What is GOD

This topic needs some help. The question is, What is God. Should that question be read "What is God"?, "What Is God", " What is God" or " What is God'? Far too many considerations, will you be more explicit? If not, then God is what God is. Hope this helps. Honestly it all boils down to, "it depends on what your definition of is, is". You may thank President Bill Clinton for that while discussing oral sex and the act thereof.
Being born again is like having the first shit of the day, you feel cleansed and lighter... and no longer needing to have a shit.
Being born again is like having the first shit of the day, you feel cleansed and lighter... and no longer needing to have a shit.

I amso IR responds

Crude but revealing, assuming one really does not want the extra baggage, so to speak.
This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Having unlimited power yet not forcing that unlimited on anyone and setting boundaries for all things which are created.
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Going back to 1. boundaries, limits and rules are set in time for all things in the universe.
Jhgfty said:
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically.
Physical in what sense. Most cannot get to the first base in understanding that God is a spirit unseen by carnal flesh? The Son is created as a physical entity and a place for the Spirit to dwell.
Jhgfty said:
In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy (the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something.
This is a typical human precept "In my theology" by mere use of books and literature to trying to define a spirit. There was something just not what most humans are allowed to see even by the Spirit. Many who have been blessed to see certain things in the regions beyond. When they try to share that with others many have been persecuted, called liars or whatever for that through the ages.
Jhgfty said:
This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD.
This is a typical human precept "In my theory" by mere use of books and literature to trying to define a spirit. That personalizing a concept is what the spirit tells one to do as the soul is a piece a portion a part put into humankind (living on a garden called earth and each is an individual garden) by the breath of Omnipresent Spirit. Actually each earth garden (human, male or female) belongs to God. We are just mere caretakers of the individual plot that we have been instructed to care for (one's self). Back to the 1st. portion of your post, rules, boundaries and limitations are laid out by the Spirit throughout the universe. Each individual has spiritual locations, limits and boundaries just as each planet has it's own boundaries and set limitations. Heavenly boundaries and earthly boundaries, earth replicated as an image of what was already planted by the Spirit.
So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy (nothing and something).
"Nothing and something" gets an awful lot of dispute going around.
Jhgfty said:
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought.
I would disagree with your wording here. Not everyone of everything is Omnipresent nor are the thoughts of a mere mortal co-existent with God although many would sure like it to be. There is a divide where many cannot cross over no matter how hard they try. Without believing that there is such a thing as being an eternal soul it cannot be brought forth to become (cannot grow). It withers and dies just like anything else here on earth without proper nourishment.
I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY
Thoughts do create and by this humans creates as humans have life (spirit) put within to do such. Again within certain set boundaries and limitations. "I am thee, I am" a piece a portion a part given to create a living soul (life), a son (speaking of male and female in the human race designed specifically for a place for the ultimate spirit to dwell within). Thoughts of evil brings forth evil, thoughts of keeping only that which is good can bring forth (birth) good. As spiritual beings thoughts birth forth other spiritual things into existence. Word is generally brought forth as a thought process first.
This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Having unlimited power yet not forcing that unlimited on anyone and setting boundaries for all things which are created.
Doesn't it though we as the created have limits(boundaries) we can create but we cannot create an atom nor can we control GODs will its arrogant to think that we control any thing we may have the illusion of control but if we didn't have the illusion of free will we would be still in GOD (heaven)as Angels.
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Going back to 1. boundaries, limits and rules are set in time for all things in the universe.
Jhgfty said:
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically.
Physical in what sense. Most cannot get to the first base in understanding that God is a spirit unseen by carnal flesh? The Son is created as a physical entity and a place for the Spirit to dwell.
Jhgfty said:
