What is GOD

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology
I'd rather look to what I have been personally shown by and through the spirit standing in the pillars of time. Again God is a spirit. Correctly male and female were created in the image of God. There is not a split it is a perfect union of One that is given seed (again spirit). Adam is the "human", that little piece of dust in the universe compiled into a form that is given breath (life, a soul). Eve (shortform called 'life', some Bibles in other languages she is referred to as Ishah 'woman- life' , longform called Chava "which is the ultimate spirit within human who there to show where life is or to teach [human] how to breath") the female portion being taken from Adam (red earth, a human) the living soul is made of the spirit. The Lord (male and female- firstborn of the ultimate spirit called MAN in Genesis 1) makes Eve from the (human that is 'red earth') Adam's rib. A rib (riyb pronounced {reeb}) defined is 'strife, contention or a case at law'. Short form of all that in humankind is call conscience.
You can think Samuel is lucifer if you like. It is after all your own precepts that you must live with.

Good for you stick to what you believe in that's your American right to freedom of religion what I believe is for the gifted few that understands that every thing that you know to be normal is not as it seams. And now that they woke my ass up they don't like what they have created.

Hi Jhgfty
about waking up and people not liking it
this is the stage of biting into the apple of knowledge
where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
we can see enough to be aware of ills and pitfalls
but what if we can't see the full solutions, we become afraid
and this is what it means for Satan to manipulate us by fear

we cannot let our fear become greater than our faith
that truth overcomes and solves problems

the key is to let our love of wisdom and understanding be greater than our fear:
our love of truth being greater than our fear of the unknown
our love of justice being greater than fear of oppression
our love of peace being greater than our fear of conflict and war

knowing that perfect love casts out all fear,
and truth overcomes ignorance, justice and peace
trumps injustice and war. people want peace not suffering, so we all want
the same things, and are just learning how to work with each other instead of against.

this is why we need to know how forgiveness works
forgiveness allows us to open up to knowledge understanding and wisdom
insights into positive solutions and how to bring about corrections and healing
instead of being trapped in fear and negativity

when we first open up the doors and eyes and see the ills inthe world
it is natural to freak out
to become like Adam and run and hide
point the finger to blame someone else

But to finish eating the fruit of the tree
of knowledge and of the tree of life,
to absorb and receive the full message
and understand the greater process,
then we are set free. free of fear free of strife and
conflict and division, we know the truth can resolve anything
that otherwise might separate each other and perpetuate ill will and conflict.

I pray you keep receiving greater wisdom and understanding,
healing of any ills that may have disrupted your sense of dignity and justice in life,
and participate contribute and share even more fully in the process of
reaching a common understanding that liberates the mind and relationships
from any obstruction preventing equal justice peace and unity in truth from being established.

May the process be fulfilled all the more fully
for your awareness and choice to participate
in correcting the wrongs and seeking what is truly right and universal for the benefit of all.

Thank you for posting and sharing here.
May all your questions objections issues criticisms and concerns you raise
be answered and resolved in even greater more positive helpful ways than you envisioned
so that you are truly blessed and these gifts are multiplied, replicated and shared with everyone.

Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science,
or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible
Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science,
or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible

Lilith was the equal of adam and left when adam want to be dominant.

Sacred feminine preceded the present image of god. Far more wide spread and successful that the male god of the bible, in the human time line.
Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science,
or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible

Lilith was the equal of adam and left when adam want to be dominant.

Sacred feminine preceded the present image of god. Far more wide spread and successful that the male god of the bible, in the human time line.
Not trying to be sexist I'm a man who believes in equallity I just base most often theology on the bible because I was raised Christian and my experience with women right now is not good but I know who rules the hidden right now Queens are over Kings. Because Kings are not raised the same way as Queens, because of past oppression of females and so on and so on blah blah I rant to much sorry
Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science, or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible

Lilith was the equal of adam and left when adam want to be dominant.

