What is Aleppo?

Gary Johnson solicits other people's money so he can pursue his hobby of running for President.

If he really wanted to serve his country and promote the Libertarian cause, he'd go back down to the level of office he can actually WIN at, and get elected.
obama and hillary should do that too.
Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

We shouldn't be in Syria. This Permanent War shite has to end. The reality is, Americans don't give a damn about Aleppo or Syrians. All they know is that their Government told them they have to support bombing & killing there. They've never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing. It's time to disengage from the Middle East especially. Enough is enough.

After having posited the irrelevance of Aleppo, you don't even have the right to have an opinion on what "should be" regarding Syria or Aleppo.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
― Harlan Ellison​

Why are we in Syria? That's the only question that should be asked.

Yes, and it's one you clearly have refrained from asking yourself.
It is what it is. That's reality, I choose to live in reality not some fantasy. You get eaten alive doing that

I live in the Peoples Republic. Clinton gets our 54 EC votes, regardless of anything I do.

This provides me the luxury of standing on principle.

Johnson is far better than Trump - fact.

Trump is marginally better than Clinton.

I still predict that Trump will be the nest POTUS, that changes nothing about the fact that he is not a constitutional conservative.
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.
D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

We shouldn't be in Syria. This Permanent War shite has to end. The reality is, Americans don't give a damn about Aleppo or Syrians. All they know is that their Government told them they have to support bombing & killing there. They've never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing. It's time to disengage from the Middle East especially. Enough is enough.

After having posited the irrelevance of Aleppo, you don't even have the right to have an opinion on what "should be" regarding Syria or Aleppo.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
― Harlan Ellison​

Why are we in Syria? That's the only question that should be asked.

Yes, and it's one you clearly have refrained from asking yourself.

Why do you think we're in Syria? And don't give me the 'ISIS' meme either. It's been proven that the US, Saudi Arabia and others provided money, weapons, and training to ISIS in Syria. In fact, its last two Commanders were trained by the US State Department. So why are we there?
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.

That may be; it may not be. Either way, "Lucky" Johnson clearly lacks the awareness of what's going on in Syria to be able to credibly assert whether that is "all it would take" or not. What's Aleppo? Really?
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.

That may be; it may not be. Either way, "Lucky" Johnson clearly lacks the awareness of what's going on in Syria to be able to credibly assert whether that is "all it would take" or not. What's Aleppo? Really?

Ask any average American if they've ever heard of 'Aleppo?' I guarantee you most haven't. And that's because it's none of our business what they do in Syria. We had no right intervening in its Civil War. Average Americans and Johnson have it right. It's our Government that has it all wrong.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Can you see Bill Weld (Johnson's running mate) throwing his coffee at the television screen this morning when Johnson said that? Lmao!
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.

That may be; it may not be. Either way, "Lucky" Johnson clearly lacks the awareness of what's going on in Syria to be able to credibly assert whether that is "all it would take" or not. What's Aleppo? Really?

Ask any average American if they've ever heard of 'Aleppo?' I guarantee you most haven't. And that's because it's none of our business what they do in Syria. We had no right intervening in its Civil War. Average Americans and Johnson have it right. It's our Government that has it all wrong.

What a dumbass you are. Someone running for president of United States is not your average American, regardless of intervention policies.

I suppose you think it's all right that a presidential candidate doesn't need to know about North Korea or Kim Jong Un either, not until they develop a missile that actually reaches North America

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Can you see Bill Weld (Johnson's running mate) throwing his coffee at the television screen this morning when Johnson said that? Lmao!

We shouldn't be in Syria. I support Johnson's stance on that. However, a vote for him is a vote for Hillary Clinton. I won't vote for him.
lol, wow. That was hard to watch.

Right? And is it a law or something that Libertarians have to be weird? Did they all inherit the goofy gene from Ayn Rand?

Hence their nickname, "Libertoonians."
republicans who smoke weed.
some things slip through the cracks... obama with his 57 states and corpsman.... wiping servers with a cloth.... sniper fire....

Nope, not the same. Obama who was obviously tired misspoke, there is no doubt to anyone who is serious that he knows there are only 50 states. Clinton obviously wasn't telling the truth about her trip, though there is no doubt it wasn't considered a safe trip for a first lady to take.

Gary Johnson has no clue about geography, ISIS and the importance of Allepo. He never even heard the name before, that is unforgivable.
seriously ? do we even need to get into obama clinton and... wait for it.... biden gaffs ?

We do, constantly, even when more often than not those gaffes are nothingburgers. However, Syria, ISIS and the refugees produced through that conflict are kind of a huge deal right now. There is no excuse not to know what Aleppo is. It wasn't a gaffe, it was just not being familiar with what's going on. "What is Aleppo?" is a complete fail on an important foreign policy topic.

But, don't worry, I think Donald Trump would have failed this test as well.
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.

