What If Trumps Recent "AssWhoopins" Brings His Approval Near 60%?What Will The Left Do?

Lol, the major networks counted our soldiers death gleefully on air daily.

so, they shouldn't have stated facts? & it sure as shit wasn't 'gleefully'.

did you not care how many were being killed? staying poorly educated is what W wanted because he knew the anger people would feel & how that gave rise to the unpopularity of vietnam, helping to end that war.

sounds like you are obliging donny like a good little deplorable he loves long time. where's the evidence of anything showing 'we' were in eminent danger? i'm skeptical, cause this might be another 'yellow cake - mushroom cloud ' fiasco.
They quit when Obama was elected.

that is supposta make sense?
Yes they used our soldiers as a political pawn and you support it.

you cray cray.
Actually I'm spot on. Liberals have always hated our military and the proved it during the Bush years.
LOL. You missed my point entirely. How do you do that so consistently?

No I didn't. You were teaching the class that "the media" will support any military action that any president takes, even Trump, because they get good ratings. You think that "they" are hypocrites and you think "we" are too stupid to grasp this fact.

Everyone here knows this. Everyone.
I don’t think so.

If you are fine with a media that constantly attacks a president but then always supports his military actions, you’re dumber than I thought. This is not an independent media. It is clearly compromised. Too bad you can’t see this.

i'm not seeing any blind support at this stage. not counting fox - cause i can't stomach watching that 'news' station. although i bet the rwnj talking pundits on the radio are cheering & supporting donny.
Please read...

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.”

Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.
With the MSM now cheering his attacks, when they were calling him a liar 24/7 prior to, I suspect his ratings will go up.

If one can’t see the blatant hypocrisy of our media, one clearly is a fool.

It isn't a revelation that cable news programs get ratings boosts when there are images of war to flash on the screen.

Why do you always behave like you are teaching people things?
LOL. You missed my point entirely. How do you do that so consistently?

No I didn't. You were teaching the class that "the media" will support any military action that any president takes, even Trump, because they get good ratings. You think that "they" are hypocrites and you think "we" are too stupid to grasp this fact.

Everyone here knows this. Everyone.
I don’t think so.

If you are fine with a media that constantly attacks a president but then always supports his military actions, you’re dumber than I thought. This is not an independent media. It is clearly compromised. Too bad you can’t see this.

You assume too much. That's where your arrogance comes from.

Perhaps I'm really special in this regard, but I don't think so. I am able to watch cable news programs and sift through the BS to find the shit that is accurate. It appears that you are as well.

Those who cannot are easy to spot. Why is it that you don't concentrate on them?
Where is the outrage? They rage about every little thing he says and tweets, but when he uses military action they all line up in support or at least they refuse to criticize.

If you can’t see that, you’re blind
No I didn't. You were teaching the class that "the media" will support any military action that any president takes, even Trump, because they get good ratings. You think that "they" are hypocrites and you think "we" are too stupid to grasp this fact.

Everyone here knows this. Everyone.
I don’t think so.

If you are fine with a media that constantly attacks a president but then always supports his military actions, you’re dumber than I thought. This is not an independent media. It is clearly compromised. Too bad you can’t see this.

i'm not seeing any blind support at this stage. not counting fox - cause i can't stomach watching that 'news' station. although i bet the rwnj talking pundits on the radio are cheering & supporting donny.
Please read...

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.”

Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
I don’t think so.

If you are fine with a media that constantly attacks a president but then always supports his military actions, you’re dumber than I thought. This is not an independent media. It is clearly compromised. Too bad you can’t see this.

i'm not seeing any blind support at this stage. not counting fox - cause i can't stomach watching that 'news' station. although i bet the rwnj talking pundits on the radio are cheering & supporting donny.
Please read...

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.”

Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.
i'm not seeing any blind support at this stage. not counting fox - cause i can't stomach watching that 'news' station. although i bet the rwnj talking pundits on the radio are cheering & supporting donny.
Please read...

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.”

Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Please read...

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.”

Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Could you please post ANY critical commentary by CNN, regarding the unjust murder of the general? Are they questioning the US government’s position he was a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and about to commit murderous acts against Americans?
Dude. CNN is not doing what you claim they are doing.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Could you please post ANY critical commentary by CNN, regarding the unjust murder of the general? Are they questioning the US government’s position he was a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and about to commit murderous acts against Americans?

