what is graphine and why it will take over the world.

No worries. I'll transcribe a bit here for ya:

"The EU devoted $1.3 billion to research that's supposed to last for a decade (from 2013 to 2023)"

Wait.. Did you just see a real bright light? Hey, someone took my pants! The date? What year!!?
Forging ahead undaunted in Wuhan (using perfect scientific English) while we of the West wait, trembling in fear of Pfizer and Fauci:

Sure hear a bunch about it but I have yet to be able to get my fingers on it. Nor do I know anyone that has gotten their fingers on it. When the hell we gunna start seeing some of these benefits?
I recall them predicting we'd soon be zipping around in personal flying things just like the Jetsons at the 1965 World's Fair.. Nothin' comes easy. If it ain't one thing it's another. There's always a fly in the ointment.

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