That may be; it may not be. Either way, "Lucky" Johnson clearly lacks the awareness of what's going on in Syria to be able to credibly assert whether that is "all it would take" or not. What's Aleppo? Really?

Ask any average American if they've ever heard of 'Aleppo?' I guarantee you most haven't. And that's because it's none of our business what they do in Syria. We had no right intervening in its Civil War. Average Americans and Johnson have it right. It's our Government that has it all wrong.

What a dumbass you are. Someone running for president of United States is not your average American, regardless of intervention policies.

Do you really care about 'Aleppo' or Syrians? Be honest. We shouldn't have intervened in its Civil War.
Gary Johnson solicits other people's money so he can pursue his hobby of running for President.

If he really wanted to serve his country and promote the Libertarian cause, he'd go back down to the level of office he can actually WIN at, and get elected.

Maybe he could start by turning New Mexico into a libertarian paradise because right now it's the exact opposite.

The fact is, Gary Johnson runs as the Libertarian nominee because he's the only candidate from that party who doesn't look like a complete nutjob.
Are you talking about "the donald" or Johnson?

Dear Mr. Johnson,

You really need to get out more, watch the news and visit a newsstand while you're at it! Hell, take a look at Google News from time to time. Jesus H. Christ!
I'm sorry. The man is just unpardonably ignorant. How he even has the temerity to ask folks to vote for him as President is beyond me. What did he think? That one could have a five year old's awareness of world events and run the U.S?
Gary Johnson isn't much of anything.
Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?
Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...

You're right, you're post lacked substance and I should have ignored it.
Fair enough. But I was correct. She is FULL of failure. He is not. Kinda outweighs not knowing what Aleppo is...

Gary Johnson does one thing well. He loses elections. He's only getting whatever percentage he is now, not because he's worth a shit but because other candidates favorables are at record lows. Yes, he loses even when everybody else hates the other candidates.

Maybe Gary Johnson Libertarian extraordinaire can go back to welfare state New Mexico and pretend he turned it all around.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Can you see Bill Weld (Johnson's running mate) throwing his coffee at the television screen this morning when Johnson said that? Lmao!

We shouldn't be in Syria. I support Johnson's stance on that. However, a vote for him is a vote for Hillary Clinton. I won't vote for him.

If Johnson doesn't know what Aleppo is then he doesn't know why there are so many Syrians fleeing into Europe. It's just something that's in the news practically every single night. Johnson is a fucking idiot.
Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?
Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...

You're right, you're post lacked substance and I should have ignored it.
Fair enough. But I was correct. She is FULL of failure. He is not. Kinda outweighs not knowing what Aleppo is...

Gary Johnson does one thing well. He loses elections. He's only getting whatever percentage he is now, not because he's worth a shit but because other candidates favorables are at record lows. Yes, he loses even when everybody else hates the other candidates.

Maybe Gary Johnson Libertarian extraordinaire can go back to welfare state New Mexico and pretend he turned it all around.
still nothing compared to corrupt **** and her failures.
Aleppo,, um, is that the island that's going to capsize if we put more marines on it?
We need to stop sending the refugees there until we can find a way to put a proper foundation under the island and stabilize it
Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.

What gets rid of ISIS -- is a brutal STABLE govt in Damascus. To replace the one we attempted to wreck.
THEY will kill ISIS. Same prescription for Baghdad actually. Except NOW -- Iran has more than a foot in the door of what WAS Iraq..

We wrecked it. Because BOTH PARTIES continued the fallacy of "liberating" the MidEast. Who should step AWAY from opinions --- are the PARTISANS who were calling us "traitorous doves" for strongly opposing the initial interventions in Iraq and Somalia. They were reckless, persistent and clueless.

That may be; it may not be. Either way, "Lucky" Johnson clearly lacks the awareness of what's going on in Syria to be able to credibly assert whether that is "all it would take" or not. What's Aleppo? Really?

Ask any average American if they've ever heard of 'Aleppo?' I guarantee you most haven't. And that's because it's none of our business what they do in Syria. We had no right intervening in its Civil War. Average Americans and Johnson have it right. It's our Government that has it all wrong.

What a dumbass you are. Someone running for president of United States is not your average American, regardless of intervention policies.

Do you really care about 'Aleppo' or Syrians? Be honest. We shouldn't have intervened in its Civil War.

What I care about is a irrelevant. The president of United States holds the most difficult and most important job in the world. Therefore he or she needs to know everything that's going on in It.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Can you see Bill Weld (Johnson's running mate) throwing his coffee at the television screen this morning when Johnson said that? Lmao!

We shouldn't be in Syria. I support Johnson's stance on that. However, a vote for him is a vote for Hillary Clinton. I won't vote for him.

If Johnson doesn't know what Aleppo is then he doesn't know why there are so many Syrians fleeing into Europe. It's just something that's in the news practically every single night. Johnson is a fucking idiot.

Again, most Americans don't know what an 'Aleppo' is. It isn't their concern what Syrians do in their own country. Now it's time for our Government to get it.

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