What is a traitor?

Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people here don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

I think you are one of them.
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Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.

  1. a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
    "they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy"
    synonyms: betrayer, backstabber, double-crosser, renegade, fifth columnist;
    turncoat, defector, deserter;
    collaborator, informer, mole, snitch, double agent;
    Judas, Benedict Arnold, quisling;
    informalsnake in the grass, two-timer, rat, scab, fink
    "convicted traitors will be executed"

Several current "leaders" in Washington meet this definition.


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Does a "whistleblower's" claims relating to foreign alleged Olympic drug use translate to treason? I don't know but I do know that CBS's use of forged documents to influence a presidential election comes as close to treason as the U.S. might experience from the mainstream media and it seems that the network wasn't prosecuted and the "news anchor" is still earning big bucks with treasonous speeches.

This isn't treason in the sense of the law, but people clearly see it as treason. However this is just one example, the thread isn't necessarily about this one example, it's about treason, that's the question.

If an American did something similar, is it treason? If someone releases documents to wikileaks is it treason, or is it the fault of the person who did something that was wrong in the first place?

Why is CBS's use of forged documents treason? Lying is treason, and influencing people isn't treason.
So wikkileaks releasing the truth is treason, but CBS releasing forged documents isn't? What kind of drugs are you on?
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people here don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

I think you are one of them.
So all of California are traitors? They are wanting to do the same thing.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?

Here is a traitor giving aid and comfort in the form of propaganda to the enemy during the time that we were still engaged in armed conflict.


JOHN KERRY: Several months ago, in Detroit, we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis, with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit—the emotions in the room, and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that, at times, they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam, in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
What she did was not treasonous. Treason is the taking up of arms against your country.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?

Does a "whistleblower's" claims relating to foreign alleged Olympic drug use translate to treason? I don't know but I do know that CBS's use of forged documents to influence a presidential election comes as close to treason as the U.S. might experience from the mainstream media and it seems that the network wasn't prosecuted and the "news anchor" is still earning big bucks with treasonous speeches.

This isn't treason in the sense of the law, but people clearly see it as treason. However this is just one example, the thread isn't necessarily about this one example, it's about treason, that's the question.

If an American did something similar, is it treason? If someone releases documents to wikileaks is it treason, or is it the fault of the person who did something that was wrong in the first place?

Why is CBS's use of forged documents treason? Lying is treason, and influencing people isn't treason.
So wikkileaks releasing the truth is treason, but CBS releasing forged documents isn't? What kind of drugs are you on?

Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?


Russia started the conflict .

Isreal is acting like assholes .

Being a black guy isn't causing racial divide . That's on the racist right .
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?


Russia started the conflict .

Isreal is acting like assholes .

Being a black guy isn't causing racial divide . That's on the racist right .
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?


Russia started the conflict .

Isreal is acting like assholes .

Being a black guy isn't causing racial divide . That's on the racist right .

Russia started the conflict .

Nope Hillary and her state department meddled in Russia's election

Isreal is acting like assholes .

Nope two times in the past 10 years plus Israel was offering them everything and they continued to reject it

Being a black guy isn't causing racial divide . That's on the racist right .

Nope, racial tensions has not been this high since the mid 1970s and it's all because of Obama

Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
What she did was not treasonous. Treason is the taking up of arms against your country.

Then why did Julius and ethyl die?

Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
What she did was not treasonous. Treason is the taking up of arms against your country.

Then why did Julius and ethyl die?

They were convicted of espionage. It's illegal in the United States.

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