What if we had restricted Blacks in America to 2% and no more?

What if Native Americans had limited whites ... ?

Perhaps they would have.

If they had imported whites.
How about we exile the race-baiting 2%? Starting with Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson.


However, we CAN move to prevent an even worse group stink from growing in America.

2% and no more.

Its the race baiters and race haters we need to get rid of.

Like you.

In the best of worlds, you all go. 2% of you don't get to stay.

But the good news is that now that people like you are crawling out from under your slimy rocks, the Civil Rights Movement will gain a new momentum.

You WILL lose.
How about we exile the race-baiting 2%? Starting with Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson.


However, we CAN move to prevent an even worse group stink from growing in America.

2% and no more.

Its the race baiters and race haters we need to get rid of.

Like you.

In the best of worlds, you all go. 2% of you don't get to stay.

But the good news is that now that people like you are crawling out from under your slimy rocks, the Civil Rights Movement will gain a new momentum.

You WILL lose.


America will lose if we allow your brethren to reach critical mass here.

Like the terrible, awful Swedes did. Oh, they weren't actually all that terrible or awful. They were just uninformed of what would happen to their lovely country when they allowed an unrestricted influx of Muslims in.

Now look what happened to them

That is what will happen here if we allow it.



This is a typical Muslim ploy to use our own history and our guilt over it to force us to accept their numbers without protest.

Stealth Jihad In action.

See, no one has a RIGHT to be allowed to immigrate here. But they act as if we are denying their right to come in and undermine our society, government and culture and they are trying to make US feel like WE are the bad guys!

All we are doing is exercising a bit of well prescribed self preservation.

Do you mean we should have limited the number that we kidnapped and imported as free labor, or sterilized them to prevent them from breeding?

This thread is mind blowing.

The Chinese sterilized every black slave imported into their Country. Maybe the U.S. isn't quite as barbaric as some folks assume.
What if we had restricted Blacks in America to 2% and no more?

Where would the USA be today if we had restricted Blacks in America to no more than 2% total by population when that might have been possible to do?

It is impossible to say. But we would not be having the kinds of problems we are having now in this country, such as in Ferguson with the Obama riots.

Well, we DO have a chance to restrict this other group from reaching the level of toxicity as the Big Mike mooks.

2% and no more.


I'll leave that up to those better equipped to figure out the details.

You seem like a smart poster.

How would you do it?

What if we had restricted Blacks in America to 2% and no more?

Where would the USA be today if we had restricted Blacks in America to no more than 2% total by population when that might have been possible to do?

It is impossible to say. But we would not be having the kinds of problems we are having now in this country, such as in Ferguson with the Obama riots.

Well, we DO have a chance to restrict this other group from reaching the level of toxicity as the Big Mike mooks.

2% and no more.

Mexico does this. I don't agree with it.
Too bad we didn't restrict Rednecks. Their states are polluted shitholes living off the hard work of more liberal Blue States.
"What if we had restricted Blacks in America to 2% and no more?"

A fantasy for many racists, no doubt.

I note you are careful not to say that such a move in the near future, in regards to Muslims. would be motivated by racism.


Even Muslim apologists know this is but a prudent action of self preservation.
What if we had restricted Blacks in America to 2% and no more?

Where would the USA be today if we had restricted Blacks in America to no more than 2% total by population when that might have been possible to do?

It is impossible to say. But we would not be having the kinds of problems we are having now in this country, such as in Ferguson with the Obama riots.

Well, we DO have a chance to restrict this other group from reaching the level of toxicity as the Big Mike mooks.

2% and no more.

Mexico does this. I don't agree with it.


Democrats are the problem, not Blacks and other minorities.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Seems Democrats get along with each other nicely.

Only until Muslim populations exceed 2%

Stage 2. Establish Outposts

Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark).

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example[7] is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.

Population density 5%-10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos.[8] There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.​

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Do you mean we should have limited the number that we kidnapped and imported as free labor, or sterilized them to prevent them from breeding?

This thread is mind blowing.
We didn't kidnap anyone.

true story
right, uh huh,

we were just the drug users and not the drug dealers....is that what you are saying, in so many words?

And our demand for slaves didn't have anything to do with the increased supply?

Slaves were kidnapped in Africa by Africans, very true, but they did so for our, and other nationalities demand....to fill our demand for them 2 thumbs....

So, both evils, were truly intertwined imho.

Do you mean we should have limited the number that we kidnapped and imported as free labor, or sterilized them to prevent them from breeding?

This thread is mind blowing.
We didn't kidnap anyone.

true story
right, uh huh,

we were just the drug users and not the drug dealers....is that what you are saying, in so many words?

And our demand for slaves didn't have anything to do with the increased supply?

Slaves were kidnapped in Africa by Africans, very true, but they did so for our, and other nationalities demand....to fill our demand for them 2 thumbs....

So, both evils, were truly intertwined imho.

At its height slave owning was only practiced by 2% of Americans.

And Blacks also owned slaves in America.

The first American slave owner recorded was himself Black and so was his slave.

BTW, here's an interesting bit of info.

The Portuguese were the first to engage in the New World slave trade in the 16th century, and others soon followed. Ship owners considered the slaves as cargo to be transported to the Americas as quickly and cheaply as possible,[2] there to be sold to labour in coffee, tobacco, cocoa, sugar and cotton plantations, gold and silver mines, rice fields, construction industry, cutting timber for ships, in skilled labour, and as domestic servants.

The first Africans imported to the English colonies were classified as "indentured servants", like workers coming from England, and also, "apprentices for life".

By the middle of the 17th century, slavery had hardened as a racial caste;

they and their offspring were legally the property of their owners, and children born to slave mothers were slaves. As property, the people were considered merchandise or units of labour, and were sold at markets with other goods and services.

The Atlantic slave traders, ordered by trade volume, were: the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch Empire, and the United States.

Several had established outposts on the African coast where they purchased slaves from local African leaders.[3] Current estimates are that about 12 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic,[4] although the number purchased by the traders is considerably higher.[5][6][7]
Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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