What is "Fair" Public School Funding?


They also expressed love and gratitute for their new country. They might fly Italian flags or drink green beer, but it was in the spirit of "I'm this kind of American," not "I hate America."
Same as today.
Nothing wrong with learning about Art or Music if that interests you……just not worth wasting valuable educational dollars on it.
If you are able to soak public money to support yourself…..good for you
It has long been a principle of education that the arts and sports be included in the education of youth. It makes them more healthy, and more intellectually involved than if we only taught them reading, math, science and social studies.

Public school has been a slow-motion train wreck since the seventies, but de-funding Choir isn't gonna fix them.
I saw just the opposite with the kids learning English and acting as interpreters for their parents.
The kids were immersed in English in school, by interacting with other kids, by watching TV
Parents are more isolated and adults don’t pick up new languages as well as kids do
All true except the last part.
But if they do, you accuse them of "hating America" and "not bothering to learn English."

Young people are capable of learning two languages. What is missing is parents who encourage their children to read in their first language. One doesn't detract from the other. Literacy in the first language promotes literacy in the second language.
The kids are the 2nd generation.....All non-English speaking immigrants go thru the same cycle: Immigrants have pidgin English....next generation has good street English and street original language...3rd generation has fluent English and loses original language unless they specifically work to keep it. Every.single.time.
Not exactly. "Pidgin" means something specific, and "street English" is a misleading interpretation of the distinction between CALP and BICS. From 0 to able to successfully use a new language for academic work generally takes everyone about 7 years. Generational differences in acquisition are more complicated.
Not a matter of "encouragement" if the parents are illiterate in their first language, and working 3 jobs.
Those were the old school immigrants. Todays welfare-seeking immigrants insist on full service, including teaching their kids all they need to know.

One need not be literate in any language to buy books in that language and set aside a time for kids to read them.
SOLUTION: If you have kids that need to go to school and you want to use private school: YOU PAY FOR THE PRIVATE EDUCATION.

If you want them to go to public school, YOU PAY THE STATE FOR THE EDUCATION.

And leave people with no kids out of paying YOUR way.
Those were the old school immigrants. Todays welfare-seeking immigrants insist on full service, including teaching their kids all they need to know.

Yes, education of their children is very important to immigrants
You tried to be a typically mean spirited internet troll by running down my profession.
I support the music and art programs.
Not all kids are athletes, and many of the 'music' and 'art' students NEED these classes.
The music and art kids 'stick together' and bond with each others, just like the jocks, prom queens and druggies.

Band for example, is taught one specific period so these band students often have similar daily schedules. Then these same band kids get grouped into the same math period. This one math period, filled with majority of band students, is OFTEN the best, most productive, math class of the day.

This is NOT an absolute, but it is pretty much true.
Well, it is typically the conservative right that put down public education.
You take ONE (rightwinger ) and attack him for running down your profession, but you NEVER attack the right wing conservatives for doing exactly what you are accusing rightwinger of doing.

I mock her contribution to education because she demeans those who teach English to non-English speakers
I mock her contribution to education because she demeans those who teach English to non-English speakers
Oh I agree.

The few right wing teachers on here, defend their own position, but not the positions of other 'non-right wing' teachers.

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