What is accomplished by prayer?

your religion "sprang" from a book of forgeries and will cease to exist without it.

Religion sprang from people recognizing God and the part He plays in our lives. Stories of these interactions were collected and became the Bible. Therefore, if every Bible was destroyed, every story forgotten, a new book of God and humans interacting would spring into being.
Therefore, if every Bible was destroyed, every story forgotten, a new book of God and humans interacting would spring into being.

your religion "sprang" from a book of forgeries and will cease to exist without it.

- a new book of God and humans interacting would spring into being.

it would be your religion, christianity that would disappear not the reason to understand life's pursuits ...

everything is wrong with your response, if you are going to rely on a book why is your 4th century, 10,000 pg bible not still being written and improved over time.

a new book would have different characters, how can that be if the original is as they claim it is. there is no such thing as original sin, a savior .... that's why it is written otherwise in time those would have ceased to exist.

the 4th century book is a political document disguised as a religion and is strewen with forgeries for that purpose.

were you updating your book by accomplishments and still seeking the truth or just editing its obvious errors there might be a reason to consider its validity .....
You get that that is LITERALLY not possible, right? That claim of "rising from the dead" is a scientific impossibility. That alone relegates the Bible to a collection of fairy tales.

Your ignorance both of God and science is noted. "Science" in no way "proves" anything about what God can or cannot do.

God is simply out of the realm of what "science" can observe and measure.
God might be, although I would say that is debatable, but we'll save that for another time. Because human fucking beings aren't!
It is a medical impossibility for a dead person to magically not be dead any more. .................

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Which would be a brilliant observation, and use of Shakespeare if we were talking philosophy. We aren't we're talking science. ............

Nope, you're not talking science.

You are talking about imitation "science" that does not depend on

"observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."
Really?!?!? So there have been scientific experiments that have demonstrated that a person who is dead, and has been for three days, can come back fro the dead? By all means, please link me to the results of that study! Because I have never seen it.

See, that is the science I am talking . There has never been "observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses," that has determined that a three-day-old dead body can get back up. The logical conclusion, therefore, is that the biblical story of this happening is absolute fantasy, and delusion.
it would be your religion, christianity that would disappear not the reason to understand life's pursuits ...

everything is wrong with your response, if you are going to rely on a book why is your 4th century, 10,000 pg bible not still being written and improved over time.

a new book would have different characters, how can that be if the original is as they claim it is. there is no such thing as original sin, a savior .... that's why it is written otherwise in time those would have ceased to exist.

the 4th century book is a political document disguised as a religion and is strewen with forgeries for that purpose.

were you updating your book by accomplishments and still seeking the truth or just editing its obvious errors there might be a reason to consider its validity .....

Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God. Because we have more modern books is no reason to toss out books of the Bible, any more than having modern plays and poetry is any reason to toss out Shakespeare.
No it didn't. It sprang from ignorance and sentience. people thought they were special (sentience), and didn't know shit about shit (ignorance)... so, God.

Shrug. Your perspective.

That's deep. And your perspective is yours. The difference is that mine makes boatloads more sense than does yours. Your logic amounts to, "if enough people are superstitious, then superstition is real and should be believed"....absurd.
it would be your religion, christianity that would disappear not the reason to understand life's pursuits ...

everything is wrong with your response, if you are going to rely on a book why is your 4th century, 10,000 pg bible not still being written and improved over time.

a new book would have different characters, how can that be if the original is as they claim it is. there is no such thing as original sin, a savior .... that's why it is written otherwise in time those would have ceased to exist.

the 4th century book is a political document disguised as a religion and is strewen with forgeries for that purpose.

were you updating your book by accomplishments and still seeking the truth or just editing its obvious errors there might be a reason to consider its validity .....

Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God. Because we have more modern books is no reason to toss out books of the Bible, any more than having modern plays and poetry is any reason to toss out Shakespeare.

"Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God. "

Well naturally, as that understanding can be literally anything anyone wants it to be. Therefore, any book can be said to "help", if a person chooses it. That's a strong indication that this "understanding" is not knowledge. In fact, it's the opposite.
it would be your religion, christianity that would disappear not the reason to understand life's pursuits ...

everything is wrong with your response, if you are going to rely on a book why is your 4th century, 10,000 pg bible not still being written and improved over time.

a new book would have different characters, how can that be if the original is as they claim it is. there is no such thing as original sin, a savior .... that's why it is written otherwise in time those would have ceased to exist.

the 4th century book is a political document disguised as a religion and is strewen with forgeries for that purpose.

were you updating your book by accomplishments and still seeking the truth or just editing its obvious errors there might be a reason to consider its validity .....

Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God. Because we have more modern books is no reason to toss out books of the Bible, any more than having modern plays and poetry is any reason to toss out Shakespeare.
That's deep. And your perspective is yours. The difference is that mine makes boatloads more sense than does yours. Your logic amounts to, "if enough people are superstitious, then superstition is real and should be believed"....absurd.
No, that's not my logic.
Well naturally, as that understanding can be literally anything anyone wants it to be. Therefore, any book can be said to "help", if a person chooses it. That's a strong indication that this "understanding" is not knowledge. In fact, it's the opposite.

There are many sources outside the Bible that expand both knowledge and understanding.
Well naturally, as that understanding can be literally anything anyone wants it to be. Therefore, any book can be said to "help", if a person chooses it. That's a strong indication that this "understanding" is not knowledge. In fact, it's the opposite.

There are many sources outside the Bible that expand both knowledge and understanding.

Yes, I know. In fact, that could apply to any book ever written, since magical nonsense means whatever you want it to mean.
it would be your religion, christianity that would disappear not the reason to understand life's pursuits ...

everything is wrong with your response, if you are going to rely on a book why is your 4th century, 10,000 pg bible not still being written and improved over time.

a new book would have different characters, how can that be if the original is as they claim it is. there is no such thing as original sin, a savior .... that's why it is written otherwise in time those would have ceased to exist.

the 4th century book is a political document disguised as a religion and is strewen with forgeries for that purpose.

were you updating your book by accomplishments and still seeking the truth or just editing its obvious errors there might be a reason to consider its validity .....

Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God. Because we have more modern books is no reason to toss out books of the Bible, any more than having modern plays and poetry is any reason to toss out Shakespeare.
Christians rely on many books outside the Bible to further their understanding of spiritual life and of God.

that is not true, the only sustenance for christianity is their 4th century bible. there does not exist any physical evidence for any of the liturgy of that book by the individuals themselves during the period of its occurrence. there is nothing for any other publication than the christian bible to substantiate what christianity really stands for or may have been between the 1st and 4th century.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

like it or not, the above is the closing scene for the 1st century represented by the spoken religion of antiquity and the will of the Almighty.
that is not true, the only sustenance for christianity is their 4th century bible. there does not exist any physical evidence for any of the liturgy of that book by the individuals themselves during the period of its occurrence. there is nothing for any other publication than the christian bible to substantiate what christianity really stands for or may have been between the 1st and 4th century.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

like it or not, the above is the closing scene for the 1st century represented by the spoken religion of antiquity and the will of the Almighty.
Not my experience or how I see it.
your religion "sprang" from a book of forgeries and will cease to exist without it.

Religion sprang from people recognizing God and the part He plays in our lives. Stories of these interactions were collected and became the Bible. Therefore, if every Bible was destroyed, every story forgotten, a new book of God and humans interacting would spring into being.
Well, that's certainly one way to characterise it. Another is man allowed his imagination to run away with him.. The prevailing theory of part of how mankind survived the harsh realities of prehistoric times is that early humans developed what cognitive scientists call HADD (Hypersensitive Agency detecting Device). Basically, it was a reasoning mechanism that allowed primitive man to recognise, without a lot of time thinking about it, that if the grass began to rustle, there was an agent causing it to do so, and would run, or attack, before the sabertooth could get them. It was 't much of a leap at all to believe that weather had its own agency. After all, rain falls where it will, it comes and goes as it likes. Rain does that. From there all it took was a little imagination for primitive man to convince himself that there was an invisible force acting as the agent of the rain, the wind, etc. Viola. Religion is born. Not out of man's recognition of God, but out of his desire to understand the forces of nature, and being overly imaginative.
It is, and I explained why. Can you explain why it is not?

Sure, but He who is convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Remember what happened when God tried to persuade Pharaoh? The end result was the continual hardening of Pharaoh's heart. I'd prefer not to harden any hearts today. And, I suspect you already know answer anyway.
Whatever you think it is, of course. And nobody can ever tell who is right and who is wrong. A sure sign of nonsense.

I recommend studying the cultures and languages of that time. It's possible that the correct answer may become more apparent.
It is, and I explained why. Can you explain why it is not?

Sure, but He who is convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Remember what happened when God tried to persuade Pharaoh? The end result was the continual hardening of Pharaoh's heart. I'd prefer not to harden any hearts today. And, I suspect you already know answer anyway.

I don't know the answer. If I knew, I would not have asked.

What I saw in your post was a two-step. You say my representation of your logic is different than your logic. But you can't say why, eh? Interesting. This seems to be a recurring pattern with you.

Could I possibly help you out? I am well-versed in logic, and perhaps I could help provide you with the tools and definitions that you are lacking in order to articulate your thoughts.

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