What is actually happening in America

Observing the symmetry of verbiage from the typically American binary "sides", it is difficult to see any qualitative difference. That said, either "side" "winning" seems a remote possibility. Our best hope is some kind of revolution of consciousness on the part of the majority that permits it to shed the hyperbole of the duopoly and its servants.

I would note that the parsimonious Clap was All In on the multi trillion dollar failure of Iraqnam.

Clap is an anus.
What is actually happening in America today is that what people vote for does not match they say they want.

A perfect example of this is the fact Congress has an approval rating in the high teens, yet incumbent congress people win their reelection races at a greater than 90% clip.
Scumbag, you and your fascist party are all about silencing opposing views.
Ok then QUOTE ME nutbag.

Quote me doing that. If thats what I'm " all about" then should be very easy.

How do you say stupid nonsense like that with a straight face? Who pumped you full of this insane bulshit?
There are so many examples since Obama/Biden and now Biden/Harris. We can start with Lois Lerner.
There was no plot attached to Lerner. It was, as I surmised from the start, a poorly considered process for achieving what Congress had been demanding since 2003.

My bet is that you have no idea about Chuck Grassley and the churches...

Your turn.
There was no plot attached to Lerner. It was, as I surmised from the start, a poorly considered process for achieving what Congress had been demanding since 2003.

My bet is that you have no idea about Chuck Grassley and the churches...

Your turn.

Lois Lerner destroyed evidence. The IRS targeted conservative organizations. We will never know who instructed such behavior, due to the destruction of evidence, though it is not out of the realm of possibility that it was the Obama administration. In sure seems as though we allow Democrats to “lose” and/or willfully destroy(Hillary) subpoenaed evidence and then claim they are innocent due to lack of evidence. The sad part is that many in this country buy that nonsense.
Lois Lerner destroyed evidence. The IRS targeted conservative organizations. We will never know who instructed such behavior, due to the destruction of evidence, though it is not out of the realm of possibility that it was the Obama administration. In sure seems as though we allow Democrats to “lose” and/or willfully destroy(Hillary) subpoenaed evidence and then claim they are innocent due to lack of evidence. The sad part is that many in this country buy that nonsense.
Can't help noticing how much of your nonsense relies on narrative

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