What is Aleppo?

You have to be really stupid to support Johnson, we're talking world class stupid
I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
What HW did was fine.

Clinton's biggest contribution to ME problems is who he appointed to his "US" National Security Team - all warmongering Zionists...

George Tenet
Madeleine Albright
William Cohen
Sandy the BURGLAR Berger

911 never happens unless SLICK sells out US National Security in exchange for Iscariot silver
Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

Translation - the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No people, you can't make this shit up......

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
To a certain degree I agree with that but it is a fairly nebulous criticism.
This shows just how terrified Zionism is about Gary's candidacy surging.

Of all the historical "gaffs," not knowing every village in Syria.


And to think nobody can answer

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)
This shows just how terrified Zionism is about Gary's candidacy surging.

Of all the historical "gaffs," not knowing every village in Syria.


And to think nobody can answer

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Most Americans have never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing & killing in. Yet the the Permanent War drags on and on. Most just don't care.

As long as they're stuffing their fat faces, shopping till they drop, watching their porn, sports, and reality tv, Americans are content oblivious sheep. Sadly, that's the way it is.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.
I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

On a more shallow note, he makes Michael Dukakis look charismatic.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"




Clearly the answer is a multi-hub Light Rail corridor, more carbon neutral housing, and universal Pre-K education..

Too flippant? Yeah.. Here's a better answer..

We can't and shouldn't "fix it".. The time for us to make a POSITIVE difference has long past us by. And everyone of the major International bodies, Western and Arab govts -- including the U.N. and the G20 FAILED MISERABLY to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis of our age.

Aleppo is no longer a city. It's a rubble pile and a killing zone. You cannot address Aleppo unless you define a useful role in supporting restoration of govt control in Syria. And a plan to help that govt --- fight terrorists and extremists.

We should kiss Assad ass and apologize for stoking the fires. And then ASK HIM and Putin -- what they need to destroy ISIS (and the other 39 radical Islamist militias) and restore a govt. And we should aid the neighboring states in creating Safe Zones until that happens. End of the Aleppo story..

One may agree with you. One may disagree. In order to legitimately do either of those things, one must KNOW WHAT THE HELL ALEPPO IS! Gary Johnson, until this morning did not. And that, now that to do about Aleppo, is the point of this thread.
Negatives of the candidates...

Hillary - crook, liar, kleptocrat, warmonger, traitor, femiNazi
Trump - egotist, liar, bigot, moron
Johnson - doesn't know every village in Syria

I'm amazed by people who complain about the Republican and Democratic candidates not deserving your vote and then happily skipping over to the Libertarian clown car party.

Gary Johnson is as uninformed as Donald Trump.

but isn't as much of a failure as Clinton
Johnson is a stoner. No one expects him to know anything.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
To a certain degree I agree with that but it is a fairly nebulous criticism.

Nebulous? When Trump said "at least Saddam would have kept the Islamic terrorists out of Iraq" --- was that nebulous? Or is it the same thing? We have a list now of at 4 countries that we destabilized on a hunch --- that Arab Springs and pansies would be sprouting all over the place. Instead -- like idiots -- we CONTINUE those policies with Somalia, Libya, Syria, and to some extent Yemen AFTER Iraq.

How stupid and clueless does your leadership have to be -- to continue blowing holes in the MidEast and NOT expecting them to FILL with 43 Islamic radical groups?

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