What is GOD

I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.

Actually... there are many who perceive the epic battle of Marduk versus Tiamat, recorded in the Babylonian creation myth - the Enûma Eliš (which predates the Bible)- as the shift of matriarchal culture into patriarchal culture...​
Here's a lineage for you.
GOD and the first soul created masculine and feminine then split
First two souls feminine masculine
Bridegroom to GOD
Goddess and God
Wisdom and Knowledge
Azazel And Lucifer
Lilith. And Adam
Eve separated seven times throughout history. And Adam.
If you wonder why I put lady's first because it's the gentlemans way thanks
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
Yes we have evolved hell it even says it in the bible You made man stand up.
Back to the golden rule.
Simple if the same phrase is repeated over an over again could you i don't know maybe think GOD might be trying to tell us something. Really fn think about it IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER HOW YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED. WOULD THERE BE HATE IN THE WORLD ENVY BIGOTRY and all the other otries . Hell we don't have time to fixit comet gets to close the gravitational pull will take care of this whole fn planet that God of earth fucked up with each religion that he reincarnated in trying to be come God in stead of realizing that GOD was willing him to make those religions to explain what the Great One Deity is instead of who.

Hell is a greek concept that made it's way into the NT.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.

What I'm saying is man did not create these laws of life, science and nature.
These are naturally existing.
Our understanding of these laws may evolve, but how human nature works,
how our consciences are connected and we respond collectively to society and humanity as a whole
is NOT something we just made up.

We don't control the fact that our consciences work a certain way.
That's my point, human nature and the "natural laws" are NOT created by man.

Laws existed before god
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.

What I'm saying is man did not create these laws of life, science and nature.
These are naturally existing.
Our understanding of these laws may evolve, but how human nature works,
how our consciences are connected and we respond collectively to society and humanity as a whole
is NOT something we just made up.

We don't control the fact that our consciences work a certain way.
That's my point, human nature and the "natural laws" are NOT created by man.

Laws existed before god

If you define God to be the source of all life, universe and laws contained therein,
then God has to come first.

If you are only using god to mean the personified concept as a "heavenly father"
that did come later, true!

In fact, the Bible contains 10 times as many references to God as WISDOM or Sophia (female)
than it does to God as heavenly father which is a newer development.

Still, my point is that the concept IS the universal knowledge or laws of nature and the universe.
That is the point of discussing God's will, God's laws, God's love, God's grace, etc.
to reach an agreed understanding of naturally existing truth and laws.

So the personified symbolism is not the point of God anyway.
That is a representation to help people understand the Relationship
between individual man on the physical earthly plane
vs. the collective level that is beyond our limited human perceptions, experiences and expressions.

It's the relationship between the individual and the collective
that we are trying to understand and lay out the laws and rules
for how the conscience works that reconciles the two levels --
the free will and interests of the individual
with the greater good for all society and humanity.

How do we reconcile both levels? that is the point,
to understand and agree on the laws that connect and govern these.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
Yes we have evolved hell it even says it in the bible You made man stand up.
Back to the golden rule.
Simple if the same phrase is repeated over an over again could you i don't know maybe think GOD might be trying to tell us something. Really fn think about it IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER HOW YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED. WOULD THERE BE HATE IN THE WORLD ENVY BIGOTRY and all the other otries . Hell we don't have time to fixit comet gets to close the gravitational pull will take care of this whole fn planet that God of earth fucked up with each religion that he reincarnated in trying to be come God in stead of realizing that GOD was willing him to make those religions to explain what the Great One Deity is instead of who.

Hell is a greek concept that made it's way into the NT.

Dear aris2chat
Other cultures and belief systems have their own concepts and ways of teaching the cause and prevention of hell.

Naraka (Buddhism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same with heaven, there are different ways of teaching this concept,
and nobody has a monopoly on it because nobody created this uniquely.

Again, we may have 'man made' terms for these things,
but the "collective level" of either spiritual peace or spiritual suffering
is a universal concept. We are just trying to define the process and figure out how it works.

And yes it's all "faith-based" because whatever you use heaven or hell to refer to
is on a collective level beyond what can be quantified, measured or proven using finite human means.

I point out that war is hell.
Collectively, all humanity suffers from war, but this is "faith based"
to define and discuss the process of going through war to achieve justice.

