What is happening in albany?

Well, if the taxpayers in New York don't agree with me, she'll figure out a way. I just don't think being stingy is always the ultimately best answer.

How bout she does what my brother did. Get a job and pay her own way.

My brother has two engineering degrees and a business management degree and he pretty much paid for it himself.

If he can do it. So can she.
She will. Either through the military or through the local hospital. She will graduate high school with her LPN, so she can get started and get reimbursement from her employer. No one is saying she's lazy, or you'd best not be.
Well, if the taxpayers in New York don't agree with me, she'll figure out a way. I just don't think being stingy is always the ultimately best answer.

How bout she does what my brother did. Get a job and pay her own way.

My brother has two engineering degrees and a business management degree and he pretty much paid for it himself.

If he can do it. So can she.
She will. Either through the military or through the local hospital. She will graduate high school with her LPN, so she can get started and get reimbursement from her employer. No one is saying she's lazy, or you'd best not be.

Good for her. If she serves one tour in the military she can get some help with college.

Good decision on her part.
Andrew Cuomo just announced his plan for free college at a 2 or 4 year school for families who make less than 125,000 per year. The problem that I have with this is everyone still gets a gold star for doing nothing. When does this stop?! It teaches kids nothing. everything is handed over on a silver platter to people who don't deserve it. People look at things differently when they are given to them for free. We are only making the problems we currently have 10x worse. So now, instead of paying off college for 30 years, I can pay off everyone else college for the rest of my life! :nono:
So don't worry everyone, we will put you through college for free. Oh you are finished with college and you don't have a job? Ok, then lets give you a little government assistance. Oh you don't have a place to live? Don't worry, your neigbhoors will pay for that too!

When I go to the store, I don't go there to ask someone else to buy my groceries. I buy the groceries with the money I worked for, because I put in money and effort to get where I am. What is this teaching people? Im sick for paying for everyone elses SHIT.

Just a quick question. Do you think that elementary, middle, and high school teach kids nothing?

Pretty much. Apparently, according to your grammar, they taught you nothing.

Don't you mean, "Do you think that elementary, middle, and high school teach kids anything?"

Unless you meant to ask if these institutions literally set out with the intended purpose of not delivering any knowledge whatsoever to their clients?

Which. . . . in some instances. . . really isn't so far off the mark. :lol:
Why not make poor people pay for K-12 while you're at it...or go without...

Wouldn't that make America a better place?

Why shouldn't they pay like everyone else??

See? The above is the true face of modern American conservatism.

Get rid of all public education. Get rid of all social spending. Make America worse than parts of Africa.

The question is, why do conservatives want that?
Well, if the taxpayers in New York don't agree with me, she'll figure out a way. I just don't think being stingy is always the ultimately best answer.

How bout she does what my brother did. Get a job and pay her own way.

My brother has two engineering degrees and a business management degree and he pretty much paid for it himself.

If he can do it. So can she.
She will. Either through the military or through the local hospital. She will graduate high school with her LPN, so she can get started and get reimbursement from her employer. No one is saying she's lazy, or you'd best not be.

Good for her. If she serves one tour in the military she can get some help with college.

Good decision on her part.
If they'll take her with her old injury, I think it would be a good plan. As long as she doesn't get her ass shot off. She is just like her father at times.
Why not make poor people pay for K-12 while you're at it...or go without...

Wouldn't that make America a better place?

Why shouldn't they pay like everyone else??

See? The above is the true face of modern American conservatism.

Get rid of all public education. Get rid of all social spending. Make America worse than parts of Africa.

The question is, why do conservatives want that?

Nope. No one shouldn't have to pay for what everyone else has to pay for.

Oh and I'd get rid of the social spending.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the FREE ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in 94.

Carry on clueless.
Well, if the taxpayers in New York don't agree with me, she'll figure out a way. I just don't think being stingy is always the ultimately best answer.

How bout she does what my brother did. Get a job and pay her own way.

My brother has two engineering degrees and a business management degree and he pretty much paid for it himself.

If he can do it. So can she.
She will. Either through the military or through the local hospital. She will graduate high school with her LPN, so she can get started and get reimbursement from her employer. No one is saying she's lazy, or you'd best not be.

