What is Aleppo?

Quite stunning. Even I, an amateur politics junkie, knows what Aleppo is. And I've held no offices nor have I tried to be overly educated on the problems in Syria.

You know, the more I watch it, the more I realize it's nothing more than a liberal media trap. Seriously, who cares about the name Aleppo? Why in the world would anyone ask a candidate what to do about "Aleppo"? The question is what he would do about the Syria, ISIS, and the refugee situation. This is honestly the first time I've heard any candidate asked about "Aleppo." But of course, when talking to the Libertarian candidate who, according to some polls is pulling more support from Clinton than Trump, the media's gotta look for a way to make him look bad. Instead of talking about the substance of the issues, it has to be served up on superficial buttered toast.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"




Clearly the answer is a multi-hub Light Rail corridor, more carbon neutral housing, and universal Pre-K education..

Too flippant? Yeah.. Here's a better answer..

We can't and shouldn't "fix it".. The time for us to make a POSITIVE difference has long past us by. And everyone of the major International bodies, Western and Arab govts -- including the U.N. and the G20 FAILED MISERABLY to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis of our age.

Aleppo is no longer a city. It's a rubble pile and a killing zone. You cannot address Aleppo unless you define a useful role in supporting restoration of govt control in Syria. And a plan to help that govt --- fight terrorists and extremists.

We should kiss Assad ass and apologize for stoking the fires. And then ASK HIM and Putin -- what they need to destroy ISIS (and the other 39 radical Islamist militias) and restore a govt. And we should aid the neighboring states in creating Safe Zones until that happens. End of the Aleppo story..
You know, the more I watch it, the more I realize it's nothing more than a liberal media trap. Seriously, who cares about the name Aleppo? Why in the world would anyone ask a candidate what to do about "Aleppo"? The question is what he would do about the Syria, ISIS, and the refugee situation. This is honestly the first time I've heard any candidate asked about "Aleppo." But of course, when talking to the Libertarian candidate who, according to some polls is pulling more support from Clinton than Trump, the media's gotta look for a way to make him look bad. Instead of talking about the substance of the issues, it has to be served up on superficial buttered toast.

Since it's ISIS headquarters in Syria is why and you're as clueless about the word as he is.
You know, the more I watch it, the more I realize it's nothing more than a liberal media trap. Seriously, who cares about the name Aleppo? Why in the world would anyone ask a candidate what to do about "Aleppo"? The question is what he would do about the Syria, ISIS, and the refugee situation. This is honestly the first time I've heard any candidate asked about "Aleppo." But of course, when talking to the Libertarian candidate who, according to some polls is pulling more support from Clinton than Trump, the media's gotta look for a way to make him look bad. Instead of talking about the substance of the issues, it has to be served up on superficial buttered toast.

Since it's ISIS headquarters in Syria is why and you're as clueless about the word as he is.

I know what it is, dumbass. My point is that the name of the town really is irrelevant. Not one single candidate has been asked about the name of this town. It's only coming up now because polls are showing Johnson taking more votes from Clinton than Trump. So of course certain portions of the media want to rush in and stomp him out.
Let's not forget he's getting 12% of the vote in some polls. That's how bad the alternatives are.

As I've said before, it's less scary that a candidate is ignorant than it is that voters are ignorant. The metric you've noted is proof enough for me that 12% of the nation's electorate have no business voting or being allowed to vote. I'm sorry, but the prospect that folks who are so oblivious as Gary Johnson and his supporters have any say in about anything having to do with public policy is just ridiculous.

That arrogance of YOURS is the frightening part. The LParty has been CORRECT on MidEast policy for 25 years. We were solidly against taking down Saddam AND the previous 12 years of "containment" that killed 200,000 Iraqis and locked them up with a madman.

For you to be calling US clueless, would be funny. If the topic was not DEADLY serious..
Let's not forget he's getting 12% of the vote in some polls. That's how bad the alternatives are.

