What is an "ice age?"

Parroting fraud, fudge, and cherry picking is only evidence that the parrot has a birdbrain.
Making accusations without having ever produced a piece of evidence to support your charges is not an admirable practice. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?
Evidence from lava flows for complex polarity transitions: the new composite Steens Mountain reversal record
  1. Nicholas A. Jarboe1,
  2. Robert S. Coe1 and
  3. Jonathan M.G. Glen2


Geomagnetic polarity transitions may be significantly more complex than are currently depicted in many sedimentary and lava-flow records. By splicing together paleomagnetic results from earlier studies at Steens Mountain with those from three newly studied sections of Oregon Plateau flood basalts at Catlow Peak and Poker Jim Ridge 70–90 km to the southeast and west, respectively, we provide support for this interpretation with the most detailed account of a magnetic field reversal yet observed in volcanic rocks. Forty-five new distinguishable transitional (T) directions together with 30 earlier ones reveal a much more complex and detailed record of the 16.7 Ma reversed (R)-to-normal (N) polarity transition that marks the end of Chron C5Cr. Compared to the earlier R-T-N-T-N reversal record, the new record can be described as R-T-N-T-N-T-R-T-N. The composite record confirms earlier features, adds new west and up directions and an entire large N-T-R-T segment to the path, and fills in directions on the path between earlier directional jumps. Persistent virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) clusters and separate VGPs have a preference for previously described longitudinal bands from transition study compilations, which suggests the presence of features at the core–mantle boundary that influence the flow of core fluid and distribution of magnetic flux. Overall the record is consistent with the generalization that VGP paths vary greatly from reversal to reversal and depend on the location of the observer. Rates of secular variation confirm that the flows comprising these sections were erupted rapidly, with maximum rates estimated to be 85–120 m ka−1 at Catlow and 130–195 m ka−1 at Poker Jim South. Paleomagnetic poles from other studies are combined with 32 non-transitional poles found here to give a clockwise rotation of the Oregon Plateau of 11.4°± 5.6° with respect to the younger Columbia River Basalt Group flows to the north and 14.5°± 4.6° with respect to cratonic North America (95 per cent confidence interval).


The full text of the article is available at the link. There is absolutely no way that the land could 'rotate' fast enough, or in enough directions to leave a record like that in the basalts of the Steens Mountain.
The "warmers" have been busy revising history to fit their pathetic excuse of a theory into history. It ain't workin'...

We have all the data today right in front of us to understand "ice ages" and their parameters on Earth.

What is an "ice age?"

To the warmers, it is a time where everything just freezes because of minor trace atmospheric gas fluctuations. Ice sheets come and go because of this...


What does the DATA of TODAY suggest?

1. ice ages are continent specific - why? because ice that gets pushed over ocean water will respond to wind, current and seasonal temperature change stress and BREAK OFF in the form of ICEBERGS. That is why 97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole - because ice ages DO NOT FREEZE OCEANS FULL OF SALT WATER - duh....

2. ice ages start when tectonics moves land to within 600 miles or so of an Earth pole. As land gets closer to the pole, winters get longer and colder, and summers shorter. Eventually, as what happened on NW moving Greenland about a million years ago, is that the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during the summer. Then next year's snow STACKS ON TOP OF LAST YEAR's. That is the start of your ice age, that STACKING. All Greenland and Antarctica do is STACK ICE in the form of an annual ice core and respond to forces, mostly gravity.

3. ice ages end when land moves away from the pole .... 'cause it gets warmer then... duh


1. 97% of Earth ice on two continent specific ice ages of today - Antarctica 90% and Greenland 7%
2. Greenland's ice age is extremely young, under a million years old
3. the discrepancy between the Arctic and the Antarctic (50F colder, puts 9 times ice into oceans etc.) defines the parameters of Earth climate change - two polar oceans = Earth has NO ICE
4. one million years ago, the North American Ice Age had glaciers down through Indiana, while Greenland was a forest. Hence, with CO2 constant, Greenland froze while North America thawed, proving ice ages are continent specific and CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

Where the "experts" are wrong.

