What is causing the Empty Shelves

One other thing. The only TP Walmart got in (their entire TP shelf was empty) was ONE pallet of 4 pack. And they were selling it right off the pallet. I would imagine it would be gone in a little over an hour.
You have to look at this in the context, that we are the Kreel the fish eaters are after. Except, we aren't Kreel. We actually have an advanced brain beyond the survival instincts of the Kreel. Therefore, we do have the ability to use our brain through logical deductive reasoning. There's only one problem with that. We aren't using our brain right now. Which is another way to understand the hoarding that is going on. We are not calculating our own needs, as opposed to the needs of others. That's a big mistake, if this virus is here for the long haul. Looting could come next, and not necessarily just in stores. And we don't want to get to that point. We have to use our heads people. Think and calculate for the good of all of us. Buy what you need, not what you can hoard. And we have to do this starting now.

You can't loot what's not there. And I have a feeling that your hoarder neighbor won't let you in on knowledge of his stash. So you are too busy looking for the easiest scapegoat. Is it Rump, the Democraps, the Browns, the Blacks, the Jews? Do we riot the stores and steal the TVs because we can't buy TP? You are right. It just might happen. Or do we find out what is really happening. The Hoarders can no longer hoard what isn't there to hoard.
That's a good point. But, I wasn't just talking about toilet paper in stores so much. What happens if the stores are not providing enough food goods, and the neighbor has a garage full? That is the point of my post. The TP we can survive without. If you have a shower in your home with running water, you do what you have to do for that. But food? That's a different story. That's why I am talking about using our heads about this. Let's don't all of a sudden start emptying out grocery stores to put it all in our garage. Take what we need and a little extra. We are all in this together. I have no idea why you bring up Trump, Democrats, Browns, Blacks, and Jews? I could give two shits about that right now.

Because the others do. I am just pointing out that it's not time to find a scapegoat. I agree that we need to stop the insanity. All of it. Otherwise, we are going to start losing more Seniors and Disabled to malnutrition.
I wasn't trying to scapegoat. Just trying to paint the possible scenarios. I haven't a clue what is going to happen. But, if we go by what animals do in desperate situations, not having the ability to reason the consequences of their actions, with the only defense mode they know of, they're going to flee, dodge, hide, whatever. In our case, in desperate times,we may act the same, but have a different strategy. Collectively, we have never been put to the test, and I hope we never will. But it's possible. I just hope we keep our heads glued on, and do what is best for us all.
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?

I have plenty. I purchased enough for about 6 months a couple of months ago. But I doubt if I have enough to wipe your shitty mouth with.
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?

I have plenty. I purchased enough for about 6 months a couple of months ago. But I doubt if I have enough to wipe your shitty mouth with.
6 months worth ??? and you got a thread blaming hoarders ?? wow the lack of self reflection and hypocrisy of the left never cease to surprise .
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?

I have plenty. I purchased enough for about 6 months a couple of months ago. But I doubt if I have enough to wipe your shitty mouth with.
6 months worth ??? and you got a thread blaming hoarders ?? wow the lack of self reflection and hypocrisy of the left never cease to surprise .

Most people have 6 months worth. I don't have a basement to store racks full of TP that will last me years. I live alone and buy a 6 pack or a 12 pack and put them in the cabinet. I don't buy 10 12 packs and have to store them in shelves in the Garage along with the 20 6 pack Wipes and 20 gallons of bleach. And I didn't have to buy a walk in freezer for all those perishables.

Time to let you know what I really am. Can I interest you in a nice 3 bedroom?

I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?

I have plenty. I purchased enough for about 6 months a couple of months ago. But I doubt if I have enough to wipe your shitty mouth with.
6 months worth ??? and you got a thread blaming hoarders ?? wow the lack of self reflection and hypocrisy of the left never cease to surprise .

Most people have 6 months worth. I don't have a basement to store racks full of TP that will last me years. I live alone and buy a 6 pack or a 12 pack and put them in the cabinet. I don't buy 10 12 packs and have to store them in shelves in the Garage along with the 20 6 pack Wipes and 20 gallons of bleach. And I didn't have to buy a walk in freezer for all those perishables.

Time to let you know what I really am. Can I interest you in a nice 3 bedroom?

