What Is Happening in the US

It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

I got what you were saying but, in my opinion, it is bigger then just being a selfish spoiled college kid. Organization like we are seeing takes effort. Someone pushed themselves away from the PS4 to go and protest. And I don't believe it was because someone wrote the N word on their door.
Oh, so you're saying this stuff may be organized. Okay, could be. I'm talking more about the culture itself.

I don't know. This culture of ours has gone over the edge, and these kids are living in a vacuum that supports it. I don't know that they need any help.

What, other the self gratification, do you think is their motivation? As I said, it take effort to protest. So it is not them just sitting around taking selfies.
I'm serious when I use the term "hypersensitive". I think that's what we've created, and gets more intense with time.

Every inconvenience, discomfort, challenge to their opinion is worth going to war over. There is no intellectual elasticity there, there is no fundamental modesty that tells them "well, live and let live". And it stretches far beyond college.
Groups realize that by banning together and raising a stink (for lack of a better phrase) they get media attention and thus, effect change in some way.

It's called manipulation and, in many cases, it's just a game. To see what they can get away with.
A Power Play if you will..... in many cases, they don't even feel strongly about the issues...

Case in point, Missouri.

"Addiction" to hate, drama and controversy is nothing new, but it is being brought to new levels.

I see no difference between a "hoax" uprising than a computer hacker. Stirring shit just because they can.

.... and free tuition and debt forgiveness....? Yeah, that's a great thing..... o_O
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.

Oh! It is being funded by someone with an end game. That's awesome.

Of course there is an end game, at least that I can understand. Your snarky response, are you implying that these "kids" are protesting for no good reason and have no end game? Really?

Dummy. You suggested that they are being funded by someone. You know......a puppet master. Someone with a nefarious agenda.

They are t being funded or led by anyone. That's conspiracy theory shit.....and you are a conspiracy theorist.

Now....try hard not to take my words out of context this time.

Why do you even come on this board? Discussion with you amounts to you preaching and insulting.

Of course someone is leading them whether it is a student or committee or sugar daddy.
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.

Oh! It is being funded by someone with an end game. That's awesome.

Of course there is an end game, at least that I can understand. Your snarky response, are you implying that these "kids" are protesting for no good reason and have no end game? Really?

Dummy. You suggested that they are being funded by someone. You know......a puppet master. Someone with a nefarious agenda.

They are t being funded or led by anyone. That's conspiracy theory shit.....and you are a conspiracy theorist.

Now....try hard not to take my words out of context this time.

Why do you even come on this board? Discussion with you amounts to you preaching and insulting.

Of course someone is leading them whether it is a student or committee or sugar daddy.

You are back pedaling.
An entire generation of kids that can't compete.

Lookin' excellent for my kid's future.
I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

I got what you were saying but, in my opinion, it is bigger then just being a selfish spoiled college kid. Organization like we are seeing takes effort. Someone pushed themselves away from the PS4 to go and protest. And I don't believe it was because someone wrote the N word on their door.
Oh, so you're saying this stuff may be organized. Okay, could be. I'm talking more about the culture itself.

I don't know. This culture of ours has gone over the edge, and these kids are living in a vacuum that supports it. I don't know that they need any help.

What, other the self gratification, do you think is their motivation? As I said, it take effort to protest. So it is not them just sitting around taking selfies.
I'm serious when I use the term "hypersensitive". I think that's what we've created, and gets more intense with time.

Every inconvenience, discomfort, challenge to their opinion is worth going to war over. There is no intellectual elasticity there, there is no fundamental modesty that tells them "well, live and let live". And it stretches far beyond college.

This goes beyond bitching about things, in my opinion.

Maybe it would be constructive to list their complaints.

In the case of the hunger strikes what are they striking over? I was told it was a race thing. Which, in my opinion, is pure BS there has to be another agenda. Or is it as you are saying they are just bitching to bitch and are willing to go on a hunger strike to do so?

I saw on the TV an ad for the special they are going to have. In that ad they said that race was the biggest issue in America. Do you really agree? If not is it because you are white and see no problem? And even if it is a problem I would like someone to tell me how we legislate that out of existence.
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An entire generation of kids that can't compete.

Lookin' excellent for my kid's future.

Oh no, your not saying hard work and desire is white privilege are you? If so then Ben Carson, did he benefit from white privilege?
Groups realize that by banning together and raising a stink (for lack of a better phrase) they get media attention and thus, effect change in some way.

It's called manipulation and, in many cases, it's just a game. To see what they can get away with.
A Power Play if you will..... in many cases, they don't even feel strongly about the issues...

Case in point, Missouri.

"Addiction" to hate, drama and controversy is nothing new, but it is being brought to new levels.

I see no difference between a "hoax" uprising than a computer hacker. Stirring shit just because they can.

.... and free tuition and debt forgiveness....? Yeah, that's a great thing..... o_O
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

Do you know what the story is behind those selfie girls? I bet you don't. Let me help.