1. Antarctica had much more ice millions of years ago because the southern part of South America was glaciated then

reality - Antarctica and South America broke off from Pangea 125 million years ago attached, and only recently (20-50 million years ago) separated. While Antarctica and South America were attached, Antarctica went into ice age, and that ice age glacier pushed into South America over LAND. South America is now moving NW tectonically, and the southern tip has long since moved out of "ice age" territory. The oceans never froze down there, and do not freeze now despite enormous continuing growth of ice on Antarctica, which now by itself dwarfs what was on both Antarctica and South America when the separation occurred.

2. ice ages come and go quickly -

reality - laughable. Ice cores are printed annually. If an ice age glacier has 500k years of ice cores, then it is older than 12k years....

While "moving at a glacial pace" is faster than plate tectonics, it is still a lot slower than the Tippys want us to believe (ie FEAR).

3. ice ages change the planet's temperature

Correct, but that's the driver, the ice age, not the temperature. Ice formation pushes down temperature. The more ice Earth has, both acreage and volume, the colder Earth gets. If you switched Antarctica and an equal amount of ocean space in the center of the Pacific, sea level would rise, and Earth would be warmer. Co2 has nothing to do with it

4. CO2 causes climate change

There is precisely no evidence of this - none in the ice cores, and none in the highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons

Earth climate change is 95% plus about WHERE LAND IS

Well in the winter Bears store up fat and move into sleepy hollows until the spring thaw. In an ICE AGE, its when white people move back to the caves of Europe, let their hair grow long , experiment with mushrooms and plant dyes. Meanwhile all along the equator Science and Art flourishes once again..........

well at least thats the way Ive heard it said around these parts :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Making accusations without having ever produced a piece of evidence to support your charges is not an admirable practice. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?
didn't yours tell you that same thing? I mean when is it you're going to fulfill that in here?
I have fullfilled it repeatedly and for some time now but you choose to continue to lie about it.
Making accusations without having ever produced a piece of evidence to support your charges is not an admirable practice. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?

Just like what you do when you claim that man made climate change is real...since there isn't the first piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence to support the claim.
I have fullfilled it repeatedly and for some time now but you choose to continue to lie about it.
IPCC link, no excerpt from it with what you feel satisfies your claim. Yeah, alright. stick with that. It isn't just me telling you that a link doesn't make an argument. you need to fill in the blank on what you feel in the link satisfies the claim as I stated. you, nope. I know I can search for you and tell you how many times you did it. Curious at all?
Meanwhile, 90% of Earth ice on "ice age" Antarctica continues to add at least 80 billion tons of ice every year.,..
The link directly below leads to Zwally's paper that contends the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive, ie, that it is gaining ice mass


I know of (and could find) no other papers that believe Antarctica has a positive mass balance. If you know of any, you might bring them forward. The remaining links below all lead to articles or studies who conclude that Antarctica's ice mass balance is negative: that is, that it is losing ice mass.

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Antarctic Ice Sheet surface mass balance

Observed Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers and Greenland Ice Sheet in the 20th Century and the Present Trends

An introduction to Glacier Mass Balance

Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion : Nature Geoscience : Nature Research

Is it possible that glaciers are showing a decrease in mass balance (not negative), yet they are showing recession - AntarcticGlaciers.org

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Mass balance of polar ice sheets.



Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves




I stopped copying links long before I ran out of them.

So what was it you said sometime earlier about following the evidence?
I know of (and could find) no other papers that believe Antarctica has a positive mass balance

... despite the FACT that the DATA says it IS GROWING ICE.

WHY do the "authors" of these taxpayer funded studies LIE??

We had to go to COURT in 2007, remember..????

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

How marvelous. And what are those inaccuracies?

  • The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
  • The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
  • The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
  • The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
  • The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
  • The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
  • The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
  • The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
  • The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.
Are you kidding me?

