What is GOD


Active Member
Aug 9, 2015
San Antonio tx
This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically. In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy(the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something. This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD. So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy(nothing and something).
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought. I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY
God is a word we use denoting the power and source of life which as you say eternaly cycles, as in death it can resurrect and start again forming life all over again.
So God which is not a man nor form nor has a literal name we speak of, is an Essence which is named in the Holy city of YeruShalem (city of Shalem). Shalem means completeness and wholness so that Essence power in life is that nature to progress to all we could and should be=evolve. Hence God creates order from chaos means taking that disorder and bringing it to order as in all it could and should progress to be...hence I am what will be signifies I will become that completeness and wholeness=what will be (evolve to).
Judaism was always a trashumanist religion, transforming us to be all we could and should.

Torah sources: YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
'God' is a word most people poorly understand and least understood by the people talking about it the most.
If God is living outside our conception about time, we have no way to define who God is precisely.

We gained the time/space concept by the 3D environment we are living in. This concept, as proven by science, doesn't apply universally. Where it doesn't apply, we humans don't have a grasp of what time is as we don't have such a concept once our concept doesn't apply.

Einstein said, time and space are not stable physics units, instead speed is a stable physics unit. Humans have no concept about an environment with unstable time and space.
Time and space can be used by somone to be your god, but they would have a further creation process creating them, therefore The most finite definition of the source of life is an Essence describing it's process.

It was Derkheim who wrote that it’s not G0d who made man in his image but Man who made God in their image.
I say that man seeks a reality that is tangible and creates G0d in his image and gives him a form and a Bible that is tangible to our knowledge and understanding. However God is supposed to be perceived by the desciption in the OT and by rational thinking as an essence not a form and only the way man takes a verse where it talks about arm or face of G0D do they confuse or assume it to be an expression of image when it's actually a way of conveying something or a essence that is being described through words which have more then one meaning depending on context and knowledge of the useage. So we paint him as something of a figure we can find tangible through errors and through the lack of understanding.
We have trouble conveying through our language that which is undescribable through mere terms so we use symbols, analogies, allegorical descriptions to convey some sense of what we are describing but the problem is everyone has their own perception of such descriptions.
This is why we have confused the masses and caused all this pain and suffering and lack of belief....it is because we should not anthropomorphize (Attribution of human characteristics to non-human beings or objects) with matters physical or imaginary, for this is a violation of the negative transgression of "You shall not make for yourself a sculpture or any picture" - for this brings about damage instead of benefit.
In other words a prohibition against comparing spirituality and the Creator to any physical form since it's most finite expression is through an Essence not a form which always has a further process and creator to it.
When Abraham broke and denounced the idols he realized G0D was not the idol, not the wind, nor sun, nor moon, nor stars because each of those had a creator.
Abraham was saying that if G0D was any of those things then in questioning who made G0D would show that idol not to be G0D at all, because there'd always be a further process for creating that itself.
Therefore G0D could not be a man(Numbers 23:19) nor form ( Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12), creation which sought a higher essence in creating it, thus the conclusion in Judaism in Abraham’s search for the most finite expression of G0D was that G0D is that power and source in life causing everything to be all it could and should be, that essence of progression in processions to the highest order out of it's chaos.
Therefore God is the power of “Life”, it’s all creation, and all existence. It’s the Power for us to exist as how we could and ought to be, therefore as scripture tells us, even the word is God, as it takes us to that concept of perfection and promise fulfilled. Therefore like the scripture says, you can’t place a form on it and it’s not a man, but we are in it’s image, we are the reflection of that essence we call the principals of Life.
*(NOTE: The word for "image" in Gen. 1:27 is "tzelem," which refers to the nature or essence of a thing and not a physical form in which another word in Hebrew "to'ar" would be used.)*
So now you can see where people can accidentally place form through not knowing Hebrew or the Ancient Hebrew's traditional teachings or even through missunderstanding the words which have more then one meaning depending on context.
easy answer to hard questions for the intellectually lazy or uneducated.
When science come up with answers it is no longer just the will of god, but has an extra explaination.
Maybe we gave the answer and you haven't conected the dots yet.
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*Stands back from frigidweirdo and the ensuing lightening bolt*
According to Hindu beliefs God is an Universal Consciousness that exists within all beings. This UC becomes the universe through its vibrations. Not very different from the String that is believed to vibrate in 11 dimensions to become the universe.

Through self discipline we can realize this higher Consciousness.
What is God?

Whatever you wish it to be. Not one of the many definitions of God is universally accepted. Strange, considering how many people believe in it.
"God" is a convenient collective term used to describe all that is.

It is not an invisible man who lives in the sky and knows all and sees all.

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