What Is Happening in Haiti Will Come Here Too


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Well, 10+ million Biden illegals, the bulk of whom are military-age men.

And now, a loony Federal judge in Illinois says these illegals have 2nd Amendment rights.

he kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.

Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.

If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Haiti right now. Following years of disastrous policies, the entire nation has descended into a state of chaos…

The Republic of Haiti has been sliding toward failed state status for much of the 21st Century, but over the past few weeks, the collapse escalated at a blistering pace. Following the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse in 2021, the prime minister and acting president Ariel Henry has failed to control the gang violence wreaking havoc on the capital, Port-au-Prince. With gangs now controlling as much as 80 percent of the city, Henry traveled to Guyana in February to sign a treaty allowing a contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to patrol Port-au-Prince. But after the gangs shut down the airport and released thousands from prison, Henry was forced to announce his resignation from exile — and delay the police force deployment that could help bring order to the capital.

It would be hard to overstate how nightmarish conditions have become in Haiti.

One British news source is comparing the current state of affairs to “the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max”…

Haiti has been compared to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max as gang chaos continues.

Gang leaders are still fighting despite absentee Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreeing to resign last week.

With Haitians awaiting the formation of a Transitional Governing Council that is set to take power before elections are held, gangs looted aid supplies over the weekend.

UNICEF said containers with “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were snared by gangs in the capital Port-au-Prince on Saturday.

Apparently the Biden administration decided that it would be a good idea to open the floodgates for those that wish to leave Haiti and come here.


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You are right, Haiti is largely happening across the USA thanks to Biden and the Democrats.

Is this Biden's and the democrat's 3rd or 4th major foreign policy blunder? 5th and 6th, I bet there is more not being reported on.
Buidling a wall on the border is not going to stop the gangs and crime that are already here and done by legal American citizens.
Well, 10+ million Biden illegals, the bulk of whom are military-age men.

And now, a loony Federal judge in Illinois says these illegals have 2nd Amendment rights.

he kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.

Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.

If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Haiti right now. Following years of disastrous policies, the entire nation has descended into a state of chaos…

The Republic of Haiti has been sliding toward failed state status for much of the 21st Century, but over the past few weeks, the collapse escalated at a blistering pace. Following the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse in 2021, the prime minister and acting president Ariel Henry has failed to control the gang violence wreaking havoc on the capital, Port-au-Prince. With gangs now controlling as much as 80 percent of the city, Henry traveled to Guyana in February to sign a treaty allowing a contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to patrol Port-au-Prince. But after the gangs shut down the airport and released thousands from prison, Henry was forced to announce his resignation from exile — and delay the police force deployment that could help bring order to the capital.

It would be hard to overstate how nightmarish conditions have become in Haiti.

One British news source is comparing the current state of affairs to “the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max”…

Haiti has been compared to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max as gang chaos continues.

Gang leaders are still fighting despite absentee Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreeing to resign last week.

With Haitians awaiting the formation of a Transitional Governing Council that is set to take power before elections are held, gangs looted aid supplies over the weekend.

UNICEF said containers with “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were snared by gangs in the capital Port-au-Prince on Saturday.

Apparently the Biden administration decided that it would be a good idea to open the floodgates for those that wish to leave Haiti and come here.


Haiti has been a failed state for most of the 20th century too.
Well, 10+ million Biden illegals, the bulk of whom are military-age men.

And now, a loony Federal judge in Illinois says these illegals have 2nd Amendment rights.

he kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.
Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.
If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Haiti right now. Following years of disastrous policies, the entire nation has descended into a state of chaos…
The Republic of Haiti has been sliding toward failed state status for much of the 21st Century, but over the past few weeks, the collapse escalated at a blistering pace. Following the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse in 2021, the prime minister and acting president Ariel Henry has failed to control the gang violence wreaking havoc on the capital, Port-au-Prince. With gangs now controlling as much as 80 percent of the city, Henry traveled to Guyana in February to sign a treaty allowing a contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to patrol Port-au-Prince. But after the gangs shut down the airport and released thousands from prison, Henry was forced to announce his resignation from exile — and delay the police force deployment that could help bring order to the capital.
It would be hard to overstate how nightmarish conditions have become in Haiti.
One British news source is comparing the current state of affairs to “the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max”…
Haiti has been compared to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max as gang chaos continues.
Gang leaders are still fighting despite absentee Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreeing to resign last week.
With Haitians awaiting the formation of a Transitional Governing Council that is set to take power before elections are held, gangs looted aid supplies over the weekend.
UNICEF said containers with “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were snared by gangs in the capital Port-au-Prince on Saturday.
Apparently the Biden administration decided that it would be a good idea to open the floodgates for those that wish to leave Haiti and come here.

Why should Haiti, Cubans, Venezuela be allowed in at all?

Libs are totally insane
Well, 10+ million Biden illegals, the bulk of whom are military-age men.

