What is Aleppo?

This shows just how terrified Zionism is about Gary's candidacy surging.

Of all the historical "gaffs," not knowing every village in Syria.


And to think nobody can answer

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
You have to be really stupid to support Johnson, we're talking world class stupid


Have you looked at the alternatives?

The fact is either Clinton or Trump will be the next POTUS. It won't be Johnson and there was never any hope of it being Johnson. That's the reality of the situation
some things slip through the cracks... obama with his 57 states and corpsman.... wiping servers with a cloth.... sniper fire....
Let's not forget he's getting 12% of the vote in some polls. That's how bad the alternatives are.

As I've said before, it's less scary that a candidate is ignorant than it is that voters are ignorant. The metric you've noted is proof enough for me that 12% of the nation's electorate have no business voting or being allowed to vote. I'm sorry, but the prospect that folks who are so oblivious as Gary Johnson and his supporters have any say in about anything having to do with public policy is just ridiculous.

That arrogance of YOURS is the frightening part. The LParty has been CORRECT on MidEast policy for 25 years. We were solidly against taking down Saddam AND the previous 12 years of "containment" that killed 200,000 Iraqis and locked them up with a madman.

For you to be calling US clueless, would be funny. If the topic was not DEADLY serious..

  • Has the U.S. electorate ever attested predominantly to espousing Libertarian policy? No.
  • What share of the electorate even today does appear to ascribe to Libertarian policy? 12%.
  • Is it possible for a leader to be CORRECT about something s/he's not even aware exists? Yes, if s/he happens to get lucky.

    Accordingly, insofar as Mr. Johnson may be correct about anything, let's just call him Lucky Johnson.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

We shouldn't be in Syria. This Permanent War shite has to end. The reality is, Americans don't give a damn about Aleppo or Syrians. All they know is that their Government told them they have to support bombing & killing there. They've never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing. It's time to disengage from the Middle East especially. Enough is enough.
I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

but isn't as much of a failure as Clinton

Gary Johnson isn't much of anything.

Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?

Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...
We shouldn't be in the Middle East. Our cars could have run on fairy dust all this time, and the Soviet Union would have stayed out of the Middle East if we had. They totally played fair.

And if we leave the Middle East now, Putin will leave, too.

Vote Libertopian!
some things slip through the cracks... obama with his 57 states and corpsman.... wiping servers with a cloth.... sniper fire....

Nope, not the same. Obama who was obviously tired misspoke, there is no doubt to anyone who is serious that he knows there are only 50 states. Clinton obviously wasn't telling the truth about her trip, though there is no doubt it wasn't considered a safe trip for a first lady to take.

Gary Johnson has no clue about geography, ISIS and the importance of Allepo. He never even heard the name before, that is unforgivable.
I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

but isn't as much of a failure as Clinton

Gary Johnson isn't much of anything.

Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?

Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...

You're right, you're post lacked substance and I should have ignored it.
Yes, but from the gutter to Johnson is not up!

Yer kidding, right?

Johnson is strong on domestic issues, clearly knows (and cares) little of our international adventurism and nation building.

Hillary is a traitor - sold out our national security for cash.

Trump is a clown.

Johnson is far from perfect, but a huge step up from those two.
I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

but isn't as much of a failure as Clinton

Gary Johnson isn't much of anything.

Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?

Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...

nancy pelosi's allepo is damascus. what's the capitol of israel, it's getting more complicated.
This shows just how terrified Zionism is about Gary's candidacy surging.

Of all the historical "gaffs," not knowing every village in Syria.


And to think nobody can answer

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Yeah. I'm a terrified Zionist.. Not of Gary Johnson. But about your cluelessness of where the blame for this MidEast carnage really lies. So Obama who has stiff-arm Netanyahu a half dozen times had Hillary and the DOD manufacture a take-down of Ghadafy for the BENEFIT of Israel?

Israel's real enemy is not it's immediate neighbors. It's Iran. And there is no way in HELL -- that they wanted to weaken Iraq so that IRAN would now today control 1/3 of Iraq..

You're wasting your time and mine with these fruitcake conspiracies.

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