In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy (the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something.
This is a typical human precept "In my theology" by mere use of books and literature to trying to define a spirit. There was something just not what most humans are allowed to see even by the Spirit. Many who have been blessed to see certain things in the regions beyond. When they try to share that with others many have been persecuted, called liars or whatever for that through the ages.
Jhgfty said:
This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD.
This is a typical human precept "In my theory" by mere use of books and literature to trying to define a spirit. That personalizing a concept is what the spirit tells one to do as the soul is a piece a portion a part put into humankind (living on a garden called earth and each is an individual garden) by the breath of Omnipresent Spirit. Actually each earth garden (human, male or female) belongs to God. We are just mere caretakers of the individual plot that we have been instructed to care for (one's self). Back to the 1st. portion of your post, rules, boundaries and limitations are laid out by the Spirit throughout the universe. Each individual has spiritual locations, limits and boundaries just as each planet has it's own boundaries and set limitations. Heavenly boundaries and earthly boundaries, earth replicated as an image of what was already planted by the Spirit.
So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy (nothing and something).
"Nothing and something" gets an awful lot of dispute going around.
Jhgfty said:
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought.
I would disagree with your wording here. Not everyone of everything is Omnipresent nor are the thoughts of a mere mortal co-existent with God although many would sure like it to be. There is a divide where many cannot cross over no matter how hard they try. Without believing that there is such a thing as being an eternal soul it cannot be brought forth to become (cannot grow). It withers and dies just like anything else here on earth without proper nourishment.
I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY
Thoughts do create and by this humans creates as humans have life (spirit) put within to do such. Again within certain set boundaries and limitations. "I am thee, I am" a piece a portion a part given to create a living soul (life), a son (speaking of male and female in the human race designed specifically for a place for the ultimate spirit to dwell within). Thoughts of evil brings forth evil, thoughts of keeping only that which is good can bring forth (birth) good. As spiritual beings thoughts birth forth other spiritual things into existence. Word is generally brought forth as a thought process first.
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
I'd rather look to what I have been personally shown by and through the spirit standing in the pillars of time. Again God is a spirit. Correctly male and female were created in the image of God. There is not a split it is a perfect union of One that is given seed (again spirit). Adam is the "human", that little piece of dust in the universe compiled into a form that is given breath (life, a soul). Eve (shortform called 'life', some Bibles in other languages she is referred to as Ishah 'woman- life' , longform called Chava "which is the ultimate spirit within human who there to show where life is or to teach [human] how to breath") the female portion being taken from Adam (red earth, a human) the living soul is made of the spirit. The Lord (male and female- firstborn of the ultimate spirit called MAN in Genesis 1) makes Eve from the (human that is 'red earth') Adam's rib. A rib (riyb pronounced {reeb}) defined is 'strife, contention or a case at law'. Short form of all that in humankind is call conscience.
You can think Samuel is lucifer if you like. It is after all your own precepts that you must live with.
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
I'd rather look to what I have been personally shown by and through the spirit standing in the pillars of time. Again God is a spirit. Correctly male and female were created in the image of God. There is not a split it is a perfect union of One that is given seed (again spirit). Adam is the "human", that little piece of dust in the universe compiled into a form that is given breath (life, a soul). Eve (shortform called 'life', some Bibles in other languages she is referred to as Ishah 'woman- life' , longform called Chava "which is the ultimate spirit within human who there to show where life is or to teach [human] how to breath") the female portion being taken from Adam (red earth, a human) the living soul is made of the spirit. The Lord (male and female- firstborn of the ultimate spirit called MAN in Genesis 1) makes Eve from the (human that is 'red earth') Adam's rib. A rib (riyb pronounced {reeb}) defined is 'strife, contention or a case at law'. Short form of all that in humankind is call conscience.
You can think Samuel is lucifer if you like. It is after all your own precepts that you must live with.