As I've said before, it's less scary that a candidate is ignorant than it is that voters are ignorant. The metric you've noted is proof enough for me that 12% of the nation's electorate have no business voting or being allowed to vote. I'm sorry, but the prospect that folks who are so oblivious as Gary Johnson and his supporters have any say in about anything having to do with public policy is just ridiculous.

That arrogance of YOURS is the frightening part. The LParty has been CORRECT on MidEast policy for 25 years. We were solidly against taking down Saddam AND the previous 12 years of "containment" that killed 200,000 Iraqis and locked them up with a madman.

For you to be calling US clueless, would be funny. If the topic was not DEADLY serious..
You know, I disagree with about 50% of standard libertarian policies. But that is one thing I cant bitch about!
I know what it is, dumbass. My point is that the name of the town really is irrelevant. Not one single candidate has been asked about the name of this town. It's only coming up now because polls are showing Johnson taking more votes from Clinton than Trump. So of course certain portions of the media want to rush in and stomp him out.

YOU calling ME a "dumbass" is hilarious. Keep running your mouth, boy.....blowing up dipshit progs is one of my favorite pastimes.
You have to be really stupid to support Johnson, we're talking world class stupid
I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

You have to be really stupid to support Johnson, we're talking world class stupid
I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.
Dear Mr. Johnson,

You really need to get out more, watch the news and visit a newsstand while you're at it! Hell, take a look at Google News from time to time. Jesus H. Christ!
I'm sorry. The man is just unpardonably ignorant. How he even has the temerity to ask folks to vote for him as President is beyond me. What did he think? That one could have a five year old's awareness of world events and run the U.S?

Dear 320 Years of History

There is NO civil war in Syria

American Likudnicks and the neo crazies , have invaded Syria in order to destabilize that country in order to

1- allow israel to retain control of the Golan Heights

2- weaken Syria so it won;t be able to retaliate against Israel when the latter attacks Iran

3- AlNusrah and ISIS are doing the US dirty work - their atrocities are blamed on the Assad regime - they both seek to remove Assad and install a Sunni puppet

You have to be really stupid to support Johnson, we're talking world class stupid
I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

The only ones who believe that NON-INTERVENTIONISM is disastrous are

1- the war profiteers

2- the warmongers

3- American Likudnicks and the neocrazies who believe that the US must defend and support the Bibi regime

I think that's a bit harsh but Johnson himself not knowing the basic details that are discussed on tv all the time about Syria is laughable.
His policy is non-interventionist, borderline to pure isolationist, why would he want to know? :dunno:
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

The only ones who believe that NON-INTERVENTIONISM is disastrous are

1- the war profiteers

2- the warmongers

3- American Likudnicks and the neocrazies who believe that the US must defend and support the Bibi regime

Soooooo, you voluntarily live in a dark cave and feed yourself bull shit....... Got it. :thup:
Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

Translation - the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel
You know, the more I watch it, the more I realize it's nothing more than a liberal media trap. Seriously, who cares about the name Aleppo? Why in the world would anyone ask a candidate what to do about "Aleppo"? The question is what he would do about the Syria, ISIS, and the refugee situation. This is honestly the first time I've heard any candidate asked about "Aleppo." But of course, when talking to the Libertarian candidate who, according to some polls is pulling more support from Clinton than Trump, the media's gotta look for a way to make him look bad. Instead of talking about the substance of the issues, it has to be served up on superficial buttered toast.

Since it's ISIS headquarters in Syria is why and you're as clueless about the word as he is.

Actually ISIS HQ in Syria is Raqaa.. Guess that disqualifies you from running.. :coffee:

Looks just as bad in pictures as Aleppo..
Johnson is a stoner. No one expects him to know anything


Same ol' pathetic drive by. What evidence do you have that marijuana has harmed Gary? A: NONE

Successful businessman, governor, in great shape and health... doesn't know every village in Syria..


If that is the best you can do, that's pretty lame...

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