacement negotiations, 6 bankruptcies til he can only get funding from foreign banks backed by Russians, tariff wars, paying off farmers required by him ruining their markets, hell I'm tire of typing.
Suffice it to say, one well place missile recommended by someone else for approval probably will not have dramatic effect and especially lasting effect on his polling. He was never cut out for the job.
Actually ugly American referred to US diplomats in third world countries during the Cold War, but I guess under Democratic leadership, teh schools in drug and crime infested Baltimore don't have teachers who know about the Cold War.

Not really, loud, baggy shorts, pot bellies, air tickets sticking out of their shirts.
You never lived in Europe either apparently.
And quit representing Baltimore as a few blocks.
Ever heard of the wealthy suburbs?
And Memphis has higher crime
Why is it always knees news Baltimore and Chicago.
Look it up and publish the facts PLEASE
lol The suburbs are not Baltimore. Baltimore is the emblem of the indifference of black politicians to the sufferings of black people ever since Elijah Cummings and other Democrats seemed shocked when it was suggested they are not doing enough to help the poor people in drug and crime infested Baltimore.
So you live in Baltimore?
I missed it.
Looked up the most crime cities yet?
No one wants to live in Baltimore except the drug dealer and other criminals and the poor people, mostly black, they exploit and the Democrats who turn an indifferent eye to it.

So you are just whining with zero experience?
My son lives in the filthy rich gorgeous suburbs.
Like every other city you don't go to the bad blocks on sat night.
Surprise surprise
No comments about repub governors in CRIME RIDDEN cities.

I lived north of Baltimore for 20 years, in Bel Air MD..And let me tell you, the corruption of Baltimore politics is legendary. We moved away, but I do miss the crabs...
We are not at war in Iraq. We were at war in Iraq for a very short time in 2003, but the rest of the time until Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011 in the belief it would help his reelection campaign, we were helping the Iraqis build a new democratic society. In 2011 Obama handed Iraq over to Iran and then when the combined forces of Iraq and Iran were unable to defeat ISIS, Iraq asked us to come back in 2014.

Wow.... that's retarded. YOu really need to lay off the Hate Radio.

We were at War in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. The war didn't stop because we left. When the people we propped up weren't capable of winning the war, they turned to us and the Iranians. Now we are trying to make them choose between us and the Iranians..

Hmmm- Okay - Us, we caused these problems by toppling Saddam and not sending in enough troops to secure the country, letting it spiral into chaos.

Iran, came in sent in their guys to put their lives on the line, and they are their brother Muslims...

The US is not at war with either Iran or Iraq, but after persistent attacks on US forces in Iraq, an Iranian backed militia finally killed a US citizen and wounded several others, the US struck back at that militia, and in response to that the same Iranian backed militia attacked the US embassy in Iraq and in response to that the US executed Iran's top terrorist who was, according to US intelligence and military sources, was about to launch a series of attacks against US personnel and property and US allies. These are the facts,

Um, no, these are a lot of claims by an Administration that lies. Vice-Fuhrer Pence today tried to claim that Iran helped the 9/11 attack, too.

The point is, we don't belong there. If the Iraqis can't secure our embassy, close the embassy up, withdraw all our people and be done with it. Quit sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

They hate us for reasons that cannot be changed. Again, you idiots think we can coddle them and they will not hate us anymore. This type of thinking illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. Their animosity is religiously motivated. They don't like people like you who don't believe in anything and they don't like people like me that are Christians.

No, guy, they hate us because we keep invading their countries, bombing their countries, and propping up really awful people to run their countries. This is why they hate us..

I'm old enough to remember when our biggest issue with the ME wasn't their religion. It was that they were all pro-Soviet Nationalists who hated Israel and the west, but religion just wasn't a big deal to guys like Arafat, Saddam, Assad the elder, Nassir. They just wanted the west out of their countries.

The reason why the "Islamists" have become a problem is because we enabled them. We gave weapons and training to them if they would just fight the Soviets for us.

Just remember kiddies... when Bin Laden was killing Russians who were trying to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, he became a "Terrorist".
No, Iraq and Iran were unsuccessful in defeating ISIS and that's why Iraq asked Obama to send US forces back to Iraq, and it was the US intervention that was largely responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and later in Syria.

No, it wasn't. Had a lot more to do with Iran committed tens of thousands of troops than us just ordering a few airstrikes.
We are not at war in Iraq. We were at war in Iraq for a very short time in 2003, but the rest of the time until Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011 in the belief it would help his reelection campaign, we were helping the Iraqis build a new democratic society. In 2011 Obama handed Iraq over to Iran and then when the combined forces of Iraq and Iran were unable to defeat ISIS, Iraq asked us to come back in 2014.

Wow.... that's retarded. YOu really need to lay off the Hate Radio.

We were at War in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. The war didn't stop because we left. When the people we propped up weren't capable of winning the war, they turned to us and the Iranians. Now we are trying to make them choose between us and the Iranians..