They have not called the action unjust nor murder.
They are not questioning the claims that he was a terrorist responsible for killing hundreds of America.
They are questioning the aim that he was about to commit murderous acts against Americans.
They sure are, as is all other other government run media outlets.

Where is the outrage in the media over this act of war, for which Donnie didn’t obtain Congressional approval? Now Congress has something real to impeach him for, but they won’t dare go up against the war machine.

For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Could you please post ANY critical commentary by CNN, regarding the unjust murder of the general? Are they questioning the US government’s position he was a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and about to commit murderous acts against Americans?

They have not called the action unjust nor murder.
They are not questioning the claims that he was a terrorist responsible for killing hundreds of America.
They are questioning the aim that he was about to commit murderous acts against Americans.
Yes I know. Thank you. You see my point then? Good.
For the most part, CNN is approaching this matter with caution. They are not issuing a full throated endorsement of this action. They are doing what people like you claim to desire. They are reporting the news as it develops.

Some pundits there are, in fact, questioning the wisdom of the action while others are giving us the Trump talking points.

It is true that CNN loves the drama. But your description of what they are doing is not accurate.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Could you please post ANY critical commentary by CNN, regarding the unjust murder of the general? Are they questioning the US government’s position he was a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and about to commit murderous acts against Americans?

They have not called the action unjust nor murder.
They are not questioning the claims that he was a terrorist responsible for killing hundreds of America.
They are questioning the aim that he was about to commit murderous acts against Americans.
Yes I know. Thank you. You see my point then? Good.

Reread the last sentence. You are misrepresenting the matter.
That is the most laughable excuse for a reason.

I'm trying to figure out why you are making the claim that you are making. It is easy to turn the channel to CNN and see that you are misrepresenting the way they are reporting this.

Could you please post ANY critical commentary by CNN, regarding the unjust murder of the general? Are they questioning the US government’s position he was a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and about to commit murderous acts against Americans?

They have not called the action unjust nor murder.
They are not questioning the claims that he was a terrorist responsible for killing hundreds of America.
They are questioning the aim that he was about to commit murderous acts against Americans.
Yes I know. Thank you. You see my point then? Good.

Reread the last sentence. You are misrepresenting the matter.
I did and chose to ignore it.
It was unquestionably a good move and the world is a better place because this terrorist kingpin is dead. While I'm sure the Democrats are hoping for a massive Iranian response that will kill many Americans because the believe it will be bad for Trump, by now the Iranians understand that the US will severely punish any Iranian leader who orders such an attack as we have just punished Soleimani.

Uh, guy, we are 17 years into a War in Iraq, and Trump just escalated it after he promised to get us out.

The thing is, long term, the Iranians have more tolerance for pain than we do. First couple of attacks, we'll be angry... the next batch, people will start asking what we are trying to accomplish over there at this point.

What are we trying to accomplish? What's the end game?
It was unquestionably a good move and the world is a better place because this terrorist kingpin is dead. While I'm sure the Democrats are hoping for a massive Iranian response that will kill many Americans because the believe it will be bad for Trump, by now the Iranians understand that the US will severely punish any Iranian leader who orders such an attack as we have just punished Soleimani.

Uh, guy, we are 17 years into a War in Iraq, and Trump just escalated it after he promised to get us out.

The thing is, long term, the Iranians have more tolerance for pain than we do. First couple of attacks, we'll be angry... the next batch, people will start asking what we are trying to accomplish over there at this point.

What are we trying to accomplish? What's the end game?
The Empire’s end game is total and complete submission.
I don't how such a conclusion can be drawn when we don't know how they will react and how events will unfold.

Maybe we'll be able to make a more accurate analysis in three or four or five years.

We've been over there for 17 years, and are no closer to our goals of a Democratic, Stable Iraq than we were before.

I think we've had more than enough time to make a "accurate analysis". People predicted the Iranians would end up on top back in 2006.
Soleimani was no Patton or James Bond. For the last 20 years his job has been to organize a network of Arab terrorists who will betray their countries to fight Iran's wars to build an Iranian empire. He didn't lead men in battle, he was just a terrorist with a uniform.

Okay. Let's look at that. Soleimani lead the Iranian Quds force that was largely responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Most people consider that a good thing. Certainly most people in Iraq and Syria do.