1) The English court case against "An Inconvenient Truth" meant absolutely nothing to anyone beyond English public school teachers of 2007.
2) Your highlighted point concerning Antarctic ice WAS NOT AMONG THE COURT'S FINDING. That piece of text, that you've put up here repeatedly is a denier-fabricated LIE. Go look up the court's actual findings. I've posted them for you once. You should have KNOWN this piece of shit was a LIE.
Last edited:
The English court case against "An Inconvenient Truth" meant absolutely nothing

This is just pathetic, and par for the course of the FRAUD.

Two sides disagree
Two sides go to court
One side wins
The other side chickens out from appealing

End of story, right?

Wrong - this is the "mother of all left wing taxpayer funded frauds," and it keeps going no matter how many times it gets BUSTED LYING.
You have got to be the stupidest fuckwad ever put on this Earth. The ONLY thing accomplished by that court dispute was forcing English public schools to provide a disclaimer before showing them "An Inconvenient Truth". That - is - FUCKING - IT.

Now why don't we return to the post above, where I provided links to 15 different studies that come to the conclusion that Antarctica is LOSING ICE MASS while you have precisely ONE which says otherwise.

Crick said:
The link directly below leads to Zwally's paper that contends the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive, ie, that it is gaining ice mass


I know of (and could find) no other papers that believe Antarctica has a positive mass balance. If you know of any, you might bring them forward. The remaining links below all lead to articles or studies who conclude that Antarctica's ice mass balance is negative: that is, that it is losing ice mass.

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Antarctic Ice Sheet surface mass balance

Observed Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers and Greenland Ice Sheet in the 20th Century and the Present Trends

An introduction to Glacier Mass Balance

Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion : Nature Geoscience : Nature Research

Is it possible that glaciers are showing a decrease in mass balance (not negative), yet they are showing recession - AntarcticGlaciers.org

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Mass balance of polar ice sheets.


Sea-level feedback lowers projections of future Antarctic Ice-Sheet mass loss : Nature Communications

Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves


High geothermal heat flux measured below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet | Science Advances


I stopped copying links long before I ran out of them.

So what was it you said sometime earlier about following the evidence?

And your defense is to say that my scientists are all lyng ? ? ?

My fucking god you set new paragons of stupid.
forcing English public schools to provide a disclaimer before showing them "An Inconvenient Truth".

The DISCLAIMER states that the movie about "Truth" isn't...


Warning - this movie lies, it cherry picks, what it says is not true, and there is no evidence at all that CO2 affects Earth temperature
The link directly below leads to Zwally's paper that contends the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive, ie, that it is gaining ice mass


I know of (and could find) no other papers that believe Antarctica has a positive mass balance. If you know of any, you might bring them forward. The remaining links below all lead to articles or studies who conclude that Antarctica's ice mass balance is negative: that is, that it is losing ice mass.

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Antarctic Ice Sheet surface mass balance

Observed Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers and Greenland Ice Sheet in the 20th Century and the Present Trends

An introduction to Glacier Mass Balance

Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion : Nature Geoscience : Nature Research

Is it possible that glaciers are showing a decrease in mass balance (not negative), yet they are showing recession - AntarcticGlaciers.org

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Mass balance of polar ice sheets.


Sea-level feedback lowers projections of future Antarctic Ice-Sheet mass loss : Nature Communications

Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves


High geothermal heat flux measured below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet | Science Advances


I stopped copying links long before I ran out of them.

So what was it you said sometime earlier about following the evidence?
took me all of two minutes to pull up one:

Antarctica is gaining ice, NASA study says - CNN.com

"Antarctica is gaining more ice than it has lost, according to a new study by NASA.
A NASA team came to this conclusion after scientists examined the heights of the region's ice sheet measured from satellites."

Can you say D'OH?
The link directly below leads to Zwally's paper that contends the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive, ie, that it is gaining ice mass


I know of (and could find) no other papers that believe Antarctica has a positive mass balance. If you know of any, you might bring them forward. The remaining links below all lead to articles or studies who conclude that Antarctica's ice mass balance is negative: that is, that it is losing ice mass.