Good for her. If she serves one tour in the military she can get some help with college.

Good decision on her part.
If they'll take her with her old injury, I think it would be a good plan. As long as she doesn't get her ass shot off. She is just like her father at times.

Steer her toward the Air Force. Good careers there and she won't get her ass shot off. LOL
Andrew Cuomo just announced his plan for free college at a 2 or 4 year school for families who make less than 125,000 per year. The problem that I have with this is everyone still gets a gold star for doing nothing. When does this stop?! It teaches kids nothing. everything is handed over on a silver platter to people who don't deserve it. People look at things differently when they are given to them for free. We are only making the problems we currently have 10x worse. So now, instead of paying off college for 30 years, I can pay off everyone else college for the rest of my life! :nono:
So don't worry everyone, we will put you through college for free. Oh you are finished with college and you don't have a job? Ok, then lets give you a little government assistance. Oh you don't have a place to live? Don't worry, your neigbhoors will pay for that too!

When I go to the store, I don't go there to ask someone else to buy my groceries. I buy the groceries with the money I worked for, because I put in money and effort to get where I am. What is this teaching people? Im sick for paying for everyone elses SHIT.
If we invest in eligible kids getting a college education, you will have less people on assistance down the road. That's what it's for.
And I'm glad to hear it, because my granddaughter is planning to go into nursing and she lives in New York state. She's been thinking of the military or Reserves to help with the college bills, but she has a medical issue that might keep her out. It would be a big help not to start her life loaded with student loans.

You make the assumption that . . .



Better Education = Better Life.

Disabuse yourself from this notion immediately. Cuomo isn't doing this for the kids. That is a bullshit smokescreen to steal taxes from you, raise interest rates, and fuck the economy. This is for wealthy Wall Street interests.

I wouldn't be surprised if the National government follows suit. They don't give a damn who is in power. It's all a rich man's game.

It's a good thing she is choosing something practical with high demand that the government has caused market in-elasticity in by passing a law requiring a piece of paper to work a job. . . otherwise, like many jobs, college really is no guarantee that you will find a job once you graduate.

Right after the '08 collapse, there sure were a look of degreed young folks working at Starbucks and waiting tables.

It happened once, it'll happen again.
Well, if the taxpayers in New York don't agree with me, she'll figure out a way. I just don't think being stingy is always the ultimately best answer.

How bout she does what my brother did. Get a job and pay her own way.

My brother has two engineering degrees and a business management degree and he pretty much paid for it himself.

If he can do it. So can she.
She will. Either through the military or through the local hospital. She will graduate high school with her LPN, so she can get started and get reimbursement from her employer. No one is saying she's lazy, or you'd best not be.

Good for her. If she serves one tour in the military she can get some help with college.

Good decision on her part.
If they'll take her with her old injury, I think it would be a good plan. As long as she doesn't get her ass shot off. She is just like her father at times.

Steer her toward the Air Force. Good careers there and she won't get her ass shot off. LOL
How strange. That is exactly what she'd like to do.
Andrew Cuomo just announced his plan for free college at a 2 or 4 year school for families who make less than 125,000 per year. The problem that I have with this is everyone still gets a gold star for doing nothing. When does this stop?! It teaches kids nothing. everything is handed over on a silver platter to people who don't deserve it. People look at things differently when they are given to them for free. We are only making the problems we currently have 10x worse. So now, instead of paying off college for 30 years, I can pay off everyone else college for the rest of my life! :nono:
So don't worry everyone, we will put you through college for free. Oh you are finished with college and you don't have a job? Ok, then lets give you a little government assistance. Oh you don't have a place to live? Don't worry, your neigbhoors will pay for that too!

When I go to the store, I don't go there to ask someone else to buy my groceries. I buy the groceries with the money I worked for, because I put in money and effort to get where I am. What is this teaching people? Im sick for paying for everyone elses SHIT.
If we invest in eligible kids getting a college education, you will have less people on assistance down the road. That's what it's for.
And I'm glad to hear it, because my granddaughter is planning to go into nursing and she lives in New York state. She's been thinking of the military or Reserves to help with the college bills, but she has a medical issue that might keep her out. It would be a big help not to start her life loaded with student loans.