Soleimani's execution is unrelated to US efforts to put an end to Iran's nuclear weapons program and imperialistic ambitions. It was purely a response to Iranian attacks on US personnel and property intended to intimidate the US and nationalistic Iraqis who want Iran out of their country. Iranian leaders understand now that they will be severely punished if they order attacks on the US or our allies, so despite all their chest thumping and weeping over the death of their top terrorist, any response from them will probably be largely symbolic and Democrats will be very disappointed.

Okay. Except it is having the opposite effect. People are marching down the streets of Baghdad yelling "Death to America" over these attacks.

The thing is, what's our long term plan? the next Iraqi government will probably be MORE pro-Iranian, not less.
How is killing a known terrorist with plans in the works to target American Ambassadors a bad thing? Someone posted that this was an act of terror on our part. That is beyond absurd. We didn't target anyone that was innocent.

I mean, yeah, they were all brown people, so they were obviously guilty of something.

It is time we put our foot down. Playing footsy with Iran and giving them money on pallets is idiotic and only emboldens them. The people in Iran are slowly becoming more Westernized, however, the leadership absolutely is not. They are as radical as ever and no amount of kisses the Democrats want to blow their way is going to change their hatred toward the US.

Guy, the reality is, the people of Iran hate us and for good reason. Maybe we need to stop giving them new reasons to hate us.
It was unquestionably a good move and the world is a better place because this terrorist kingpin is dead. While I'm sure the Democrats are hoping for a massive Iranian response that will kill many Americans because the believe it will be bad for Trump, by now the Iranians understand that the US will severely punish any Iranian leader who orders such an attack as we have just punished Soleimani.

Uh, guy, we are 17 years into a War in Iraq, and Trump just escalated it after he promised to get us out.

The thing is, long term, the Iranians have more tolerance for pain than we do. First couple of attacks, we'll be angry... the next batch, people will start asking what we are trying to accomplish over there at this point.

What are we trying to accomplish? What's the end game?
We are not at war in Iraq. We were at war in Iraq for a very short time in 2003, but the rest of the time until Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011 in the belief it would help his reelection campaign, we were helping the Iraqis build a new democratic society. In 2011 Obama handed Iraq over to Iran and then when the combined forces of Iraq and Iran were unable to defeat ISIS, Iraq asked us to come back in 2014.

The US is not at war with either Iran or Iraq, but after persistent attacks on US forces in Iraq, an Iranian backed militia finally killed a US citizen and wounded several others, the US struck back at that militia, and in response to that the same Iranian backed militia attacked the US embassy in Iraq and in response to that the US executed Iran's top terrorist who was, according to US intelligence and military sources, was about to launch a series of attacks against US personnel and property and US allies. These are the facts, and since they clearly show all US actions have been in response to escalating Iranian attacks on US personnel and property, there is no rational basis for claiming the US has escalated the conflict. Further, there is no rational basis for you to claim Iranians have more tolerance for pain than we do or for your assumption Iran is capable of inflicting much pain on the US.
How is killing a known terrorist with plans in the works to target American Ambassadors a bad thing? Someone posted that this was an act of terror on our part. That is beyond absurd. We didn't target anyone that was innocent.

I mean, yeah, they were all brown people, so they were obviously guilty of something.

It is time we put our foot down. Playing footsy with Iran and giving them money on pallets is idiotic and only emboldens them. The people in Iran are slowly becoming more Westernized, however, the leadership absolutely is not. They are as radical as ever and no amount of kisses the Democrats want to blow their way is going to change their hatred toward the US.

Guy, the reality is, the people of Iran hate us and for good reason. Maybe we need to stop giving them new reasons to hate us.

Yeah, of course it is all about race. Cheez.

They hate us for reasons that cannot be changed. Again, you idiots think we can coddle them and they will not hate us anymore. This type of thinking illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. Their animosity is religiously motivated. They don't like people like you who don't believe in anything and they don't like people like me that are Christians.
Now remember what happened to Bush after 9/11? didnt he come close to 99% approval?
Hey, so long as Trump keeps opening up cans of whoop ass in Iran as we get closer to October, odds are he will be in the high 50's approval.
Should be interesting what the final 3 or 4 Democrats will have to say and campaign on if all is still going for Trump come Sept/Oct. with the economy and watching Iran slowly turning into Venezueala and Baltimore.
Go bat shit crazy

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