Selfie-taking sorority girls offer free tickets to charity

Narcissistic bitches!
Why did they have to use "taking selfies" as a means to promote free tickets?

You lend support to Mac's argument, yet have no clue you did so. I think that's very indicative to the intellectual performance of the left.
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I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

I got what you were saying but, in my opinion, it is bigger then just being a selfish spoiled college kid. Organization like we are seeing takes effort. Someone pushed themselves away from the PS4 to go and protest. And I don't believe it was because someone wrote the N word on their door.
Oh, so you're saying this stuff may be organized. Okay, could be. I'm talking more about the culture itself.

I don't know. This culture of ours has gone over the edge, and these kids are living in a vacuum that supports it. I don't know that they need any help.

What, other the self gratification, do you think is their motivation? As I said, it take effort to protest. So it is not them just sitting around taking selfies.
I'm serious when I use the term "hypersensitive". I think that's what we've created, and gets more intense with time.

Every inconvenience, discomfort, challenge to their opinion is worth going to war over. There is no intellectual elasticity there, there is no fundamental modesty that tells them "well, live and let live". And it stretches far beyond college.

This goes beyond bitching about things, in my opinion.

Maybe it would be constructive to list their complaints.

In the case of the hunger strikes what are they striking over? I was told it was a race thing. Which, in my opinion, is pure BS there has to be another agenda. Or is it as you are saying they are just bitching to bitch and are willing to go on a hunger strike to do so?

I saw on the TV an ad for the special they are going to have. In that ad they said that race was the biggest issue in America. Do you really agree? If not is it because you are white and see no problem? And even if it is a problem I would like someone to tell me how we legislate that out of existence.
I'm not so sure there's really some dark hidden force driving these kids. I think it's pretty clear this is political correctness, coddling and the liberal agenda with frosting on top. This is what 50 years of leftists indoctrinating kids in schools has produced. The way these kids are acting is the pride and joy of the left, and it's like Frankenstein, they created the monster, and now the monster is out of control.
Groups realize that by banning together and raising a stink (for lack of a better phrase) they get media attention and thus, effect change in some way.

It's called manipulation and, in many cases, it's just a game. To see what they can get away with.
A Power Play if you will..... in many cases, they don't even feel strongly about the issues...

Case in point, Missouri.

"Addiction" to hate, drama and controversy is nothing new, but it is being brought to new levels.

I see no difference between a "hoax" uprising than a computer hacker. Stirring shit just because they can.

.... and free tuition and debt forgiveness....? Yeah, that's a great thing..... o_O
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

Do you know what the story is behind those selfie girls? I bet you don't. Let me help.

Selfie-taking sorority girls offer free tickets to charity

Narcissistic bitches!
Why did they have to use "taking selfies" as a means to promote free tickets?

You lend support to Mac's argument, yet have no clue you do so. I think that's very indicative to the intellectual performance of the left.

You seem confused.

They were taped being weird in public. They're were UNIVERSALLY mocked by young and old.......even college students mocked their behavior. Then.....the team felt bad for them and offered them some free tickets. They then suggested that the free tickets go to their charity.

That is the antithesis of narcissism. Ya fuckin' dummy.
I got what you were saying but, in my opinion, it is bigger then just being a selfish spoiled college kid. Organization like we are seeing takes effort. Someone pushed themselves away from the PS4 to go and protest. And I don't believe it was because someone wrote the N word on their door.
Oh, so you're saying this stuff may be organized. Okay, could be. I'm talking more about the culture itself.

I don't know. This culture of ours has gone over the edge, and these kids are living in a vacuum that supports it. I don't know that they need any help.

What, other the self gratification, do you think is their motivation? As I said, it take effort to protest. So it is not them just sitting around taking selfies.
I'm serious when I use the term "hypersensitive". I think that's what we've created, and gets more intense with time.

Every inconvenience, discomfort, challenge to their opinion is worth going to war over. There is no intellectual elasticity there, there is no fundamental modesty that tells them "well, live and let live". And it stretches far beyond college.

This goes beyond bitching about things, in my opinion.

Maybe it would be constructive to list their complaints.

In the case of the hunger strikes what are they striking over? I was told it was a race thing. Which, in my opinion, is pure BS there has to be another agenda. Or is it as you are saying they are just bitching to bitch and are willing to go on a hunger strike to do so?

I saw on the TV an ad for the special they are going to have. In that ad they said that race was the biggest issue in America. Do you really agree? If not is it because you are white and see no problem? And even if it is a problem I would like someone to tell me how we legislate that out of existence.
I'm not so sure there's really some dark hidden force driving these kids. I think it's pretty clear this is political correctness, coddling and the liberal agenda with frosting on top. This is what 50 years of leftists indoctrinating kids in schools has produced. The way these kids are acting is the pride and joy of the left, and it's like Frankenstein, they created the monster, and now the monster is out of control.

So what is their end game?
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
I said "the Selfie Generation writ large". In other words, the Selfie Generation is only a symbol, a symptom, an example of a larger problem.