20 gallons of bleach ?? sounds like a hoarder ! and i picture you as looking more like this ...
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves

So do you think the shortages are being

I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves

So do you think the shortages are being


I don't know. It could be that the supply chain was setup to replentish the normal replacement of the already stockpiled supplies in the warehouses. Then the Hoarders started in on draining those surpluses. This overtaxed the replacement and there is no surplus to react.

Goods, like every other thing, runs in cycles. This month, they might make TP in a manufacturing run until the warehouses are full. Then they shut that line down and fire up the Paper Towel line until the warehouses are full. And so on. The same manufacturing line is used for a lot of different products but they can't run all products at the same time. The Hoaders spent 2 weeks stripping the surpluses and the cycle for a lot of products are out of sync. I worked for about 8 years for Walmart. To be specific, my last time with them I worked Paper Goods. We put out papergoods every night and every day. All night and day. We just didn't run out like that. The reason was, the warehouse that was sending it to us by trucks had a huge surplus and even when the production run was out of cycle, they would have enough to keep us in stock. If that is the reason they give, I could accept it. But that's not the reason they are giving. They aren't giving a real reason because the business savvy people don't work for Walmart anymore. It's dumbed down.
And that's the part I don't get. it's been two weeks at least now, and what, none of our manufacturers know how to increase volumes?

It usually takes 2-6 months to "ramp up" volumes...President Trump is getting it done in WEEKS! sometimes DAYS!

Then there is the drug approval from the FDA...
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves

No one timely supply can help against insane folks.
In my humble opinion many Hoarders have some psychic disorder
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves

Yes, this is the ultimate problem of merely living a sustainable lifestyle.

In an emergency......you die.
Here is an update.

I put out two shortages in two different areas. Each one not connected to the other. One was bottle water and the other was hamburger. Guess what, today the shelves had both in decent quantity. I had linked both to life threatening conditions. In a matter of two days, the completely unrelated supply chain reacted to both AND NOTHING ELSE.

First let's look at battle water. Bottle Water is almost completely automated so the workers will be well outside of 6 feet of each other. The chance of spreading the Virus from worker to worker is almost zero. And it's mostly untapped, unfiltered TAP water put in plastic bottles that are also made by automation. There should NEVER have been a shortage of bottle water like what happened.

Then there is Hamburger. I come off the Ranches of Colorado originally. I have worked from the Ranches to the Slaughter Houses to the processing plants. The chance of a Coronavirus being present is there but food handlers like that should be the top of the testing groups. And I imagine if a company has anything on the stick, they will be and so will the USDA. That being said, Hamburger is made from the fatty leftovers of the other cuts usually. But it can also be made from the better cuts with the fatty leftovers thrown in. ALL Hamburger needs some fat. Straight ground Surloin or other better cuts make lousy hamburger and is too dry. They usually take Surloin and mix in the fatty leftovers to make the 85% and vary the fatty mix to make the 93%. It's put out in huge packaging and shipped to the packaging agents. Or it's packaged right there. For instance, the larger 4lb or more can be done at the plant but the 1lb is usually done closer to the store from the larger bulk packaging. The ONLY reason that a store or a plant sends their workers home is because they ran out of meat to process. People processing meat don't work elbow to elbow. They are generally at least 6 feet away from each other. When I look at the shelves and see the T-bones and such on the shelves and no Hamburger then I know there is a problem. That same animal that provided that T-bone provided many more pounds of hamburger in the same process.
I did some research and come up with some reasons for the empty shelves.

It was started by the Hoarders. They stripped the shelves of many of the life essential things like cleaning supplies, paper goods, meats that could be frozen, canned goods and more. And each day for 2 weeks, they have changed to more goods to hoard so even more things go into shortage. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Due to the empty shelves, the hoarders have been definately slowed down.

While the Hoarders started this problem, I found out that it's perpetuated by the lack of supplies. If we look at the Warehouses, the Warehouses have spread out their supplies evenly to all their stores. And they aren't receiving enough from their suppliers. The supply is well below the normal demand without even considering the Hoarder problem. I visited a Walmart at 6:20 today and filmed their shelves. They did receive a few trucks the night before and had most of it out already.

Walmart Empty Shelves
you dont have any toilet paper to wipe your shitty ass do you ?

I have plenty. I purchased enough for about 6 months a couple of months ago. But I doubt if I have enough to wipe your shitty mouth with.

No sane person purchased 6 months of TP 2 months ago!
You have brown eyes, donchya'? (You're so full of shit, keyboard cowboy!).

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