What is Aleppo?

The fact is either Clinton or Trump will be the next POTUS. It won't be Johnson and there was never any hope of it being Johnson. That's the reality of the situation

That doesn't alter the fact that Johnson would make a far better POTUS than either of them. Respect for the Constitution of the United States SHOULD be a priority.

Sadly, partisanship takes precedence.
I can't believe UC gives me all this free rent in his head!

The place is vast and empty. But it smells like rotten eggs and raw sewage.
The fact is either Clinton or Trump will be the next POTUS. It won't be Johnson and there was never any hope of it being Johnson. That's the reality of the situation

That doesn't alter the fact that Johnson would make a far better POTUS than either of them. Respect for the Constitution of the United States SHOULD be a priority.

Sadly, partisanship takes precedence.

It is what it is. That's reality, I choose to live in reality not some fantasy. You get eaten alive doing that
some things slip through the cracks... obama with his 57 states and corpsman.... wiping servers with a cloth.... sniper fire....

Nope, not the same. Obama who was obviously tired misspoke, there is no doubt to anyone who is serious that he knows there are only 50 states. Clinton obviously wasn't telling the truth about her trip, though there is no doubt it wasn't considered a safe trip for a first lady to take.

Gary Johnson has no clue about geography, ISIS and the importance of Allepo. He never even heard the name before, that is unforgivable.
seriously ? do we even need to get into obama clinton and... wait for it.... biden gaffs ?
but isn't as much of a failure as Clinton

Gary Johnson isn't much of anything.
Nice reply lol

Really? Did your post deserve something more?
Probably would have been better not to respond. Not much you can reply to.. Its just the way it is. Like saying the sky is blue...

You're right, you're post lacked substance and I should have ignored it.
Fair enough. But I was correct. She is FULL of failure. He is not. Kinda outweighs not knowing what Aleppo is...

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

Well, I give you props for speaking your mind. It allows the rest of us to see just how empty it is, and that's a good thing for people to know about you so they don't waste their time trying to have a mature discussion with a nitwit.
It doesn't even matter what side of the Aleppo matter one is on. The place is still important.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"




Clearly the answer is a multi-hub Light Rail corridor, more carbon neutral housing, and universal Pre-K education..

Too flippant? Yeah.. Here's a better answer..

We can't and shouldn't "fix it".. The time for us to make a POSITIVE difference has long past us by. And everyone of the major International bodies, Western and Arab govts -- including the U.N. and the G20 FAILED MISERABLY to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis of our age.

Aleppo is no longer a city. It's a rubble pile and a killing zone. You cannot address Aleppo unless you define a useful role in supporting restoration of govt control in Syria. And a plan to help that govt --- fight terrorists and extremists.

We should kiss Assad ass and apologize for stoking the fires. And then ASK HIM and Putin -- what they need to destroy ISIS (and the other 39 radical Islamist militias) and restore a govt. And we should aid the neighboring states in creating Safe Zones until that happens. End of the Aleppo story..

One may agree with you. One may disagree. In order to legitimately do either of those things, one must KNOW WHAT THE HELL ALEPPO IS! Gary Johnson, until this morning did not. And that, now that to do about Aleppo, is the point of this thread.

Did you see the pictures? There IS NO ALEPPO anymore.. And the course of action that our country needs to take --- has nothing to do with ONE devasted city in a nation FULL of destruction. The LParty position has been clear on MEast for decades. And we realize the carnage and mistakes, but we are not INVESTED in fixing every detail of these conflicts that WE helped create.
Johnson is a stoner. No one expects him to know anything.
He doesn't want to destroy the terrorists, he just wants to open the border and wait for them to come here passing the border patrol at 55mph, waving. :D

I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
To a certain degree I agree with that but it is a fairly nebulous criticism.

Nebulous? When Trump said "at least Saddam would have kept the Islamic terrorists out of Iraq" --- was that nebulous? Or is it the same thing? We have a list now of at 4 countries that we destabilized on a hunch --- that Arab Springs and pansies would be sprouting all over the place. Instead -- like idiots -- we CONTINUE those policies with Somalia, Libya, Syria, and to some extent Yemen AFTER Iraq.