Hmmm- Okay - Us, we caused these problems by toppling Saddam and not sending in enough troops to secure the country, letting it spiral into chaos.

Iran, came in sent in their guys to put their lives on the line, and they are their brother Muslims...

The US is not at war with either Iran or Iraq, but after persistent attacks on US forces in Iraq, an Iranian backed militia finally killed a US citizen and wounded several others, the US struck back at that militia, and in response to that the same Iranian backed militia attacked the US embassy in Iraq and in response to that the US executed Iran's top terrorist who was, according to US intelligence and military sources, was about to launch a series of attacks against US personnel and property and US allies. These are the facts,

Um, no, these are a lot of claims by an Administration that lies. Vice-Fuhrer Pence today tried to claim that Iran helped the 9/11 attack, too.

The point is, we don't belong there. If the Iraqis can't secure our embassy, close the embassy up, withdraw all our people and be done with it. Quit sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

They hate us for reasons that cannot be changed. Again, you idiots think we can coddle them and they will not hate us anymore. This type of thinking illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. Their animosity is religiously motivated. They don't like people like you who don't believe in anything and they don't like people like me that are Christians.

No, guy, they hate us because we keep invading their countries, bombing their countries, and propping up really awful people to run their countries. This is why they hate us..

I'm old enough to remember when our biggest issue with the ME wasn't their religion. It was that they were all pro-Soviet Nationalists who hated Israel and the west, but religion just wasn't a big deal to guys like Arafat, Saddam, Assad the elder, Nassir. They just wanted the west out of their countries.

The reason why the "Islamists" have become a problem is because we enabled them. We gave weapons and training to them if they would just fight the Soviets for us.

Just remember kiddies... when Bin Laden was killing Russians who were trying to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, he became a "Terrorist".
Now you're just making things up because you want to argue. I get it, Soleimani is a hero to you because he hated America and killed Americans and to your mind America is the ultimate evil in the world.
No, Iraq and Iran were unsuccessful in defeating ISIS and that's why Iraq asked Obama to send US forces back to Iraq, and it was the US intervention that was largely responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and later in Syria.

No, it wasn't. Had a lot more to do with Iran committed tens of thousands of troops than us just ordering a few airstrikes.
Still making nonsense about your hero, Soleimani. Iran deployed its Quds force against ISIS early in 2014, but by the end of the year, Iraq was begging Obama to send the US back because ISIS was winning the fight. It wasn't until the US supplied air cover for the ground troops fighting against ISIS that ISIS began to lose ground.
Were Dems hoping that Bush failed in his response to the attack? Was it party over country then?
Exactly right, and now they are hoping for a massive Iranian response that will kill many Americans because it will be bad for the President. I can still remember when Democrats were loyal Americans and not just loyal to the Party.

wow - you really believe that? that's fucking pitiful.
he is right when it comes to the die hards of the party....but they aint alone,republican die hards are the same way......

but i thought (D)s were bleeding heart liberal peaceniks not wanting any bloodshed ever - ESPECIALLY americans. the whackadoodle can't have it both ways. & no, i'm sorry - i don't accept that (D)s want americans dead just so they can 'own' donny
That's what Trump Deramgement Syndrome will do to you.

TDS is believing whatever Deranged Trump Says. lol, you go boy.

No, guy, they hate us because we keep invading their countries, bombing their countries, and propping up really awful people to run their countries. This is why they hate us..

Once again you prove to be beyond help and completely ignorant and misinformed. There are several reasons why they hate us. One is our presence and influence in the ME, but not in the way you think it is. They(Islamic fundamentalists) do not support our Western way of life. They obviously don't agree with the Christians in our country and they most certainly don't agree with the radical left in our country that pushes for same sex marriage, woman's rights, etc. The regimes in Iran are radical. The regimes are not for Western influence of any kind, including economic. They are flat out jealous to some extent. They also despise our support for Israel. Being the non-believer you are, I guess you don't care, but no matter how you slice it, the US was founded as a Christian nation and Israel is a country that we will and should continue to support. That ticks them off and some other predominately Shia Islam nations. Israel is typically a counter puncher, it is their enemies that are motivated by their hate that are throwing the punches.

No matter what, you leftists always ultimately end up defending terrorists, blaming America and supporting Communism/Socialism/Totalitarianism. Haven't you figured out why this happens? You are programmed and don't even recognize it.
Now you're just making things up because you want to argue. I get it, Soleimani is a hero to you because he hated America and killed Americans and to your mind America is the ultimate evil in the world.

Did I need to use smaller words? Americas died in Iraq because our leaders LIED to us. Obama and Trump both ran on the platform of "getting us out of there", but they both ended up escalating the problems.