It's just a manifestation of the PC movement, in which everyone is so quick to make everything about themselves and every little discomfort they have. It began in the sixties, and now those same people are in positions of authority and they haven't yet managed to grow up. It was healthy for us back then, but now it has become weaponized and ingrained in our culture.

Do you know what the story is behind those selfie girls? I bet you don't. Let me help.

Selfie-taking sorority girls offer free tickets to charity

Narcissistic bitches!
Why did they have to use "taking selfies" as a means to promote free tickets?

You lend support to Mac's argument, yet have no clue you do so. I think that's very indicative to the intellectual performance of the left.

You seem confused.

They were taped being weird in public. They're were UNIVERSALLY mocked by young and old.......even college students mocked their behavior. Then.....the team felt bad for them and offered them some free tickets. They then suggested that the free tickets go to their charity.

That is the antithesis of narcissism. Ya fuckin' dummy.
And you were sarcastic about them, which tells everyone that you support their behavior.
An entire generation of kids that can't compete.

Lookin' excellent for my kid's future.

Oh no, your not saying hard work and desire is white privilege are you? If so then Ben Carson, did he benefit from white privilege?

Attending a university is all about exposure to ideas, concepts and people that are different from one's own. We play at an international level. You don't win cookies because you don't like the professor or the professor presents a theory that you don't like or the professor does not feel the way you think he or she should. That is what we are seeing.

There are many things that can be controlled and many things that cannot. Example:

I really don't like Hillary Clinton but she called it when she spoke with BLM in August (I think). She said something to the effect of what you want me to do is to change hearts and minds and it's not doable. Changing laws and allocation of resources is doable.
So, it boils down to what can actually be achieved versus a temper tantrum. The point being that if you are protesting the administration at a campus then you have to be able to ask that which they have control over.

If you are upset by the theories presented or the view point of a professor then you better hope that your parents are well connected to land you or gift you a job. Because in the real world, and this is especially true if you work in any capacity with the public, being offended is not an option. You still have to do the job.

People of color and white people manage to do it every day.
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Groups realize that by banning together and raising a stink (for lack of a better phrase) they get media attention and thus, effect change in some way.

It's called manipulation and, in many cases, it's just a game. To see what they can get away with.
A Power Play if you will..... in many cases, they don't even feel strongly about the issues...

Case in point, Missouri.

"Addiction" to hate, drama and controversy is nothing new, but it is being brought to new levels.

I see no difference between a "hoax" uprising than a computer hacker. Stirring shit just because they can.

.... and free tuition and debt forgiveness....? Yeah, that's a great thing..... o_O
It's the Selfie Generation writ large. We've become a terribly narcissistic, hypersensitive, closed-minded society.

If I choose to be "offended', I'm going to bitch and moan and protest and attack and see to it that the offender is somehow punished.

Why? Because it's all about me, and I don't want to be discomforted or inconvenienced in any way.

The decay continues. Fascinating to watch.

I am not sure you are not minimizing what is going on by saying it is just because of the "selfie" generation.

Consider that protest does take some effort, along with hunger strikes. It can't be just a protest for protest sake or to satisfy one's desire to be noticed

That said, I really don't know what is going on but I think it is bigger then some kids with a chip on their shoulder. Someone, in my opinion, is funding this and leading it. I just wonder what is the end game, and I really have no idea.
Scratch the surface and the name George Soros will appear somewhere.
The so-called 'hunger-strike' was 100% bullshit. The brat's multi millionaire's housekeeper was smuggling energy drinks to him. THAT was one reason his 'supporters' wouldn't let any press near him. Simple logic screams: The whole point of going on a hunger-strike is to get as much attention as possible. By all means let's have as many cameras and reporters come by as possible. But NO. His supporters refused to allow anyone in the press to get anywhere near the bullshiter brat. WHY?
Does anyone in there right fucking mind believe the brat's multimillionaire father and mother would have just sat in their 1.5 million dollar mansion and say: "Well if the kid wants to starve himself to death because someone may have called him nasty names that's his business". YA FUCKING RIGHT!
You stupid naive gullible LIBs REALLY need to start using your brains.
An entire generation of kids that can't compete.

Lookin' excellent for my kid's future.
Well, I try to look at it this way: My kids are off to great starts and the lack of competition will raise them even higher.

Cynical, selfish, I know, but there's not much I can do about it. I'm just observing the decay.

That's where I am at.
An entire generation of kids that can't compete.

Lookin' excellent for my kid's future.
Well, I try to look at it this way: My kids are off to great starts and the lack of competition will raise them even higher.

Cynical, selfish, I know, but there's not much I can do about it. I'm just observing the decay.

Why do you think there will be a lack of competition? But, maybe that is correct, there will be a lack of competition because there won't be any competition. Those protesting can figure out for themselves that they can advance without the effort, be rewarded for their protest. Take the jobs that someone worked hard to get without the need to be exactly qualified or skilled.

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