Sacred feminine preceded the present image of god. Far more wide spread and successful that the male god of the bible, in the human time line.
Not trying to be sexist I'm a man who believes in equallity I just base most often theology on the bible because I was raised Christian and my experience with women right now is not good but I know who rules the hidden right now Queens are over Kings. Because Kings are not raised the same way as Queens, because of past oppression of females and so on and so on blah blah I rant to much sorry

Yes, Jhgfty I also see the karma as flip flopping from one extreme to the other.
When women were first worshipped as givers of life, and the womb was seen as a symbol of creation, women and "wisdom as female Sophia" as a name for God were respected as empowered with knowledge. Then this became demonized, religions and political tribes fought for dominance over knowledge of the laws in order to claim more control -- tribal warfare and territorial "turf" wars. So that is one area where man fell from innocence and good will into ill will
and deliberately undercutting each other. The same paradigm is interpreted any number of ways. But it's basically a model of when humans developed self-awareness of the conflict between wills.

I've seen this called ego instead of sin, or selfish attachment that creates the imbalance in karma.
A. children rebelling against parental authority as individuals rebel against collective govt authority
when it become abusive and oppressive without check
B. the battle of the sexes between men and women for control of the relationship
C. the division of class between the field workers who gathered crops and were valued less
than the hunters who went after meet; the management class that could store and redistribute the meat vs. the working class working the fields (so that men became elevated in society as the meat hunters while women were less valued as gathering fruits vegetables and crops)

These are just a few more common interpretations of where the class and gender divide came from that has fueled jealousy, greed and war as part of the tragic history of the human learning curve. When people ask about the war and genocide in the Bible, all that is the OT, self-destruction from living by the "letter of the law" which gets corrupted by greed; and the point is to restore living by the "spirit of the law" as in the NT which brings life instead of death.

And yes I do believe the point is to quit repeating the same karmic cycles,
and come to peace with the whole process. The stages aren't just endlessly cyclical
but there is a progression, and we as humanity are meant to move toward maturity and resolution.

I find it refreshing to see that you as a Christian man are aware and confronting this
matriarchal and patriarchal spiritual history. So many are in denial but you are actively addressing it.

That is truly excellent!

I hope you enjoy the challenge of sharing on here as part of that "hashing out" process.
I see each person as a "microcosm" of what the whole of humanity has to go through.
So whatever obstacles or division you overcome along the way,
it's like one small step for a man, one giant step for humanity.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and messages on this
spiritual process and the end times we are in right now. Glad to be in your company!

Enjoy and thanks for being here!


The Tree of Life

I am an ancient Dreaming Tree,
Who dreams of tales once told to me.
My roots go down in history
Before they counted centuries.

The oldest tale that I can weave
Concerns Sir Adam's Lady Eve,
Who made the bold discovery
Of human sexuality.

She found out from some fruity tree
(Of no relation close to me!).
She shared this secret with her man
And that's when trouble soon began.

He fought his shame with sword and shield
And built the Church and State to wield
The right to make whole Kingdoms yield
In battles fought upon this field.

So many lost, so many grieve;
I'm forced to stand and count.
I can't make like a man and leave
When horsemen start to mount!

My arms I throw to God's great skies
But can't reach Mother Earth.
If you can teach this lesson wise,
That joy my grief is worth!
  • My favor carry in your tourneys:
    Speak with love on all your journeys.
    Teach your foe to be your friend,
    And fight for truth with ink and pen.
I'll be the paper that you need
To print these words for all to read.
Take life from me, and not from men;
From seeds of peace, I'll bloom again.
Last edited:
Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science, or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible

Lilith was the equal of adam and left when adam want to be dominant.

Sacred feminine preceded the present image of god. Far more wide spread and successful that the male god of the bible, in the human time line.
Not trying to be sexist I'm a man who believes in equallity I just base most often theology on the bible because I was raised Christian and my experience with women right now is not good but I know who rules the hidden right now Queens are over Kings. Because Kings are not raised the same way as Queens, because of past oppression of females and so on and so on blah blah I rant to much sorry

Yes, Jhgfty I also see the karma as flip flopping from one extreme to the other.
When women were first worshipped as givers of life, and the womb was seen as a symbol of creation, women and "wisdom as female Sophia" as a name for God were respected as empowered with knowledge. Then this became demonized, religions and political tribes fought for dominance over knowledge of the laws in order to claim more control -- tribal warfare and territorial "turf" wars. So that is one area where man fell from innocence and good will into ill will
and deliberately undercutting each other. The same paradigm is interpreted any number of ways. But it's basically a model of when humans developed self-awareness of the conflict between wills.

