What is actually happening in America

It was in the news. Itā€™s so easy to find, even a dumbfuck like you could dig up examples.

It would require a very simple search engine question. So it is probably beyond your skill set.

Hereā€™s one:

Hereā€™s another one:

Ok then QUOTE ME nutbag.

Quote me doing that. If thats what I'm " all about" then should be very easy.

How do you say stupid nonsense like that with a straight face? Who pumped you full of this insane bulshit?
Auntie, if you donā€™t calm down, youā€™ll run out of clean panties soon.
"What is actually happening in America"?

The culture warriors are having a circle jerk while the country slides into the shitter.
Application denied. But I will provide you with one of those ā€œclueā€ things that could help you start to figure it out. Ready?

Endlessly and massively deepening our debt and deficit is a very bad way to proceed. Can you figure out why?
Tell you what...

Stop shuckin' & jivin' and answer my question, bloviating fraud...
It was in the news. Itā€™s so easy to find, even a dumbfuck like you could dig up examples.

It would require a very simple search engine question. So it is probably beyond your skill set.

Hereā€™s one:

Hereā€™s another one:

Oh, the irony

School boards get death threats over race, gender, mask policies

The letter came to the home of Brenda Sheridan, a Loudoun County, Virginia school board member, addressed to one of her adult children. It threatened to kill them both unless she left the board.

ā€œIt is too bad that your mother is an ugly communist whore,ā€ said the hand-scrawled note, which the family read just after Christmas. ā€œIf she doesnā€™t quit or resign before the end of the year, we will kill her, but first, we will kill you!ā€
Oh, the irony

School boards get death threats over race, gender, mask policies

The letter came to the home of Brenda Sheridan, a Loudoun County, Virginia school board member, addressed to one of her adult children. It threatened to kill them both unless she left the board.

ā€œIt is too bad that your mother is an ugly communist whore,ā€ said the hand-scrawled note, which the family read just after Christmas. ā€œIf she doesnā€™t quit or resign before the end of the year, we will kill her, but first, we will kill you!ā€
Wait. You mean there are ALSO examples of idiots making threats?
It's what informed Garland's response.
Sure. But feel free to ignore the numerous counter examples.

And while weā€™re at it, please tell us all how a kerfuffle at a local school board meeting is anywhere in the actual purview of a federal law enforcement official.
Sure. But feel free to ignore the numerous counter examples.

And while weā€™re at it, please tell us all how a kerfuffle at a local school board meeting is anywhere in the actual purview of a federal law enforcement official.
The letter, from which the article quoted, came from out of state.
2016 was a pivotal year.
Dems got caught rigging their Primary to defeat Bernie and the Establishment lost to Trump.
They thought they had total control of the population and would keep us voting for the Politicians they own. They'll stop at nothing to not let 2016 happen again.
Remember when Marx predicted the US would fall from within without a shot being fired?

Today's Socialist Liberal Extremists and Democrats are who Marx were talking about.

For the last several decades Democrats have been violating Constitution and Rule of Law, undetmining and trampling Americans' rights and freedoms (1st 2nd, 6th, ...), targeting / silencing / punishing everyone who opposes their socialist authoritarian agendas and policies.

They no longer trying to hide it - they are openly attempting to turn the US into a corrupt, criminal 3rd World Socialist Banana Republic.
Itā€™s not a discussion when the opponent (liberals and progressives and other versions of the Democrap Parody) insist on shutting down the very speech they would otherwise have to debate.

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