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Antarctic Ice Sheet surface mass balance

Observed Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers and Greenland Ice Sheet in the 20th Century and the Present Trends

An introduction to Glacier Mass Balance

Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion : Nature Geoscience : Nature Research

Is it possible that glaciers are showing a decrease in mass balance (not negative), yet they are showing recession - AntarcticGlaciers.org

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Mass balance of polar ice sheets.


Sea-level feedback lowers projections of future Antarctic Ice-Sheet mass loss : Nature Communications

Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves


High geothermal heat flux measured below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet | Science Advances

Estimating the rates of mass change, ice volume change and snow volume change in Greenland from ICESat and GRACE data

I stopped copying links long before I ran out of them.

So what was it you said sometime earlier about following the evidence?
another two minutes and:
Antarctic sea ice is INCREASING: Big freeze breaks records

"Antarctic sea ice is INCREASING: Big freeze breaks records - but scientists claim the rise is caused by global warming
  • Images suggest there is 7.7 million square miles of sea around continent
  • This is double size of the Antarctic and three times the size of Australia
  • Fast westerly winds, which go around Antarctica, are now moving south
  • This is linked to an increase in greenhouse gases and increase in sea ice
  • Separate study found region's glaciers are melting faster than ever before"
And there you have it.

Warming - caused by global warming
Cooling - caused by global warming
droughts - caused by global warming
floods - caused by global warming
sea ice melting - caused by global warming
sea ice increasing - caused by global warming

What could possibly happen that would disprove global warming? Nothing. Global Warming causes every single variation of weather.

So sayeth THE FRAUD.
Yo Crick, how about all of these:

  1. Experts Dispute NASA Antarctic Ice Gain Study | Al …
    Experts dispute NASA study showing Antarctic ice gain. ... especially those in West Antarctica. These ice gains, ... your comment was not saved due to a technical ...

  2. Study Reveals Net Ice Gain in Antarctica - voanews.com
    A NASA study says ice in Antarctica grew by 82 billion tons annually between 2003 and 2008. Accessibility links. ... But the gains were not uniform around the continent.

  3. NASA reveals that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice ...
    Nov 02, 2015 · Video embedded · Antarctica's ice floes have been found to be growing faster than they ... we see an ice gain that exceeds the losses in the ... The best British

  4. Gains in Antarctic ice might offset losses : Nature News ...
    www.nature.comNews & CommentNews2015December
    So much ice is piling up in the vast expanses of East Antarctica that, overall, it counterbalances the losses seen at glaciers thinning elsewhere on the frozen ...

  5. NASA says Antarctica is actually gaining ice. Does this ...
    NASA says Antarctica is actually gaining ice. ... the ice melt in Antarctica to outweigh the ice gains, ... Who posted the inappropriate comment ...

  6. Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses ...
    phys.orgEarthEarth Sciences
    Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses, ... their lackey court mages ... concerning Antarctica's ice gain?

  7. Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice? - skepticalscience.com
    While the interior of East Antarctica is gaining land ice, overall Antarctica is losing land ... since this comment was ... should maybe showing a gain ...

  8. Two New Studies Say Antarctica Gaining Ice And Snow …
    Two New Studies Say Antarctica Gaining Ice ... Survey show that gains in snow and ice are ... these sectors of Antarctica, corresponds to a very large gain ...

  9. NASA Scientist Warned Deniers Would Distort His …
    It could take only a few decades for the ice melt in Antarctica to outweigh the ice gains, ... to create a "climate justice" court): ... your comment history ...

  10. If Antarctica is gaining ice, why is the Earth still ...
    Video embedded · If Antarctica is gaining ice, ... Comment; Share; Tweet ... [in West Antarctica]," said Thomas, of the British Antarctic Survey.
Need me to find some more for you, since it was soooooo hard to find any right?

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