What is actually happening in America

Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

His piece encapsulates what the left is up to. And it’s why the leftists are in need of being called out and stopped.

I’m not talking about a civil war or about violence. I’m talking about a full debate and a full-throated discussion about the many things our leftists are doing.

And that ^ may be why our liberals no longer tolerate free speech.

You & whoever wrote that article have it totally ass backwards:

The far right is attempting to instantiate a new modern day global royalty. Trump, Xi, Putin, Ergoden, Kim all in cahoots to run the world. They are using every underhanded method to repress the overwhelming popular left - gerrymandering, an attempted fascist overthrow of Democracy to name a few.

They like to declare that the left is radicalized, when the 'left' is really politically moderate. It the rightwing that's gone radically fascist/monarchist. Mussolini would have loved them.
You & whoever wrote that article have it totally ass backwards:

The far right is attempting to instantiate a new modern day global royalty. Trump, Xi, Putin, Ergoden, Kim all in cahoots to run the world. They are using every underhanded method to repress the overwhelming popular left - gerrymandering, an attempted fascist overthrow of Democracy to name a few.

They like to declare that the left is radicalized, when the 'left' is really politically moderate. It the rightwing that's gone radically fascist/monarchist. Mussolini would have loved them.
That you don’t have clue one about the subject matter is clear. 👍
I have been comparing what is happening to the Republican Party with the Jacobins for several years now.
Well today another red hat was sentenced to 52 months in prison for 1/6. Another great day for real Americans.

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