What is a MAGA Republican?

Agreed. Millions of manipulated citizens somehow adoring a flamboyant, pugilistic, aggressive, authoritarian white nationalist.

Definitely disturbing. I thought we were better than this.

See! We can agree!
Looks like the TDS is strong within you.
You do not even realize how retarded it is to claim elections are rigged but only if your candidate loses.
Leftists did it for 4 years.

Russia Russia Russia!

If anyone colluded with the Russian trolls, it was Mark Zuckerberg who gave them a platform to post on.
Leftists did it for 4 years.

Russia Russia Russia!

If anyone colluded with the Russian trolls, it was Mark Zuckerberg who gave them a platform to post on.
Trump could have defused most of the Russia thing by saying he didn't want to win that way, denounced Russia hacking our election and refused to use the wikileaks material in his campaign. Like so many other things he brought all that on himself.
Trump could have defused most of the Russia thing by saying he didn't want to win that way, denounced Russia hacking our election and refused to use the wikileaks material in his campaign. Like so many other things he brought all that on himself.
Yes, it's Trump's fault that the demented left LIED for YEARS about Russia Russia Russia.
That's some gaslight theatre there.
trWhile leftists try to downplay Biden’s Hitler-like speech saying in which he now claims he he was just threatening extremists on the right (no mention of the dangerous extremists on the left of course), he - the President of the United States! - is demonizing every American who donates money to a Republican candidate, goes to a political meeting (I belong to the local Republican Women‘s club), or signs a petition that disapproves of a policy he is promoting.

This is not America. This is moving closer to the early 1930s in Germany.
He was specifically calling out the part of the party that is willing to go along with the idea that Democracy can and should be traded for power.

Illustrated by the agenda by people who aren't just running as Republicans but winning their primaries. People who win by claiming the election was stolen without offering evidence. People who claim they will decertify the election results of 2020. People who claim that if they get elected they will flat out refuse to certify election results they don't like. People who say that if they win the Presidency they will pardon all those that broke into the Capitol and injured well over a hundred cops in the process.

If you are insulted by the concept that the President of the United States will call out those people as being anti-Democratic then STOP supporting those kinds of people.
America shit the bed long before Trump walked down the stairs.
Obama did a lot of damage. He's smart, and has ill intentions for all Americans.

Btw, he's in his 3rd term right now.

One of the things Obama did was get most affordable post WW2 cars off the road and scrapped and sold to China. That reduces American mobility and he used taxpayer money to do it, so that's a drain as well. Now all vehicles cost a larger percentage of peoples' income. It also killed a lot of used car lots and vehicle service businesses.
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Hmmm…weren’t 43 REAL presidents before Trump flamboyant, pugilistic, aggressive white nationalists?
You know, the ones that built the greatest nation on earth?

Don’t authoritarians conspire with a complicit media to suppress speech?
Don’t authoritarians force a free society to take medicine they don’t want?
Don’t authoritarians prevent business owners from earning a living?
Don’t authoritarians force people to wear face diapers?

Are you sure you know an authoritarian when you see one?
Golfing Gator your thoughts?

Other than suppressing free speech, authoritarians don't do any of those things.

Authoritarians give rights to people who support THEM, and strip rights from people who don't support them. They demand "loyalty oaths" from adherents, and will broach no criticism of themselves or their policies. When they lose elections, they immediately seize power, proclaim the election null and void, and retain power.

The leader is everything, and the nation is secondary. The leader IS the nation. The authoritarian will cast blame for all of the nations problems on the opposition, and demonize those who aren't loyal to the leader as being "enemies of the state".

And the favoured class, will be told that "others" are trying to steal their power and undermine their great nation. There is always hyper-patriotism with the favoured class always under assault, and ever viligant.
Yes, it's Trump's fault that the demented left LIED for YEARS about Russia Russia Russia.
That's some gaslight theatre there.
Every time they turned over a rock concerning the Trump campaign there was a Russian under it. It's not that there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the campaign. If there was truly no Russian collusion they could have handled it in a much better way that didn't end up looking exactly like collusion. I get it that Trump wanted to win but it is apparent he thought he needed the Russians to win whether he asked for their help or not.
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

A MAGA Republican is a figment of the leftie imagination.
On this we can agree. Trump is the outcome, not the problem .
Just curious….why do you have an antisemitic insult as part of your signature? How does putting down Jews - a group that has succeeded despite horrific persecution - make your posts more credible or worthy of consideration?
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