How stupid and clueless does your leadership have to be -- to continue blowing holes in the MidEast and NOT expecting them to FILL with 43 Islamic radical groups?
That's the part I agree with however if one takes what you posted at face value all our actions, including humanitarian and not just exclusively military in scope are to be considered "reckless, stupid and deadly". :dunno:

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

Well, I give you props for speaking your mind. It allows the rest of us to see just how empty it is, and that's a good thing for people to know about you so they don't waste their time trying to have a mature discussion with a nitwit.
It doesn't even matter what side of the Aleppo matter one is on. The place is still important.

THose are not OUR choices to make. Our interest as a nation is securing a STABLE govt in Damascus. That's the only city that should matter to us. Even if it is a Syrian Military govt.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

We shouldn't be in Syria. This Permanent War shite has to end. The reality is, Americans don't give a damn about Aleppo or Syrians. All they know is that their Government told them they have to support bombing & killing there. They've never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing. It's time to disengage from the Middle East especially. Enough is enough.

After having posited the irrelevance of Aleppo, you don't even have the right to have an opinion on what "should be" regarding Syria or Aleppo.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
― Harlan Ellison​

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

Well, I give you props for speaking your mind. It allows the rest of us to see just how empty it is, and that's a good thing for people to know about you so they don't waste their time trying to have a mature discussion with a nitwit.
It doesn't even matter what side of the Aleppo matter one is on. The place is still important.

Oh Gawd, stop it. Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway. Fact is, it shouldn't have happened. We had no right intervening. 'Regime Change' is wrong and illegal.

But regardless, Americans don't care about Syrians. And they actually have it right. They're minding their own business. And that's exactly what our Government needs to start doing. Time to end this endless war.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

Well, I give you props for speaking your mind. It allows the rest of us to see just how empty it is, and that's a good thing for people to know about you so they don't waste their time trying to have a mature discussion with a nitwit.
It doesn't even matter what side of the Aleppo matter one is on. The place is still important.

THose are not OUR choices to make. Our interest as a nation is securing a STABLE govt in Damascus. That's the only city that should matter to us. Even if it is a Syrian Military govt.

And just how stable....Oh, screw it; nevermind. I'm not going to engage you after that inane remark.
Johnson is a stoner. No one expects him to know anything.
I am NOT a Johnson supporter

I agree he is not a Libertarian

I come here to defend the LIBERTARIANS policy supporting NON-INTERVENTIONISM

No constitutional authority has been granted to fedgov to support and defend Israel.

Syria does NOT present a threat to these United States,

Only the neo-crazies, and American Likudnicks perceive Syria to be a threat.

Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
To a certain degree I agree with that but it is a fairly nebulous criticism.

Nebulous? When Trump said "at least Saddam would have kept the Islamic terrorists out of Iraq" --- was that nebulous? Or is it the same thing? We have a list now of at 4 countries that we destabilized on a hunch --- that Arab Springs and pansies would be sprouting all over the place. Instead -- like idiots -- we CONTINUE those policies with Somalia, Libya, Syria, and to some extent Yemen AFTER Iraq.

How stupid and clueless does your leadership have to be -- to continue blowing holes in the MidEast and NOT expecting them to FILL with 43 Islamic radical groups?
That's the part I agree with however if one takes what you posted at face value all our actions, including humanitarian and not just exclusively military in scope are to be considered "reckless, stupid and deadly". :dunno:

I am literally STEWING in hate right now for the U.N., the G20 and all "so concerned" govts that IGNORED the humanitarian aspect of wrecking the Mid East. THAT --- should have been our pennance for breaking so much stuff. INSTEAD we spent $300Mill and FIVE YEARS training less than 20 "freedom fighters". Of which --- only 2 or 3 -- ever MADE IT to a fucking battlefield.

You're right -- What should have been done is to leave Assad the hell alone and provide sanctuary for MILLIONS of Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans trying to escape.

But if by "humanitarian" you mean entering a killing zone with 43 different factions to STOP the fighting and FORCE stability until some bastard claims a throne -- that's fucking insane.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

Well, I give you props for speaking your mind. It allows the rest of us to see just how empty it is, and that's a good thing for people to know about you so they don't waste their time trying to have a mature discussion with a nitwit.
It doesn't even matter what side of the Aleppo matter one is on. The place is still important.

