Zone1 What is a Jew?

I’m a little confused here. How can an “orthodox Jewish rabbi” like yourself accept that Old Testament Bible stories are just “mythologies,” yet consider them somehow the revealed words of God?
I don't see mythology as being necessary "untrue." The first definition of "myth" I can cite is "a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events."

While the second definition includes the notion of being untrue, I see "mythology" as "a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition."
If the content isn’t any different then why would there be a need for a new covenant?

How is it written in their hearts?
You need a new covenant because the old one, which required being taught externally, didn't stick. So when the nature of man changes, God can inscribe it directly into the hearts (think of that as being hard wired, or ROM, as opposed to RAM). The BIOS can be rewritten so the entire system operates differently, but only once there is the new chipset.
So how was this new law “placed in their midst”?

How was it “inscribed in their hearts”?

You also did not tell us what this new covenant is exactly. When and where did it happen if it was not Jesus?
It isn't "new law" it is the Torah. The covenant is the relationship, as signaled by God's giving us the Torah and our obeying it.
It isn't "new law" it is the Torah. The covenant is the relationship, as signaled by God's giving us the Torah and our obeying it.
It’s God’s law.

I see you cannot answer what this new covenant is and when it was established.

All the covenants with God in the Hebrew Bible are well established and known:

Covenant with Adam and Eve: To not eat from the tree of knowledge > Broken > death enters the world.

Noah’s: God promised to not flood the Earth again. Will rescue humanity through “offspring of the woman” (Gen 3:15).

Abraham’s: circumcision. Abraham’s children will inherit the land.

Moses: God’s laws, the Ten Commandments > broken.

David’s: David’s descendant will have a throne and kingdom that will last forever.

New Covenant: (Jer 31:30-33). He will give us a “new heart” and “new spirit” (Ezekiel 36:26).

Yet you cannot tell us when and where this new covenant was established, since you claim it is not Jesus’s.
What nonsense. Seek forgiveness from ones you wronged? What happens when you wrong God? What if the person you seek forgiveness from doesn’t give it, or is dead?
You say it’s nonsense to seek forgiveness from one’s you wronged? It makes better sense to seek forgiveness from someone who lived 2000 years ago and instead never ask forgiveness of the person you wronged?

If the person you seek forgiveness from doesn’t give it, then that’s on him. It is incumbent upon us to forgive, if sincerely requested.
It’s God’s law.

I see you cannot answer what this new covenant is and when it was established.

All the covenants with God in the Hebrew Bible are well established and known:

Covenant with Adam and Eve: To not eat from the tree of knowledge > Broken > death enters the world.

Noah’s: God promised to not flood the Earth again. Will rescue humanity through “offspring of the woman” (Gen 3:15).

Abraham’s: circumcision. Abraham’s children will inherit the land.

Moses: God’s laws, the Ten Commandments > broken.

David’s: David’s descendant will have a throne and kingdom that will last forever.

New Covenant: (Jer 31:30-33). He will give us a “new heart” and “new spirit” (Ezekiel 36:26).

Yet you cannot tell us when and where this new covenant was established, since you claim it is not Jesus’s.
I think it’s really ridiculous - and rude - for a Christian to tell a Jew that it’s “nonsense” that his religion requires we seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. Just saying.
I think it’s really ridiculous - and rude - for a Christian to tell a Jew that it’s “nonsense” that his religion requires we seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. Just saying.
Weird, never once heard a Jew ask for my forgiveness for all the evils they push.
You need a new covenant because the old one, which required being taught externally, didn't stick. So when the nature of man changes, God can inscribe it directly into the hearts (think of that as being hard wired, or ROM, as opposed to RAM). The BIOS can be rewritten so the entire system operates differently, but only once there is the new chipset.
^^ this is seriously your answer?

This person claims to be a Rabbi. :cuckoo:

Who says the nature of man will change? Scripture to back that up?
^^ this is seriously your answer?

This person claims to be a Rabbi. :cuckoo:

Who says the nature of man will change? Scripture to back that up?
Yes, that is my answer. Just because you don't like it or don't understand doesn't change its value and accuracy. Maybe when the nature of man changes, yours will also and you won't be so angry all the time.

You can read all about this here
Yes, that is my answer. Just because you don't like it or don't understand doesn't change its value and accuracy. Maybe when the nature of man changes, yours will also and you won't be so angry all the time.

You can read all about this here
Your link is utter nonsense. No Christian claims God broke his covenant with his people. His people broke the covenant. God never fails to hold up his end of the deal.
Your link is utter nonsense. No Christian claims God broke his covenant with his people. His people broke the covenant. God never fails to hold up his end of the deal.
OK, so Hebrews 8 is wrong. The covenant is still in effect. I'm ok with that.
Yes, that is my answer. Just because you don't like it or don't understand doesn't change its value and accuracy. Maybe when the nature of man changes, yours will also and you won't be so angry all the time.

You can read all about this here
I don’t “like” your answer because it is nonsensical.

You are the one that said “So when man changes his nature“. No where does Jeremiah make any such claim or statement. You cannot cite any scripture to back that little bit up.
You still cannot name a date and time of when this new covenant was established.
I don’t “like” your answer because it is nonsensical.

You are the one that said “So when man changes his nature“. No where does Jeremiah make any such claim or statement. You cannot cite any scripture to back that little bit up.
You still cannot name a date and time of when this new covenant was established.
It was actually in the article I linked to. And since the renewed covenant hasn't been established yet, how do you expect me to give a date when it happened? You aren't making sense.
OK, so Hebrews 8 is wrong. The covenant is still in effect. I'm ok with that.
How is it wrong? It is merely quoting Jeremiah.

The old covenant is obsolete because we have the new one. Why else would we need a new covenant then? The laws are still fine to follow, such as the Ten Commandments, but if you follow Jesus’s two commandments, to love God and to love thy neighbor, then you are following the pervious law anyway.
How is it wrong? It is merely quoting Jeremiah.

The old covenant is obsolete because we have the new one. Why else would we need a new covenant then? The laws are still fine to follow, such as the Ten Commandments, but if you follow Jesus’s two commandments, to love God and to love thy neighbor, then you are following the pervious law anyway.
Doesn’t sound to me that you “love your neighbor” when you say Jews push evil - especially when you are talking to one . You are an intolerant bigot.
Antisemite says what?
^^ there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. A Jew can never do any wrong so why would they ever ask for forgiveness. If you tell them they have offended you, they won’t apologize like they claimed, they instead insult you and claim you are racist or some silly thing.

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