And now, a loony Federal judge in Illinois says these illegals have 2nd Amendment rights.

he kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.
Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.
If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Haiti right now. Following years of disastrous policies, the entire nation has descended into a state of chaos…
The Republic of Haiti has been sliding toward failed state status for much of the 21st Century, but over the past few weeks, the collapse escalated at a blistering pace. Following the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse in 2021, the prime minister and acting president Ariel Henry has failed to control the gang violence wreaking havoc on the capital, Port-au-Prince. With gangs now controlling as much as 80 percent of the city, Henry traveled to Guyana in February to sign a treaty allowing a contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to patrol Port-au-Prince. But after the gangs shut down the airport and released thousands from prison, Henry was forced to announce his resignation from exile — and delay the police force deployment that could help bring order to the capital.
It would be hard to overstate how nightmarish conditions have become in Haiti.
One British news source is comparing the current state of affairs to “the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max”…
Haiti has been compared to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max as gang chaos continues.
Gang leaders are still fighting despite absentee Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreeing to resign last week.
With Haitians awaiting the formation of a Transitional Governing Council that is set to take power before elections are held, gangs looted aid supplies over the weekend.
UNICEF said containers with “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were snared by gangs in the capital Port-au-Prince on Saturday.
Apparently the Biden administration decided that it would be a good idea to open the floodgates for those that wish to leave Haiti and come here.

We already see the effects of the massive illegal masses coming across our borders. High crime, filth on the streets and subways and colossal homelessness.
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Well, 10+ million Biden illegals, the bulk of whom are military-age men.

And now, a loony Federal judge in Illinois says these illegals have 2nd Amendment rights.

he kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.
Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.
If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Haiti right now. Following years of disastrous policies, the entire nation has descended into a state of chaos…
The Republic of Haiti has been sliding toward failed state status for much of the 21st Century, but over the past few weeks, the collapse escalated at a blistering pace. Following the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse in 2021, the prime minister and acting president Ariel Henry has failed to control the gang violence wreaking havoc on the capital, Port-au-Prince. With gangs now controlling as much as 80 percent of the city, Henry traveled to Guyana in February to sign a treaty allowing a contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to patrol Port-au-Prince. But after the gangs shut down the airport and released thousands from prison, Henry was forced to announce his resignation from exile — and delay the police force deployment that could help bring order to the capital.
It would be hard to overstate how nightmarish conditions have become in Haiti.
One British news source is comparing the current state of affairs to “the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max”…
Haiti has been compared to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max as gang chaos continues.
Gang leaders are still fighting despite absentee Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreeing to resign last week.
With Haitians awaiting the formation of a Transitional Governing Council that is set to take power before elections are held, gangs looted aid supplies over the weekend.
UNICEF said containers with “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were snared by gangs in the capital Port-au-Prince on Saturday.
Apparently the Biden administration decided that it would be a good idea to open the floodgates for those that wish to leave Haiti and come here.

That violence is exactly what trump's rantings are meant to encourage here.
Are all these illegals bad people? No, not all of them. But people need to understand the grim meathook reality of things. Poor, dumb, people who flee a shitty country aren't going to magically become model citizens as soon as they cross the border. They will continue to be exactly what they have been there whole lives.

Criminals, drug dealers, dumb, poor, and generally shitty people from a shitty country will come here and continue to be and do exactly what they were in their own countries. Eventually so many of them will come here that our country will start to become the same place they left

None of these people come here because they love America and want to conform to America and be an asset to America. No, they come here to suck at the tit of uncle sam and or escape their criminal past and start a new criminal future where they can get away with a lot here in America. They are here to bleed america for all they can.
Do you know what Haiti is? Haiti is a perfect example of capitalism without the ability to plunder other countries.
And yes, there is mass cannibalism there now.
Are all these illegals bad people? No, not all of them. But people need to understand the grim meathook reality of things. Poor, dumb, people who flee a shitty country aren't going to magically become model citizens as soon as they cross the border. They will continue to be exactly what they have been there whole lives.

Criminals, drug dealers, dumb, poor, and generally shitty people from a shitty country will come here and continue to be and do exactly what they were in their own countries. Eventually so many of them will come here that our country will start to become the same place they left

None of these people come here because they love America and want to conform to America and be an asset to America. No, they come here to suck at the tit of uncle sam and or escape their criminal past and start a new criminal future where they can get away with a lot here in America. They are here to bleed america for all they can.
They are all bad people .
Why should Haiti, Cubans, Venezuela be allowed in at all?

Libs are totally insane

You are right, they shouldn't

But they are an intrinsically important part in the destruction of traditional America as we know it

You have to thank the Obiden Criminal Regime for all this utter lawlessness! :mad-61:

Thank you Barack Ovomit thank you Biden :mad-61:
You are right, they shouldn't

But they are an intrinsically important part in the destruction of traditional America as we know it

You have to thank the Obiden Criminal Regime for all this utter lawlessness! :mad-61:

Thank you Barack Ovomit thank you Biden :mad-61:
If more libs had children they would care about the future instead of living only for today

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