Oh Gawd, stop it. Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway. Fact is, it shouldn't have happened. We had no right intervening. 'Regime Change' is wrong and illegal.

But regardless, Americans don't care about Syrians. And they actually have it right. They're minding their own business. And that's exactly what our Government needs to start doing. Time to end this endless war.

And of course, if we leave, ISIS will just go away? Right? Maybe Fiji will jump in and stop em, right?

You and Johnson should quit sharing that joint (but give me a hit first)
Americans don't even know why we got involved with the Syrian Civil War anyway.

Now whose fault would that be? Their own, of course. The damn place is daily in the news. There's no shortage of material they could readily read to find out. All it takes is for them to ask themselves, "Why are we in Syria?" Google is an effective tool for seeking the answer.

Americans sure seem to care about ISIS, yet, per you, they don't know why we are in Syria. Well, that just goes to show how many many more Americans besides yourself have no business having an opinion on ISIS or Syria.
Last edited:
Gary Johnson solicits other people's money so he can pursue his hobby of running for President.

If he really wanted to serve his country and promote the Libertarian cause, he'd go back down to the level of office he can actually WIN at, and get elected.

OMG!!! WTH? What city as been in the news every day? What war has been going on for six years? And this guy expects folks to vote for him as President!?!

Can you say "asleep at the wheel?" Can you say "deer in the headlights?"

Maybe if it were posed it to him on a multiple choice test he would do better?

Let's try:

Mr. Johnson, what is Aleppo?

A. A brand of dog food

B. Our 57th State

C. (C)

D. Who Cares?

That would be the best choice.

You running for this guys VP?

We shouldn't be in Syria. This Permanent War shite has to end. The reality is, Americans don't give a damn about Aleppo or Syrians. All they know is that their Government told them they have to support bombing & killing there. They've never even heard of most of the countries we're currently bombing. It's time to disengage from the Middle East especially. Enough is enough.

After having posited the irrelevance of Aleppo, you don't even have the right to have an opinion on what "should be" regarding Syria or Aleppo.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
― Harlan Ellison​

Why are we in Syria? That's the only question that should be asked.
Johnson is a stoner. No one expects him to know anything.
Non-interventionism is a deceptive play on words used for what is truly isolationism by those who have no clue that world politics is Machiavellian to the extreme and don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of the US backing out of world affairs.

In the Mid East --- there is a REQUIREMENT to be a tryrannical bastard to keep your country from civil war and out of the hands of terrorists. All of our INTERVENTION --- has been to "sow the seeds of democracy" with fairy dust. It IS a place that's better off left alone --- once it's STABLE again.

Our actions under the past 4 admins have been reckless, stupid and deadly.
To a certain degree I agree with that but it is a fairly nebulous criticism.

Nebulous? When Trump said "at least Saddam would have kept the Islamic terrorists out of Iraq" --- was that nebulous? Or is it the same thing? We have a list now of at 4 countries that we destabilized on a hunch --- that Arab Springs and pansies would be sprouting all over the place. Instead -- like idiots -- we CONTINUE those policies with Somalia, Libya, Syria, and to some extent Yemen AFTER Iraq.

How stupid and clueless does your leadership have to be -- to continue blowing holes in the MidEast and NOT expecting them to FILL with 43 Islamic radical groups?
That's the part I agree with however if one takes what you posted at face value all our actions, including humanitarian and not just exclusively military in scope are to be considered "reckless, stupid and deadly". :dunno:

I am literally STEWING in hate right now for the U.N., the G20 and all "so concerned" govts that IGNORED the humanitarian aspect of wrecking the Mid East. THAT --- should have been our pennance for breaking so much stuff. INSTEAD we spent $300Mill and FIVE YEARS training less than 20 "freedom fighters". Of which --- only 2 or 3 -- ever MADE IT to a fucking battlefield.

You're right -- What should have been done is to leave Assad the hell alone and provide sanctuary for MILLIONS of Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans trying to escape.

But if by "humanitarian" you mean entering a killing zone with 43 different factions to STOP the fighting and FORCE stability until some bastard claims a throne -- that's fucking insane.
You don't think that humanitarian only encompasses military intervention do you??!! You're kidding, right? :dunno:

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