What If Trumps Recent "AssWhoopins" Brings His Approval Near 60%?What Will The Left Do?

there will be no accolades for donny on this one, except for his basket dwelling base. most thinking individuals understand that it was really bad how we didn't even consult iraq on this. think about it if another nation took that action against someone inside this country, without consultation.

what president dotard did, was stir a hornet nest - & put our troops at great risk over there. not just in iraq - but every ME installation, embassy, & consulate. every government official & their family. every american abroad & possibly here at home. americans have once again got targets on our backs.

9/11 was a totally different scenario. oh & when we got attacked FIRST, we had to go to the UN & CONvince them that going into a sovereign nation ( which had zero to do with 9/11) was the right thing to do & please help us do it.

them thar NATO nations, whom donny has pretty much burned, may not wanna help us again & who can blame them?

Your rant is full of shit , why don't you go over there and consult with them, they will send your head back home in a bowling bag. NATO is a fucking joke .
Soleimani was no Patton or James Bond. For the last 20 years his job has been to organize a network of Arab terrorists who will betray their countries to fight Iran's wars to build an Iranian empire. He didn't lead men in battle, he was just a terrorist with a uniform.

Okay. Let's look at that. Soleimani lead the Iranian Quds force that was largely responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Most people consider that a good thing. Certainly most people in Iraq and Syria do.

Soleimani's execution is unrelated to US efforts to put an end to Iran's nuclear weapons program and imperialistic ambitions. It was purely a response to Iranian attacks on US personnel and property intended to intimidate the US and nationalistic Iraqis who want Iran out of their country. Iranian leaders understand now that they will be severely punished if they order attacks on the US or our allies, so despite all their chest thumping and weeping over the death of their top terrorist, any response from them will probably be largely symbolic and Democrats will be very disappointed.

Okay. Except it is having the opposite effect. People are marching down the streets of Baghdad yelling "Death to America" over these attacks.

The thing is, what's our long term plan? the next Iraqi government will probably be MORE pro-Iranian, not less.
No, Iraq and Iran were unsuccessful in defeating ISIS and that's why Iraq asked Obama to send US forces back to Iraq, and it was the US intervention that was largely responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and later in Syria. The most important fighters in defeating ISIS were the Kurds. Soliemani's contribution was to organize militia made up of Iraqis who were loyal to Iran and to pressure the Iraqi government to make them part of the Iraqi defense forces as the price for Iran's help in fighting ISIS. These militia today remain entirely loyal to Iran and have been executing any Iraqis who are opposed to the presence of Iran in Iraq - that's why so many Iraqis celebrated the news Soleimani was dead.

Iraqis who have demonstrated for months against a government they see as beholden to Iran broke into song and dance Friday after a US strike killed a top Iranian commander, an AFP photographer said.

“Oh Qasem Soleimani, this is a divine victory,” they cheered in Baghdad’s iconic Tahrir Square, the epicentre of their movement.

“This is God’s revenge for the blood of those killed,” one added, after nearly 460 people were killed in violence that many demonstrators have blamed on Iran-backed security forces.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted a video on Twitter Thursday night of Iraqis “dancing in the street” after the US killed the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani.

“Iraqis — Iraqis — dancing in the street for freedom; thankful that General Soleimani is no more,” Pompeo wrote, alongside footage of scores of people running along a road and waving what appeared to be Iraqi flags and other banners.

Iraq anti-government protesters sing, dance after Soleimani death

Soleimani was a hero of Iranian imperialism and he was a monster to everyone else.
How is killing a known terrorist with plans in the works to target American Ambassadors a bad thing? Someone posted that this was an act of terror on our part. That is beyond absurd. We didn't target anyone that was innocent.

It is time we put our foot down. Playing footsy with Iran and giving them money on pallets is idiotic and only emboldens them. The people in Iran are slowly becoming more Westernized, however, the leadership absolutely is not. They are as radical as ever and no amount of kisses the Democrats want to blow their way is going to change their hatred toward the US.

nothing has been shown what was in the works that we supposedly stopped b4 it happened.

And even if that is true, what is wrong with killing a known terrorist by drone strike? Seems as though that has been done before by previous administrations.

the #1 problem would be that the iraqi government knew nothing about it. now tell me how the US would tolerate such an action if another nation dropped a bomb within our borders without consultation.
What Iraqi government? There is only a caretaker government because Iraq is so deeply divided between Iraqis who are loyal to Iran and Iraqis who want the Iranians out of Iraq. The US actions were only to protect US forces and property in Iraq and only a Trump obsessed Democrat would suggest the US should allow any other government to decide whether or not to protect US citizens.

you have no idea the justification for this round. where's the evidence? & to not say a fucking thing to the SOVEREIGN nation that latest take out is in - is stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid.
They have fabricated nearly a half dozen witch hunts to no avail. The impeachment effort failed when they refused to complete it. Short of calling for a national snowflake safe space time out, there is nothing more they can do.
Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial
has there been any evidence shown yet as to why we conducted a pre eminent strike? no? no yo say? hmmmmm..... curious that.
He's like the #2 head terrorist.