Good for you stick to what you believe in that's your American right to freedom of religion what I believe is for the gifted few that understands that every thing that you know to be normal is not as it seams. And now that they woke my ass up they don't like what they have created.
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
I'd rather look to what I have been personally shown by and through the spirit standing in the pillars of time. Again God is a spirit. Correctly male and female were created in the image of God. There is not a split it is a perfect union of One that is given seed (again spirit). Adam is the "human", that little piece of dust in the universe compiled into a form that is given breath (life, a soul). Eve (shortform called 'life', some Bibles in other languages she is referred to as Ishah 'woman- life' , longform called Chava "which is the ultimate spirit within human who there to show where life is or to teach [human] how to breath") the female portion being taken from Adam (red earth, a human) the living soul is made of the spirit. The Lord (male and female- firstborn of the ultimate spirit called MAN in Genesis 1) makes Eve from the (human that is 'red earth') Adam's rib. A rib (riyb pronounced {reeb}) defined is 'strife, contention or a case at law'. Short form of all that in humankind is call conscience.
You can think Samuel is lucifer if you like. It is after all your own precepts that you must live with.

Good for you stick to what you believe in that's your American right to freedom of religion what I believe is for the gifted few that understands that every thing that you know to be normal is not as it seams. And now that they woke my ass up they don't like what they have created.
You are the one who is bringing up religion. You are the one who has to live with your own precepts and it is up to each to seek earnestly for the truth. It is within each to find; yet it is up to each as individuals to search for it.
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible
I should have been more cautious with my grammar this morning specifying chapters for this awakening body'
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible
I should have been more cautious with my grammar this morning specifying chapters for this awakening body'

three separate 'creation' stories in genesis and one in Isaiah
Dear Jhgfty
The Muslims teach 99 names for God.
I believe we can form a consensus on the meaning of God by organizing around each one.
Each tribe, religion, system or culture may focus on a different aspect or manifestation of God,
so there are only so many groups, and people tend to align with one or another. We can organize
in families and then learn to communicate between the different tribes or languages for God
and God's laws.

The most common aspects of God I have used to connect with people coming from different traditions:
* God as truth, wisdom, universal laws such as science, even social psychology of human nature
* God as Nature, as Life, or Creation, Universe, Collective forces in the world
* God as Good will, Greater Good for all, Public Good, utilitarian or maximum good or happiness
* God as unconditional love, universal collective love for all humanity, all living things, everything in existence

As for the other levels of what Jesus means or the Holy Spirit
* Jesus as a symbol of Divine or Perfect Justice, Equal Justice, Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice, Justice with Mercy, Peace and Justice
* Christ as meaning Conscience, Christian as meaning Conscionable (antichrist as meaning unconscionable)
* Christianity as meaning Charity (so there is true Charity for lovesake to pay forward unconditionally without asking reward,
and there is false charity for political favor or credit/reward as a condition of giving)
* Holy Spirit as meaning
healing grace and heavenly peace, restoration of humanity, peace on earth, healing human relations, comfort and inner peace, world peace and oneness

and the opposites of God Christ and Holy Spirit
* Satan as ignorance, fear of the unknown, distrust out of ill will and unforgivenes and fear
(instead of faith out of good will from forgiveness and love which is of God)
[Edited: Spirit of separation, division out of fear/selfishness, exploiting willful ignorance]
There is nothing wrong with innocence but when it becomes twisted by fear or jealousy
of someone else having more control authority or power, then it becomes willful ignorance
* Antichrist as retributive justice (instead of Christ Jesus as the spirit of Restorative Justice)
again out of ill will and unforgiveness and anger and rebellion
instead of good will and forgiveness and compassion and mercy
* False prophet as words of war, hate speech, to provoke division and resentment against others,
instead of words of wisdom and comfort to bring healing, correction and peace to restore relations.

This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically. In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy(the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something. This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD. So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy(nothing and something).
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought. I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY
Last edited:
three separate 'creation' stories in genesis and one in Isaiah
It may appear that away to a reader. Being born of flesh and being born of spirit is difficult to grasp for many and it does not all take place in one carnal human lifetime. There are more scrolls written one can read but without having a spirit to understand many won't be able to. Two seasons in time were created prior to the seventh day being brought forth (a day as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day). Not sure if the seasons are found yet in scrolls written anywhere but it was what I was shown. The third is a day of a thousand years (after grace where humans start realizing that they are actually in an area where judgment is while living in the carnal flesh), more working towards completion as spoken about in The Book of Enos. Even so there is an eighth day where the spirit commands us to be holy which very few can get a concept of.
Dear Jhgfty
The Muslims teach 99 names for God.
I believe we can form a consensus on the meaning of God by organizing around each one.
Each tribe, religion, system or culture may focus on a different aspect or manifestation of God,
so there are only so many groups, and people tend to align with one or another. We can organize
in families and then learn to communicate between the different tribes or languages for God
and God's laws.

