Zone1 What is a Jew?

Perhaps you should ask Jews to forgive YOU for all the anti-Jew hostility you spread.
It is not required for me to ask a person for forgiveness. Only Jesus. I will ask his forgiveness for offending you, as all I am trying to do is understand why you so-called Jews reject Jesus.
^^ there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. A Jew can never do any wrong so why would they ever ask for forgiveness. If you tell them they have offended you, they won’t apologize like they claimed, they instead insult you and claim you are racist or some silly thing.
We never said we can never do wrong. In fact, we acknowledged that we DO - and that we seek forgiveness from those we hav wronged.

It sounds like YOU need to apologize for telling a Jew that we “push evil.”
Doesn’t sound to me that you “love your neighbor” when you say Jews push evil - especially when you are talking to one . You are an intolerant bigot.
Proverbs 8:13 tells us to hate evil. We are not supposed to tolerate evil.
It is not required for me to ask a person for forgiveness. Only Jesus. I will ask his forgiveness for offending you, as all I am trying to do is understand why you so-called Jews reject Jesus.
Yeah, I know….that’s the problem. You think you can insult and offend Jews as much as you want because “Jesus will forgive.”

And if you want to understand something from a Jew, don’t call us “so-called Jews.” Seems your mind is made up, so why should we bother?
We never said we can never do wrong. In fact, we acknowledged that we DO - and that we seek forgiveness from those we hav wronged.

It sounds like YOU need to apologize for telling a Jew that we “push evil.”
You do push evil, you claim Jesus is not the messiah. That is a lie. Lies are evil.
Yeah, I know….that’s the problem. You think you can insult and offend Jews as much as you want because “Jesus will forgive.”

And if you want to understand something from a Jew, don’t call us “so-called Jews.” Seems your mind is made up, so why should we bother?
I say “so-called Jews” because so many give different answers about what it is to be a Jew. There is no real consensus.

Maybe some actual Hebrew Jews that have the same practices as 2000 years ago could still be real Jews. Most of the rest seem to just be Eastern European white people that like an “easy” religion where they can just makeup the rules as they go so it is “easy” to get into heaven. The “I’m a good person so I am going to heaven” types.
Doesn’t sound to me that you “love your neighbor” when you say Jews push evil - especially when you are talking to one . You are an intolerant bigot.
To be clear, it is not just Jews that push evil. All people sin and many push lies and “evil“, even if that is not their intentions. The idea is to get people to recognize what they are doing is wrong so they can change.
How is it wrong? It is merely quoting Jeremiah.

The old covenant is obsolete because we have the new one. Why else would we need a new covenant then? The laws are still fine to follow, such as the Ten Commandments, but if you follow Jesus’s two commandments, to love God and to love thy neighbor, then you are following the pervious law anyway.
if the old one is "obsolete" then God breaks it and replaces it. You just answered your own question! Good job.

Judaism doesn't see the old one as obsolete -- it sees the nature of one of the participants as having changed so a new form of the same covenant is presented.
You do push evil, you claim Jesus is not the messiah. That is a lie. Lies are evil.
ah, but if I say "you claim Jesus is the messiah. That is a lie. Lies are evil" then I can claim, with the same authority that you push evil. Are you OK with that? Just making sure.
It was actually in the article I linked to. And since the renewed covenant hasn't been established yet, how do you expect me to give a date when it happened? You aren't making sense.
I see, so you say this will all happen when the messiah comes.

Your link claims that Leviticus 26:44 proves that God’s covenant with Jews is eternal.

The only problem is it does not say it is an eternal covenant at all:

44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God.

He says he will not break the covenant, he does not say it is eternal or will never be replaced.

Did God break his covenant (promise) that he would not reject them or abhor them so much to destroy them? No. He kept his promise, he did not allow the Jews to be destroyed. He still allows all Jews salvation and eternal life through the New Covenant. The point of Hebrews saying the old covenant is “obsolete” is because that promise was already fulfilled by God and is moot. From that point on, the only thing that matters is the New Covenant and accepting Christ into your heart.
ah, but if I say "you claim Jesus is the messiah. That is a lie. Lies are evil" then I can claim, with the same authority that you push evil. Are you OK with that? Just making sure.
Well if Jesus was a heretic then yes you should be claiming that.
I see, so you say this will all happen when the messiah comes.

Your link claims that Leviticus 26:44 proves that God’s covenant with Jews is eternal.

The only problem is it does not say it is an eternal covenant at all:

44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God.

He says he will not break the covenant, he does not say it is eternal or will never be replaced.
So God says that he will not reject the people or break the covenant but you say it will be replaced nevertheless. That's a crazy thing to say but, hey, own it man! You might want to look at Jeremiah 31:35 which states that it would take the annulling of the laws to break the connection between God and the Jews but the covenant you speak of reinforces the laws, so that means it isn't replaced or broken. Deut 29 says it is for all time. Psalms 111 says the law is for ever. So if the law is forever and all time, then the covenant is and can't be replaced. Want to try again?
Well if Jesus was a heretic then yes you should be claiming that.
And would it, as a claim, have any impact on you? (and no, Jesus wasn't a heretic)

Just so you understand how useful your name calling is.
See, this is the difference.

I could just call you an anti-Christ and be done with you. But I would rather engage in discussion.
How do you “engage in discussion” when you tell me people of my religion are evil? Nice way to engage in a discussion.

I see similarities between fundamental Christians and leftists - both groups resort to calling those who refuse to submit to THEIR way of thinking as evil or racist or whatever the insult of the day is.
So God says that he will not reject the people or break the covenant but you say it will be replaced nevertheless. That's a crazy thing to say but, hey, own it man! You might want to look at Jeremiah 31:35 which states that it would take the annulling of the laws to break the connection between God and the Jews but the covenant you speak of reinforces the laws, so that means it isn't replaced or broken. Deut 29 says it is for all time. Psalms 111 says the law is for ever. So if the law is forever and all time, then the covenant is and can't be replaced. Want to try again?
A covenant is a promise from God. Did God break those promises? No.

Are you claiming that God’s covenant with David and Moses meant that previous covenants were broken by God? Of course not, so why would this one be any different.

God kept his promise, but still made a new promise.
How do you “engage in discussion” when you tell me people of my religion are evil? Nice way to engage in a discussion.

I see similarities between fundamental Christians and leftists - both groups resort to calling those who refuse to submit to THEIR way of thinking as evil or racist or whatever the insult of the day is.
I said they are pushing evil. I also said others push evil as well, such as Christians. You are getting too emotional to have a rational conversation with.

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