What do you want?

they are peddling the notion that there was 'an eminent threat' how? when? where? give some details & show some proof. you wanna blindly believe without facts? america has been down that road & lookey where we are right now. for almost 20 yrs.

we have no answers. yet. now tell me how taking out that dude without any intel & the way it was done is working for us right now? enjoy that target on yer back... i sure don't.
a poll was taken at a boca raton pet supermarket,,,,all pets were polled,,,,Trump is at 100% approval !
Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

what denial?
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
By: Qassim Abdul-Zahra, The Associated Press and Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press   2 hours ago
Iraq, which is closely allied with both Washington and Tehran, condemned the airstrike that killed Soleimani and called it an attack on its national sovereignty. Parliament is to meet for an emergency session on Sunday, and the government has come under mounting pressure to expel the 5,200 American troops based in the country, who are there to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
Call up Putin and ask him to make another Dossier.

Now remember what happened to Bush after 9/11? didnt he come close to 99% approval?
Hey, so long as Trump keeps opening up cans of whoop ass in Iran as we get closer to October, odds are he will be in the high 50's approval.
Should be interesting what the final 3 or 4 Democrats will have to say and campaign on if all is still going for Trump come Sept/Oct. with the economy and watching Iran slowly turning into Venezueala and Baltimore.
Oh Solo Mio is burning in Hell with Muhammad, Stalin, Hitler, Obama Bin Laden, and your dead Daddy, Al Baghdadi.

Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

what denial?
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
By: Qassim Abdul-Zahra, The Associated Press and Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press   2 hours ago
Iraq, which is closely allied with both Washington and Tehran, condemned the airstrike that killed Soleimani and called it an attack on its national sovereignty. Parliament is to meet for an emergency session on Sunday, and the government has come under mounting pressure to expel the 5,200 American troops based in the country, who are there to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

what denial?
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
By: Qassim Abdul-Zahra, The Associated Press and Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press   2 hours ago
Iraq, which is closely allied with both Washington and Tehran, condemned the airstrike that killed Soleimani and called it an attack on its national sovereignty. Parliament is to meet for an emergency session on Sunday, and the government has come under mounting pressure to expel the 5,200 American troops based in the country, who are there to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
We get your weepy mourning post commie.
Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

what denial?
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
By: Qassim Abdul-Zahra, The Associated Press and Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press   2 hours ago
Iraq, which is closely allied with both Washington and Tehran, condemned the airstrike that killed Soleimani and called it an attack on its national sovereignty. Parliament is to meet for an emergency session on Sunday, and the government has come under mounting pressure to expel the 5,200 American troops based in the country, who are there to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
We get your weepy mourning post commie.

you need to get some anti psychotics.
Shouldn’t you be putting on your goat costume for your wedding night as an ISIS Bride?

Oh Solo Mio is burning in Hell with Muhammad, Stalin, Hitler, Obama Bin Laden, and your dead Daddy, Al Baghdadi.

spoken like a true rw freakazoid.
Imagine Iraq becoming an ally out of this. Liberals will just be crushed and declare a national day of denial

don't be surprised if we get kicked out outa there.
They let us stage from there. Denial noted, thank you for starting the ball rolling, we knew you could do it.

what denial?
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
By: Qassim Abdul-Zahra, The Associated Press and Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press   2 hours ago
Iraq, which is closely allied with both Washington and Tehran, condemned the airstrike that killed Soleimani and called it an attack on its national sovereignty. Parliament is to meet for an emergency session on Sunday, and the government has come under mounting pressure to expel the 5,200 American troops based in the country, who are there to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.
Soleimani mourned as pressure mounts to kick US troops out of Iraq
We get your weepy mourning post commie.

you need to get some anti psychotics.
Oh can’t you put a LOL on me instead as that’s the REAL cellar dweller snowflake government mooch rebuke that hurts.
They will mock those posting the poll results, asserting the same posters mocked the polls showing hitlery winning by 90% ratios.

some snarky bed wetter said:
Oh, so now you nazis believe the polls?
Zero college.
The polls were correct you know, she won by 2% or 3000000

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