You make the assumption that . . .



Better Education = Better Life.

Disabuse yourself from this notion immediately. Cuomo isn't doing this for the kids. That is a bullshit smokescreen to steal taxes from you, raise interest rates, and fuck the economy. This is for wealthy Wall Street interests.

I wouldn't be surprised if the National government follows suit. They don't give a damn who is in power. It's all a rich man's game.

It's a good thing she is choosing something practical with high demand that the government has caused market in-elasticity in by passing a law requiring a piece of paper to work a job. . . otherwise, like many jobs, college really is no guarantee that you will find a job once you graduate.

Right after the '08 collapse, there sure were a look of degreed young folks working at Starbucks and waiting tables.

It happened once, it'll happen again.

You're preaching to the choir on this one. But the college = good job equation is what the government is pushing, hard, right now. And if the jobs were out there, it would be true.
Yes, people will always get sick and need tending. You can't automate that. I know people who are perfectly happy in their lives cleaning houses or bartending and I have nothing against folks not going to college if they can make a living. IMO, there are a lot of people who aren't college material and our education system needs to adjust to producing high school graduates who are prepared to enter the work force instead of requiring them to spend another two to four to six years in college. But to be an RN, she's got to go 4 years.
Andrew Cuomo just announced his plan for free college at a 2 or 4 year school for families who make less than 125,000 per year. The problem that I have with this is everyone still gets a gold star for doing nothing. When does this stop?! It teaches kids nothing. everything is handed over on a silver platter to people who don't deserve it. People look at things differently when they are given to them for free. We are only making the problems we currently have 10x worse. So now, instead of paying off college for 30 years, I can pay off everyone else college for the rest of my life! :nono:
So don't worry everyone, we will put you through college for free. Oh you are finished with college and you don't have a job? Ok, then lets give you a little government assistance. Oh you don't have a place to live? Don't worry, your neigbhoors will pay for that too!

When I go to the store, I don't go there to ask someone else to buy my groceries. I buy the groceries with the money I worked for, because I put in money and effort to get where I am. What is this teaching people? Im sick for paying for everyone elses SHIT.

Just a quick question. Do you think that elementary, middle, and high school teach kids nothing?

Pretty much. Apparently, according to your grammar, they taught you nothing.

Don't you mean, "Do you think that elementary, middle, and high school teach kids anything?"

Unless you meant to ask if these institutions literally set out with the intended purpose of not delivering any knowledge whatsoever to their clients?

Which. . . . in some instances. . . really isn't so far off the mark. :lol:

No, I meant just what I said. I was asking if he thought that public schools teach nothing to the students who attend those schools. Since he said "It teaches kids nothing," seemingly in regard to college that the student doesn't directly pay for, I was questioning whether that logic also applies to public school. I intentionally used the same kind of phrasing.

Moreover, while I imagine you were trying to be funny, someone making a grammatical mistake certainly doesn't indicate they have been taught nothing.

Of course, when you seem to think that some colleges intentionally try to ensure their students don't learn anything, it isn't hard to see that your mind works in.....unusual ways, let's say. :lol:
Andrew Cuomo just announced his plan for free college at a 2 or 4 year school for families who make less than 125,000 per year. The problem that I have with this is everyone still gets a gold star for doing nothing. When does this stop?! It teaches kids nothing. everything is handed over on a silver platter to people who don't deserve it. People look at things differently when they are given to them for free. We are only making the problems we currently have 10x worse. So now, instead of paying off college for 30 years, I can pay off everyone else college for the rest of my life! :nono:
So don't worry everyone, we will put you through college for free. Oh you are finished with college and you don't have a job? Ok, then lets give you a little government assistance. Oh you don't have a place to live? Don't worry, your neigbhoors will pay for that too!

When I go to the store, I don't go there to ask someone else to buy my groceries. I buy the groceries with the money I worked for, because I put in money and effort to get where I am. What is this teaching people? Im sick for paying for everyone elses SHIT.

Just a quick question. Do you think that elementary, middle, and high school teach kids nothing?
Public or private? :lol:

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