I've seen this called ego instead of sin, or selfish attachment that creates the imbalance in karma.
A. children rebelling against parental authority as individuals rebel against collective govt authority
when it become abusive and oppressive without check
B. the battle of the sexes between men and women for control of the relationship
C. the division of class between the field workers who gathered crops and were valued less
than the hunters who went after meet; the management class that could store and redistribute the meat vs. the working class working the fields (so that men became elevated in society as the meat hunters while women were less valued as gathering fruits vegetables and crops)

These are just a few more common interpretations of where the class and gender divide came from that has fueled jealousy, greed and war as part of the tragic history of the human learning curve. When people ask about the war and genocide in the Bible, all that is the OT, self-destruction from living by the "letter of the law" which gets corrupted by greed; and the point is to restore living by the "spirit of the law" as in the NT which brings life instead of death.

And yes I do believe the point is to quit repeating the same karmic cycles,
and come to peace with the whole process. The stages aren't just endlessly cyclical
but there is a progression, and we as humanity are meant to move toward maturity and resolution.

I find it refreshing to see that you as a Christian man are aware and confronting this
matriarchal and patriarchal spiritual history. So many are in denial but you are actively addressing it.

That is truly excellent!

I hope you enjoy the challenge of sharing on here as part of that "hashing out" process.
I see each person as a "microcosm" of what the whole of humanity has to go through.
So whatever obstacles or division you overcome along the way,
it's like one small step for a man, one giant step for humanity.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and messages on this
spiritual process and the end times we are in right now. Glad to be in your company!

Enjoy and thanks for being here!
Thank you but get one thing straight I AM not a Christian I no longer believe that Yahshuah (Jesus)(bridegroom) died for your sins. They were many things but GOD chooses every choice for us therefore we are sinless in GODS sight.

The Tree of Life

I am an ancient Dreaming Tree,
Who dreams of tales once told to me.
My roots go down in history
Before they counted centuries.

The oldest tale that I can weave
Concerns Sir Adam's Lady Eve,
Who made the bold discovery
Of human sexuality.

She found out from some fruity tree
(Of no relation close to me!).
She shared this secret with her man
And that's when trouble soon began.

He fought his shame with sword and shield
And built the Church and State to wield
The right to make whole Kingdoms yield
In battles fought upon this field.

So many lost, so many grieve;
I'm forced to stand and count.
I can't make like a man and leave
When horsemen start to mount!

My arms I throw to God's great skies
But can't reach Mother Earth.
If you can teach this lesson wise,
That joy my grief is worth!

    • My favor carry in your tourneys:
      Speak with love on all your journeys.
      Teach your foe to be your friend,
      And fight for truth with ink and pen.
I'll be the paper that you need
To print these words for all to read.
Take life from me, and not from men;
From seeds of peace, I'll bloom again.
Beautiful perfect imagery for the tree of life, knowledge (GOD)(the universe PI)


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Dear aris2chat
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.
The final stage is where Mary as the symbol of the people as the church,
the spirit of Mercy and healing grace where all people embrace one another
and embody the law as equals, then we are the Bride of Christ, and we fulfill
the marriage between divine laws on a heavenly collective spiritual level
and natural laws of man on earth on a physical level.
The point is to restore BALANCE between male and female spirit and energy,
and not this combative polarized conflict between church and state,
mother and father, husband and wife fighting for control of the relationship.

So the point of the sacrifice and redemption in Christ is to break this
cycle of dominance and abuse for political greed for material control,
and return to the natural laws that join us as equals in Christ or by Conscience.

This process involved divine forgiveness and grace, so this is symbolized in
Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit restoring Justice and Peace to all relations for healing humanity.

I pray that we all agree to renounce the ill will and ways of retribution of the past,
and seek restorative means of correction, restitution and healing relations instead
that foster unity and collaboration on constructive sustainable solutions we can all agree are good for the whole.
That is what it means to submit to Gods will, is to establish and agree what is the greater good for all and follow it.

this will take all tribes to reach agreement, whether secular under natural laws of social ethics and science,
or believers under spiritual laws and authority given in religious language. We can agree on what is right
and beneficial for all, and if it is truly universal, then by definition everyone will agree. If not we must resolve
conflicts first, and work together to establish what is the common truth, purpose and greater good we agree to enforce.