The most common aspects of God I have used to connect with people coming from different traditions:
* God as truth, wisdom, universal laws such as science, even social psychology of human nature
* God as Nature, as Life, or Creation, Universe, Collective forces in the world
* God as Good will, Greater Good for all, Public Good, utilitarian or maximum good or happiness
* God as unconditional love, universal collective love for all humanity, all living things, everything in existence

As for the other levels of what Jesus means or the Holy Spirit
* Jesus as a symbol of Divine or Perfect Justice, Equal Justice, Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice
* Christ and the Holy Spirit as meaning
healing grace and heavenly peace, restoration of humanity, peace on earth, healing human relations, comfort and inner peace, world peace and oneness

and the opposites of God Christ and Holy Spirit
* Satan as ignorance, fear of the unknown, distrust out of ill will and unforgivenes and fear
(instead of faith out of good will from forgiveness and love which is of God)
There is nothing wrong with innocence but when it becomes twisted by fear or jealousy
of someone else having more control authority or power, then it becomes willful ignorance
* Antichrist as retributive justice (instead of Christ Jesus as the spirit of Restorative Justice)
again out of ill will and unforgiveness and anger and rebellion
instead of good will and forgiveness and compassion and mercy
* False prophet as words of war, hate speech, to provoke division and resentment against others,
instead of words of wisdom and comfort to bring healing, correction and peace to restore relations.

This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically. In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy(the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something. This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD. So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy(nothing and something).
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought. I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY

Satan was god most beloved angel, an advocate. Nothing about satan is ignorance.
Satan is fallen in christian myths.
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible
I should have been more cautious with my grammar this morning specifying chapters for this awakening body'

three separate 'creation' stories in genesis and one in Isaiah

Dear aris2chat
and there are many tribes of Gentiles under natural laws and science laws
who do not use the Bible at all. And these are still included in the spiritual process
of humanity, as symbolized in the Bible with Jesus from the OT to the NT,
without relying on the symbolism in the Bible to communicate this process.

The same process can be explained in secular terms, using social psychology
and stages of human development. We as humanity go through these stages anyway.
Whether we symbolize them using religion/the Bible, or spell out the steps with laws
of science, social science, even political science.

We are moving from Retributive Justice and dependence on authoritarian or patriarchal systems,
to Restorative Justice where people become self-governing and take on equal responsibility for ourselves and society.

We make this shift by transforming ourselves, our lives and relations, even whole institutions,
by FORGIVENESS which changes how we interact with each other. So this is the meaning of
Christ Jesus and the spirit of Restorative Justice that rights wrongs, heals relations, and restores peace in the world.

It starts within ourselves, then changes our relations with others,
and the collective replicates and changes how we interact in the greater world around us, like a ripple effect.

This process has been going on since people first receive the seed, the vision of
divine truth and justice being embodied in our corrupt and imperfect world.
And by the power of forgiveness to heal and correct wrongs, this process
has been slowly but surely working to break the cycle of abuse and violence working to destroy human relations.

The message in the Bible and in all people of faith is that the Good that God stands for
overcomes the Evil regardless where this comes from. We can say it comes from Satan
or from people being selfish, but that's the same thing; it's the separation and division from
each other out of ill will, distrust and unforgiveness that befalls humanity and kills the human spirit.

So the opposite, the faith in good will, trusting in forgiveness to correct and heal the wrongs
is what the saving grace in the Bible means.

I even know atheists who teach abundance of grace, forgiveness and peace and justice
and they don't use Christian language to teach this. It is just Natural Law that all humans are created under.
Even secular humanists who don't care for the Bible still seek peace and justice.

The nature of humanity is what it is.
We can use science to understand it, or use the Bible to symbolize where it came from and where
it is heading. And we will still be talking about the same thing and same process, just in different terms.
Dear Jhgfty
The Muslims teach 99 names for God.
I believe we can form a consensus on the meaning of God by organizing around each one.
Each tribe, religion, system or culture may focus on a different aspect or manifestation of God,
so there are only so many groups, and people tend to align with one or another. We can organize
in families and then learn to communicate between the different tribes or languages for God
and God's laws.

The most common aspects of God I have used to connect with people coming from different traditions:
* God as truth, wisdom, universal laws such as science, even social psychology of human nature
* God as Nature, as Life, or Creation, Universe, Collective forces in the world
* God as Good will, Greater Good for all, Public Good, utilitarian or maximum good or happiness
* God as unconditional love, universal collective love for all humanity, all living things, everything in existence