There's a certain point where you declare, "We've done all we can" and get out. This is what Jerry Ford did in Vietnam, and good on him.
Once again you prove to be beyond help and completely ignorant and misinformed. There are several reasons why they hate us. One is our presence and influence in the ME, but not in the way you think it is. They(Islamic fundamentalists) do not support our Western way of life.

Guy, I just said that, and you try to spin it a different way. Yes, they don't like us being there. Just like you wouldn't like it if a bunch of Iranians or Arabs occupied whatever part of Jesus-Land you live in. Fuck, you people completely freak out if some Mexicans move in next door and play their music too loud.

They obviously don't agree with the Christians in our country and they most certainly don't agree with the radical left in our country that pushes for same sex marriage, woman's rights, etc.

Okay. And why is that any of our business... Look, when we go into those countries, it's not like we actually say, "Okay, starting tomorrow, you are going to be doing abortions and gay marriages" We don't really even promote "Democracy" anymore, because if they took a vote, the Islamists would win. Instead, we go in, prop up an idiot like Karzi or Maliki who doesn't know what he's doing, and watch the place spiral out of control.in corruption and incompetence.

Let's not forget, our closest ally in the ME are the Saudis, who are probably the most repressive of the lot. And Trump says "How High?" when they say "Jump".

The regimes in Iran are radical. The regimes are not for Western influence of any kind, including economic. They are flat out jealous to some extent.

Okay, let's look at Iran. In 1953, the people of Iran DEMOCRATICALLY voted to get rid of the Shah and control their own economy instead of British Petroleum running it. The CIA went in, toppled the PM and put the Shah back in power, who proceeded to oppress any western-minded liberals for the next 26 years.

The reason why the Clergy became the only force that could oppose him was because even he knew he couldn't attack the Clergy. It would be like attacking God.

When the people of Iran rose up and overthrew the Shah, we like a bunch of idiots started screwing with them. We've been economically punishing them for 40 years now, even after they returned our hostages. We funded Saddam Hussien who made war on them for 8 years, until he turned on us.

You see, you want to make it the "West" against Iran. But most of the west wants to normalize relations with Iran. Germany, France the UK don't like that Trump scrapped the nuclear deal they worked very hard on, and have condemned the Assassination of Solemani.

They also despise our support for Israel.

As well they should. Here again, most of the world despises the Zionist Entity. Even a lot of liberal Jews are horrified by what the Zionists do. The US, though, we have all you idiots in the Red States who think we should prop up Israel so Jesus can come back!

Being the non-believer you are, I guess you don't care, but no matter how you slice it, the US was founded as a Christian nation and Israel is a country that we will and should continue to support.

Um, yeah, I don't care about a bunch of bronze age fairy tales... Besides the fact that most of the Founding Fathers were Deists, not Christians, they also thought shitting in a chamber pot was good idea, slavery was acceptable and bleeding someone to treat strep throat was a solid medical treatment.

It's the 21st fucking century. We have space shuttles and computers... time to put the fairy tales aside.

That ticks them off and some other predominately Shia Islam nations. Israel is typically a counter puncher, it is their enemies that are motivated by their hate that are throwing the punches.

The Zionist entity isn't "counter puncher". They are invaders. Most of the wars in with their neighbors, THEY SHOT FIRST. Some of them were outright wars of aggression, like when they conspired with France and the UK to seize the Suez Canal in 1956.

If the Zionists want to live in peace, here's a plan for that. Pack your fucking bags and go back to Europe where you came from.

No matter what, you leftists always ultimately end up defending terrorists, blaming America and supporting Communism/Socialism/Totalitarianism. Haven't you figured out why this happens? You are programmed and don't even recognize it.

Uh, one more time, I was more right wing than you are up until 2008. It's a matter of critical thinking. We've been in the "War on Terror" for 19 years now. We've been taking military action in or against Iraq since 1990. That you sit there like a little knob and thin, "Well, maybe if we just take out this guy, that will fix the problem." Solemani is just another in a long list of "This guy" we've taken out, but the people there still fucking hate us.

I've never had any use for the Zionists, though. They've been playing us for fools for years.

As far as supporting "Totalitarianism", we've propped up Somoza, Batista, Marcos, the Shah, a whole list of real bastards. Then we wonder why the people of their countries hate us when these guys get overthrown.

Here's a crazy idea. Our approach to the world should be, "We don't like the government you have, but that's your own business, not ours".

None of this will sink it, probably because no one you care about is likely to come back in a box.


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Now remember what happened to Bush after 9/11? didnt he come close to 99% approval?
Hey, so long as Trump keeps opening up cans of whoop ass in Iran as we get closer to October, odds are he will be in the high 50's approval.
Should be interesting what the final 3 or 4 Democrats will have to say and campaign on if all is still going for Trump come Sept/Oct. with the economy and watching Iran slowly turning into Venezueala and Baltimore.

If Trump gets to 60%, he’ll get re-elected. But his approval ratings didn’t budge when he killed that ISIS dude so I don’t know why it would for the Iranian guy.

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