Look at the stories of creation as parables to the creation of the first thoughts (souls) like in the bible but update the language to today's meanings GOD created the first creation masculine and feminine as one (knowledge and wisdom) then split that soul into two ( father and mother) Adam and Eve. Samuel (Lucifer)and Azzael. All connected souls hence the term "son of" but since the bible was written in a sexist masculine era the stories of the daughter of are not told In the bible but is in other mythology

Eve was not the first female in the bible

Lilith was the equal of adam and left when adam want to be dominant.

Sacred feminine preceded the present image of god. Far more wide spread and successful that the male god of the bible, in the human time line.
Thank you very much for pointing this out I was not aware of this scripture but hers a continuation of their story
A story told to me by a person I love deerly she said that she was always watch the people on earth constantly wishing that she could experience life on earth as people do but on the other hand when GOD willed her to be born she hated everyone now she has not had as many soul life experiences because every time they would abuse her physically mentally sexually and she did not want to be in the world each time she lived as a human she would be taken back in to the wilderness to be taken care of by GOD and she did this time and time again each time she would be mistreated as Time goes by her soul became used to this abuse becoming socialized to it her soul craving the need for the abuse and a yearning for her true love also her soul learning too be submissive to her true soulmate Adam who never stopped seeking the part of his soul that his soul learned over the years to be more equal to Lilith and to be more submissive to her.
Dog spelled backwards.
Deity of GOD that's what we are to it its pets

I think the issues are
* culturally if we perceive God as a personal entity that we can relate to on that level
OR God as impersonal, as in all creation, all the universe, universal laws, knowledge existence of LIFE,
all things existent in Nature and all workings of the whole.
In both cases, "God is still divine" but we portray the MEANING of God as either secular or as religious,
some use science, others use mythological type symbolism.
* whether we as individuals are able to FORGIVE and INCLUDE others we are most opposed to,
or if we address conflicts and difference by Unforgiveness, ill will, and retribution/judgment or punishment

One difference is whether we identify with the Fold of the Believers under Scriptural laws and authority,
or we align with the Gentiles under Natural laws who follow by conscience and understand/community
truth and knowledge by secular language (science, civil laws, ethics, psychology of human and collective social behavior, etc.) Both paths are supposed to be joined as one in the universal spirit of truth, justice and peace.
Our languages should not separate us where we can't work in harmony; the two folds are supposed to check and balance each other, like church and state should work in harmony, mother and father, husband and wife.

The more critical difference is whether we can FORGIVE each other or not, and to what degree
we allow HEALING to take place, this factor is independent of whether we are secular or religious,
"Jew or Gentile", Muslim Christian Jewish Atheists/Nontheist, Buddhist, Secular humanity,
Liberal Democrat, Progressive Green, Independent Libertarian or Conservative Republican.

All people/groups can work things out DESPITE our differences that may not change,
as long as we agree to FORGIVE our differences, INCLUDE each other and work on solutions regardless.

So that Forgiveness factor is what makes or breaks our relationships.
And collectively that determines the process of whether we all unite in agreement
on principles of truth and justice for peace in society, or whether we remain stuck in war
until we figure out the learning curve isn't going anywhere with that.

The path to destruction is Retributive Justice by fear, ill will, unforgiveness and competition to
divide, conquer destroy.

The path to lasting justice and peace is Restorative Justice by love, good will, forgiveness
and collaboration to correct and heal the wrongs that have injured relations and caused
damage on all levels. so there is renewal and rebirth in relations and in collective society.

How we look at God and Jesus/Justice varies per person and tribe we align with and what language we use, whether religious, secular or political for the process of achieving equal justice and peace or salvation for all.

The language shouldn't divide us.
What is causing the problems is if we don't forgive and start denying fault while projecting blame
back and forth. So that cycle of retribution is ended by forgiveness which opens the door to healing and correction.

