What is actually happening in America

The problem is that we're trying to use government to decide social issues. That's not what it's for, so it's breaking down.
That began with the followers -in both parties- of the Frankfort school, whether wittingly or not.

Paring back that intervention in the culture isn't engaging in the behavior.
Zzz. When one can not intelligently dispute a single thing in a piece, one often resorts to the fallacy of attacking the messenger. This is especially true of lightweights like Horseshit.
Oh, come on, he is not a lightweight!!

485 pounds is HARDLY considered light.
A. You aren’t capable of shutting me down.

B. I’ve identified frauds quite a lot. Like you, for example. But more like Leftwhiner.

That wouldn’t be a discussion. And it doesn’t sound like anything I ever posted.

Were you born stupid or did the doctor play basketball with your head at birth?
Seems you can't talk about things without being a dick. Might be your problem right there.
Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

His piece encapsulates what the left is up to. And it’s why the leftists are in need of being called out and stopped.

I’m not talking about a civil war or about violence. I’m talking about a full debate and a full-throated discussion about the many things our leftists are doing.

And that ^ may be why our liberals no longer tolerate free speech.

Wtf are talking about nutbag?

Who doesn't tolerate free speech?
Zzz. When one can not intelligently dispute a single thing in a piece, one often resorts to the galaxy of attacking the messenger. This is especially true of lightweights like Horseshit.
You might want to reread that, Sport.
I know what's happening here in America. The dreaded GOP disease of losers losing. Get some help or you'll never get cured.
Paring back that intervention in the culture isn't engaging in the behavior.
If that's what were going on, I wouldn't be complaining. If that's what Trumpsters were after, I wouldn't be complaining. But Republicans are no longer about small government. They're all-in on big government. They just want to use it differently. They want to use it to bully businesses that won't do their bidding. Sure, it's because they've convinced themselves that businesses are already doing the bidding of Democrats, so it's "only fair" if they do it too. :rolleyes: But that's a lame excess for making government even worse.

Bottom line, Republicans aren't dialing back on government excess. They're just using it to exact their revenge.

Fuck the culture war, and fuck culture warriors.
Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

His piece encapsulates what the left is up to. And it’s why the leftists are in need of being called out and stopped.

I’m not talking about a civil war or about violence. I’m talking about a full debate and a full-throated discussion about the many things our leftists are doing.

And that ^ may be why our liberals no longer tolerate free speech.

Wrong. The 4th Turning has begun.

Don’t know what that is?

If that's what were going on, I wouldn't be complaining. If that's what Trumpsters were after, I wouldn't be complaining. But Republicans are no longer about small government. They're all-in on big government. They just want to use it differently. They want to use it to bully business that won't do their bidding. Sure, it's because they've convinced themselves that businesses are already doing the bidding of Democrats, so it's "only fair" if they do it too. :rolleyes:

Bottom line, Republicans aren't dialing back on government excess. They're just using it to exact their revenge.

Fuck the culture war, and fuck culture warriors.
Republicans haven't been about smaller gubmint in my lifetime...that's not news.

Taking away special privileges that you never deserved to have in the first place isn't 'bullying' anyone....If anything, it's a good argument for revoking all such carve-outs for all who have them.....It's also evidence of the fascistic corporate merger with the state that should terrify us all.

Maybe if you quit clutching your pearls into dust, you would see that.
Wrong. The 4th Turning has begun.

Don’t know what that is?

Nobody is going to click on your spam link, moonbat.
Zzz. When one can not intelligently dispute a single thing in a piece, one often resorts to the fallacy of attacking the messenger. This is especially true of lightweights like Horseshit.
I can.

The author says the FBI is more likely to visit a parent of a grade schooler than someone at a SCOTUS house.

They fail to mention the parent is making threats and the people at the house aren’t.
It’s not a discussion when the opponent (liberals and progressives and other versions of the Democrap Parody) insist on shutting down the very speech they would otherwise have to debate.
All arguments are not the same. All points of view are not equally credible and worth listening to.
Some, like ignorant CONservitard, MAGAt, cultist garbage is not even worth pausing to listen to.
You CONservitards though seem to want a participation trophy everytime you have some off base, misguided, ignorant opinion on something.
You think EVERYBODY should take seriously every half-baked, ill- informed, uneducated "opinion" you have on anything.
And that is not realistic.
Republicans haven't been about smaller gubmint in my lifetime...that's not news.

Taking away special privileges that you never deserved to have in the first place isn't 'bullying' anyone....
It's the reason they grant the "special privileges" in the first place, as a tool for arm-twisting later. It's very much bullying. DeSantis fucked over Disney because they dared to oppose his agenda. It had NOTHING to do with ending special privileges. It was pure political vengeance - the worst kind of banana republic horseshit.
If anything, it's a good argument for revoking all such carve-outs for all who have them.....It's also evidence of the fascistic corporate merger with the state that should terrify us all.
Agreed. And if Republicans were arguing for that, your lame excuse-making might add up to something. But they're not, and it doesn't.
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Nobody is going to click on your spam link, moonbat.

There are multiple sources on this stupbo.

This is being presented by professor Thom Hartmann. This isn’t the typical bullshit a brain dead magamite is capable of understanding.

I posted this for the non magatrash to read, in response to the garbage posted by the OP for an idiot like you.

Here’s a link to Amazon to the book by author Neil Howe, for those interested.

Amazon product ASIN B0BHTNV8HN
History is a bitch son, and it’s kicking your ass to the curb.

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