The concept of human suffering on a collective scale is universal,
but the expressions of it are relative.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
Yes we have evolved hell it even says it in the bible You made man stand up.
Back to the golden rule.
Simple if the same phrase is repeated over an over again could you i don't know maybe think GOD might be trying to tell us something. Really fn think about it IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER HOW YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED. WOULD THERE BE HATE IN THE WORLD ENVY BIGOTRY and all the other otries . Hell we don't have time to fixit comet gets to close the gravitational pull will take care of this whole fn planet that God of earth fucked up with each religion that he reincarnated in trying to be come God in stead of realizing that GOD was willing him to make those religions to explain what the Great One Deity is instead of who.

Hell is a greek concept that made it's way into the NT.

Dear aris2chat
Other cultures and belief systems have their own concepts and ways of teaching the cause and prevention of hell.

Naraka (Buddhism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same with heaven, there are different ways of teaching this concept,
and nobody has a monopoly on it because nobody created this uniquely.

Again, we may have 'man made' terms for these things,
but the "collective level" of either spiritual peace or spiritual suffering
is a universal concept. We are just trying to define the process and figure out how it works.

And yes it's all "faith-based" because whatever you use heaven or hell to refer to
is on a collective level beyond what can be quantified, measured or proven using finite human means.

I point out that war is hell.
Collectively, all humanity suffers from war, but this is "faith based"
to define and discuss the process of going through war to achieve justice.

The concept of human suffering on a collective scale is universal,
but the expressions of it are relative.

War is a hell of mankind's making here on earth.
I don't fear or believe in some everlasting hell as a form of punishment because I don't hold the same beliefs that some particular group does. We are born, we live and we die like all things on the planet. Do all animals, trees, birds, fish and plants go to heaven or hell?
Does killing the things we eat make them curse or rewarded in some way for their actions?

Why should mankind be fated as good or bad after death? Its not logical.
There are creatures smarter than mankind, so why don't they have a belief in god, heaven or hell? Why don't they believe in the bible or religion?
Why is there not one universal faith instead of instead of the tens of thousands of religions? If there was a god that spoke to mankind, why did it not speak to all men of all languages at the same exact time? Even among christians, why are there to many conflicting massages and beliefs? Why should christian church "A" know more or be more right than the other 40,000 or so demonstrations? They all use the same, or very similar book, so how can they be so vastly diverse?

Either they are all right or all wrong.
The first creation of GOD to be God so after he was cast down into man he started really religion trying to become God a true legend same connected soul trying to become God.
Me Original Sin that of Adam and Eve trying to become GOD or like GOD has disconnected us from the thought straight to GOD

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This question is simple but complex. We define GOD first. First definition Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
Then we must theorize what GOD is physically. In my theology I go to the beginning of time, space, and energy(the Universe) I use biblical and other creation myths and literature and science to do this one thing that is constant in a lot of these stories is there was nothing before there was something. This is what GOD IS it is something nothing is the beginning and is everything. Then I personalize it what is in me that is nothing something begins me and is me. It's my soul the essence of me every experience every memory every emotion. All these boil down to one word thought your soul is thought, and so is GOD. So boiling every thing down to its simplest terms we then start to explain what the Universe is (Universe :all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, all that is created) matter and that down to the simplest is energy; so the universe is space and energy(nothing and something).
Let's go back to to the definitions and see what we have covered.
Eternal- : having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever
GOD is the alpha and omega join the beginning and the end together and you complete a circle an eternal loop
Omnipotent : having complete or unlimited power
What is ultimate power answer control complete control GOD Controls everything the Suns burn rate the earth turning The solar system the galaxies because everything is controlled by GOD's will
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times This is explained because everything and everyone is GOD
Omniscient: knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
This definition boils down to thought. I love the quote from Decart " I think there for I AM" and the quote from GOD it's self "I AM THAT I AM" and here's a quote from me GOD thinks of everything there for we exist. By the way I capitalize GOD because it's an anagram for GREAT ONE DEITY

God is not a "what". It is Who is God.... Who is God? Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is LORD.
Then you might as well believe in me because GOD wills everything everyone absolute power is absolute control over the created universe therefore you are sinless because GOD willed you to sin in ITs sight you are perfect art because it imagines you to be who you are. Their I just freed you from your sin now I am the antichrist and the new Christ now I am your LORD.

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Do you really want to worship some man or woman as God or would you want to love GOD for what life you have. MyGOD choose for me to believe in it the way I do and for that I love it but still hate the shit it wills

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