As for the other levels of what Jesus means or the Holy Spirit
* Jesus as a symbol of Divine or Perfect Justice, Equal Justice, Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice
* Christ and the Holy Spirit as meaning
healing grace and heavenly peace, restoration of humanity, peace on earth, healing human relations, comfort and inner peace, world peace and oneness

and the opposites of God Christ and Holy Spirit
* Satan as ignorance, fear of the unknown, distrust out of ill will and unforgivenes and fear
(instead of faith out of good will from forgiveness and love which is of God)
There is nothing wrong with innocence but when it becomes twisted by fear or jealousy
of someone else having more control authority or power, then it becomes willful ignorance
* Antichrist as retributive justice (instead of Christ Jesus as the spirit of Restorative Justice)
again out of ill will and unforgiveness and anger and rebellion
instead of good will and forgiveness and compassion and mercy
* False prophet as words of war, hate speech, to provoke division and resentment against others,
instead of words of wisdom and comfort to bring healing, correction and peace to restore relations.

This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically. In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy(the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something. This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD. So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy(nothing and something).
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought. I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY

Satan was god most beloved angel, an advocate. Nothing about satan is ignorance.
Satan is fallen in christian myths.

Hi aris2chat
I think you may be referring to Satan as innocence before this became corrupted by fear
as willful ignorance.

I agree there is nothing wrong when children start out naturally self-focused because that is by nature. Of course we need to take care of our needs first, and cry out when we are in pain, are hungry or need help.
We do not mean to be selfish or impose on others when that is all we know.

But when selfishness becomes of out of FEAR or jealousy,
the difference between SCARCITY mentality and victimhood
vs. ABUNDANCE mentality and love of sharing and helping others with faith our needs are met,
then that is the difference between
ill will that separates us and divides us by greed and fear
good will that unites us in harmony by faith in the abundance of love and graces in life

This is the difference between acting and living by love, speaking the truth with love
acting and living in FEAR, speaking out of ill will, distrust and unforgiveness
SEPARATION from others by selfish interests in conflict.

Selfishness out of fear of evil and "ignorance" of how things work
Selflessness out of love and faith in how things work for good

In God there is no conflict of interest, but all needs are met.
So this selfishness has no need, there is no fear where there is pure
love of truth and understanding that all needs can be met, all conflicts resolved,
and no need for selfish competition that has destroyed humanity and society with abuse, crime and war.
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The nature of humanity is what it is.
We can use science to understand it, or use the Bible to symbolize where it came from and where
it is heading. And we will still be talking about the same thing and same process, just in different terms.
I agree Emily if people are killing each other spiritually and carnally God's mercy cannot be brought forth. That does not mean everyone has to accept what another believes or their disbelief, it means we should not act out with utter hatred towards one another as human beings.
Interesting Jhgfty
Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Interesting Jhgfty
Some people symbolize it the other way
putting Creation as Mother Earth Mother Nature
and putting authority or knowledge of law
as the patriarchal Lord or Laws as male, God's will in the masculine.

Either way, do we generally agree that heaven and earth,
human physical and collective spiritual should be one in harmony?

Reminds me of someone I met who told me they
see the Christ and Holy Spirit the opposite roles as I spell them out.
I put Christ on the level of fulfilling laws of God collectively
and laws of man on the physical natural individual level,
and I put the Holy Spirit as the body of people or spirit of humanity
on the earthly level. But she used Christ to mean we as the body of people
embodying the laws and put the Holy Spirit as the joining spirit between man and God.
I used Christ for that part, so we didn't agree how to use the symbols.
We actually had them in reverse positions, but we agreed the point was harmony
between all three levels of individual man on the human physical level
and collectively the higher spirit will or knowledge of God on an infinite scale,
and the connecting level joining all three as one in harmony and accord for peace.

If you see the laws of knowledge as feminine
and the body of creation of man on earth as male,
how do you spell out the reconciliation of these
the restoration of balance in "partnership" between male and female.

Do you use Jesus or Justice or Peace to explain how to reconcile
these two levels AFTER there has been such a long miserable
history of human war and suffering. how do you describe the process
of restoring peace and justice and recovering from ill will, bad karma or sins of the past.

do you believe in forgiveness, letting go, divine healing or grace
to break this vicious cycle of sin and suffering and to open up to receive
the restoration and transformation that other people use Christ and the Holy Spirit to symbolize this coming.

what terms or process do you use to describe the fulfillment and culmination
of the purpose and destiny of humanity? thanks, this is a wonderful thread to discuss these ideas
and the different terms we use to describe the process. I believe this is essential to fulfilling the process,
by being able to share and talk about it so we can further and finish it.

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