What is a “well-regulated militia” and why are we so sure it refers to everyone?

Lol what point are you even trying to make? The point is, the government allowing militias without any specification of who is involved would obviously be problematic.
YES!!!! militias are SUPPOSED to be 'problematic' to a tyrannical government!!!
You’re the one so certain of what it means. That isn’t me. I’m telling you it’s vague and can be interpreted in contradictory ways.
I'm saying that YOUR interpretation is wrong and told you why. You claim there is a mandate to form a militia for the right to own a gun. That is dead wrong and exactly backwards. The right to own and bear arms has to be a mandate in order to form a militia because without a naturally armed populace there can be no militia. Geesh!!!
I don’t know it’s a mystery. It’s a very vague amendment as I have said from the beginning.

You’re welcome.
Well, see. Here's the think.

We think it's pretty fucking clear, and since it is "vague" (inconvenient) to you, and you offer no alternative "interpretation" that makes a single lick of sense, we'll just go with our interpretation.

What do you say?
Well, see. Here's the think.

We think it's pretty fucking clear, and since it is "vague" (inconvenient) to you, and you offer no alternative "interpretation" that makes a single lick of sense, we'll just go with our interpretation.

What do you say?
Billy doesn't seem to want 'We The People' to ever be 'problematic' to the government. Disarming US is a big step toward central government control of everything. After all, only the government knows what's best for US.......:puke3:
Well this is a terrible plan because if anyone can form the militia, the very wrong people could. People with nefarious intentions.

You mean like Democrats.

And their terrorist AntiFa goons.

Yes, we know.
But they could be tyrannical to the current government. Do I really need to explain this?
The current government IS tyrannical!! Lucky for them, We The People still believe in the vote. After 2020, fewer of US trust this government. Biden's government metes out suffering to the American people. The Founders gave us the option to vote them out or have our representatives impeach them. Those options are predicated on an armed citizenry capable of creating a militia.
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The rightwing will cite court precedent for this issue, but they don’t actually offer an explanation for why it should be interpreted this way.

Should this apply to 5 year olds? Should it be made legal for kids to buy firearms from a licensed firearm business because of how this is interpreted?
This thread is actually quite hilarious…
I wonder if Billy intended to make himself look like the ignorant fool he is?

LefTard Logic-
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of the rights gifted by our great framers, please protect us filthy Liberals from ourselves by controlling us via unconstitutional legislation.”

Sensible Logic-
“We need to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats if we want to solve our gun problems.”
The current government IS tyrannical!! Lucky for them, We The People still believe in the vote. After 2020, fewer of US trust this government. Biden's government metes out suffering to the American people. The Founders gave us the option to vote them out or have our representatives impeach them. Those options are predicated on an armed citizenry capable of creating a militia.
I really just think you’re bullshitting this as you go along.
Uh no the alternative would be to not say citizens can form a militia in the bill of rights because that is a stupid, impractical idea that could easily become disastrous.

Again, you’re welcome.
Wait until they see "infringed" re-interpreted.
Uh no the alternative would be to not say citizens can form a militia in the bill of rights because that is a stupid, impractical idea that could easily become disastrous.

Again, you’re welcome.
People don't need to form a militia in the bill of rights. People are the militia. And it doesn't matter anyway (which you know, you're just lashing out because we made you look stupid) because it is the "what" that matters in the 2nd Amendment, not the "why."

Do we need to have that discussion again?

You're welcome
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You’re the one so certain of what it means. That isn’t me. I’m telling you it’s vague and can be interpreted in contradictory ways.
They have worked themselves into an untenable situation and can't find a way out. Because of their intransigence, they will end up setting themselves back much further than they could have. Reasonable approaches could have avoided what will likely be an unfortunate consequence.
You’re the one so certain of what it means. That isn’t me. I’m telling you it’s vague and can be interpreted in contradictory ways.
it cannot be interpreted in contradicting ways unless you ignore the operative clause or otherwise reach a nonsensical conclusion.

Clause 1: A militia is necessary
Clause 2: Don't take the people's guns

Explain to me how it's not that.
Explain to me how it is something else.

You can't.

The second amendment is a ban on federal jurisdiction/authority over arms. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing stupid like you want it to be.
it cannot be interpreted in contradicting ways unless you ignore the operative clause or otherwise reach a nonsensical conclusion.

Clause 1: A militia is necessary
Clause 2: Don't take the people's guns

Explain to me how it's not that.
Explain to me how it is something else.

You can't.

The second amendment is a ban on federal jurisdiction/authority over arms. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing stupid like you want it to be.
That last phrase... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED has their panties in a wad... no wiggle room to regulate it.

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