What is actually happening in America

Yes, and we can all thank them for their laser like focus on the most important issue today.

Women’s adolescent sports.
Some people can walk and chew gum at the same time. Others, maybe not so much, it appears.
What is actually happening in America today is that what people vote for does not match they say they want.

A perfect example of this is the fact Congress has an approval rating in the high teens, yet incumbent congress people win their reelection races at a greater than 90% clip.
Just like posters who claim to stand for something that in no way matches their actual rhetoric, yes?
Sounds like a MAGAt's wet dream.
Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

His piece encapsulates what the left is up to. And it’s why the leftists are in need of being called out and stopped.

I’m not talking about a civil war or about violence. I’m talking about a full debate and a full-throated discussion about the many things our leftists are doing.

And that ^ may be why our liberals no longer tolerate free speech.
I encourage the GOP to con-tinue to piss off parents (school shootings), young people (school shootings and abortion), and women (abortion).
I'm surprised the other kids haven't taught you the "I know what you are, but what am I?" retort.

It is considered the height of wit in third grades across the land.

Then your class must think you are just the coolest.
Who was the last fiscally sane person on the ballot that had a snowball's chance in hell of actually being elected?
Fiscal sanity is not absolute....it's relative.

People laboring the matter, like the OP, have never sat down and gone over the numbers.

I suspect they don't even know where to look.
Then define "fiscal sanity"...

And tell me how your votes represent it.
Application denied. But I will provide you with one of those “clue” things that could help you start to figure it out. Ready?

Endlessly and massively deepening our debt and deficit is a very bad way to proceed. Can you figure out why?

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