That is the message in the Bible, the same process that Buddhism and other religions teach,
and the key is understanding Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice that unites all humanity as one,
Regardless which tribe we come from and what languages we use for the laws. They are all
fulfilled in the spirit of truth, love of justice, and peace for all humanity. That is what it means
for Christ Jesus to be Lord of all laws, for Restorative Justice to be the authority that fulfills ALL laws.
What is God?

Whatever you wish it to be. Not one of the many definitions of God is universally accepted. Strange, considering how many people believe in it.
GOD's basic form is thought every thought its most complex form is the Universe. We exist only because IT thinks of everything down to the finite detail.
a figment of man's imagination
No we are a fragment of GODs imagination. It imagines you there for you exist you areade in the imagination of GOD there for you are perfect in its sight. Up date the language of the holy books of religion you might have a better understanding of what GOD was trying to do.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
a figment of man's imagination
No we are a fragment of GODs imagination. It imagines you there for you exist you areade in the imagination of GOD there for you are perfect in its sight. Up date the language of the holy books of religion you might have a better understanding of what GOD was trying to do.

There was no god as man evolved. Ancient man believed in a goddess, animals and later a pantheon of god as they looked for answers before science could explain.
God, especially a single christian god is a relatively modern creation of man.

There has been life for billions of years. Early man has existed for more than a million years. Monotheism as only been around a few thousand years. A blink in the time line.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
Yes we have evolved hell it even says it in the bible You made man stand up.
Back to the golden rule.
Simple if the same phrase is repeated over an over again could you i don't know maybe think GOD might be trying to tell us something. Really fn think about it IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER HOW YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED. WOULD THERE BE HATE IN THE WORLD ENVY BIGOTRY and all the other otries . Hell we don't have time to fixit comet gets to close the gravitational pull will take care of this whole fn planet that God of earth fucked up with each religion that he reincarnated in trying to be come God in stead of realizing that GOD was willing him to make those religions to explain what the Great One Deity is instead of who.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.

What I'm saying is man did not create these laws of life, science and nature.
These are naturally existing.
Our understanding of these laws may evolve, but how human nature works,
how our consciences are connected and we respond collectively to society and humanity as a whole
is NOT something we just made up.

We don't control the fact that our consciences work a certain way.
That's my point, human nature and the "natural laws" are NOT created by man.
a figment of man's imagination

Dear aris2chat
How are laws of nature a "figment of man's imagination"

Did we invent the "Golden Rule"?
Did we create our own human nature?

How can man have invented the laws the govern all humanity?
Aren't we the ones trying to figure out the laws that already exist by nature???

Laws created for man to function in a society.

Golden rule in some form or another exist in most societies. Many philosophers have written their own versions over the millennia.

Laws of nature, be it human, animals or fish are matters of science, not god. They evolved with life and the conditions of nature as well as location.
Yes we have evolved hell it even says it in the bible You made man stand up.
Back to the golden rule.
Simple if the same phrase is repeated over an over again could you i don't know maybe think GOD might be trying to tell us something. Really fn think about it IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER HOW YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED. WOULD THERE BE HATE IN THE WORLD ENVY BIGOTRY and all the other otries . Hell we don't have time to fixit comet gets to close the gravitational pull will take care of this whole fn planet that God of earth fucked up with each religion that he reincarnated in trying to be come God in stead of realizing that GOD was willing him to make those religions to explain what the Great One Deity is instead of who.

Humans may have made the cultural expressions and religious terms for the same Golden Rule.
But we didn't invent human nature and the human conscience.
We didn't write this law and then impose it and MAKE people follow it.
It naturally exists and explains how humans respond reciprocally and collectively.
We didn't make that up, just because we wrote it down. All religions have a form of the Golden Rule.
the languages and religions are made by man, but the universal laws they represent came with the universe
we didn't invent either.

The Golden Rule in World Religions
Versions of the Golden Rule in 21 world religions
I believe that Lillith represents the matriarch cultures before Eve.
And that Adam and Eve represent the lineage of the patriarchal cultures and laws.

Actually... there are many who perceive the epic battle of Marduk versus Tiamat, recorded in the Babylonian creation myth - the Enûma Eliš (which predates the Bible)- as the shift of matriarchal culture into patriarchal culture...​

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