What is actually happening in America

The GOP is being taken over by more and more rabid retards, and running out anyone who is not extreme enough for them.

This has been going on for quite a while, thus my comparisons to the Jacobins.

Remember when the GOP used the Intel Agencies to spy on their political enemies?
Does the braying jackass, Clap Hanson, really need to be contradicted?

He's been scribbling for food for 20 years.

Say something without saying anything.

Yeah, I think you've got the hang of it.

In fact, I daresay you're masterclass.
That's an argument you'll have to make....it is not a universally shared premise.

Most people would look at a GOP with a felon-in-waiting at its head, and look askance.
Notice that your post one article content is being ignored by these silly leftists in the thread?
that is their standard M.O.
It is the right who is consistently on the unpopular side with:

I'm betting that growing up that very few things your parents forced you to do for your own good like:
  • Look both ways before crossing,
  • Eating your vegetables,
  • Washing your nutsack,
  • Scrubbing your teeth each night before bed, or
  • Not peeking under girl's skirts
was popular with you, but it was all for your own good anyway and you are the better for it.

Democrats and Progressives are like little kids.
The signs were all there, and time has borne me out. Bigly.
Conservatives are on the wrong side of History
Once the dictatorship is in full glory the reduction of population will spout a new history. There is no way that heteros will continue to stay married and have children. The younger generations are already proving it. The costs are massive for government to pay for. For sure we have many above the poverty line doing well. We have a growing number approaching that poverty line and heading below it.
The signs were all there, and time has borne me out. Bigly.
While the Left is going too far, as always, the Right is now represented by lunatics.

I said it here when Trump was elected: I'm concerned that he and his enablers will fuck up so badly that the Left will be able to swoop back in and push us too far in the other direction.

So far it looks like I may have been right. They're fucking this up bigly. And they will NEVER look in the mirror.
Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

His piece encapsulates what the left is up to. And it’s why the leftists are in need of being called out and stopped.

I’m not talking about a civil war or about violence. I’m talking about a full debate and a full-throated discussion about the many things our leftists are doing.

And that ^ may be why our liberals no longer tolerate free speech.
VDH uncharacteristically gets one thing wrong:

The Democratic Party vanished sometime in 2020.

It was absorbed by hard-left ideologues. They were bent on radically altering, or hijacking, existing institutions to force radical, equality-of-result agendas that otherwise do not earn majority support.

That party was lost in '08.
While the Left is going too far, as always, the Right is now represented by lunatics.

I said it here when Trump was elected: I'm concerned that he and his enablers will fuck up so badly that the Left will be able to swoop back in and push us too far in the other direction.

So far it looks like I may have been right. They're fucking this up bigly. And they will NEVER look in the mirror.
Actually, the truth of the matter is that in 2016, you were railing against "regressives"

Today, you are completely chummy with the worst regressives in the forum.

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