What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

I'm telling it to you.

Asclepias has a reason...whites dont.
Yea, keeping pulling bfs out of your ass, maybe someone will believe you.

I still dont understand where the hatred comes from. You like totally ignored that point to talk about another poster for some reason

You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.

Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Okay, you have repeated this nonsense enough.

Provide evidence that ALL WHITES hate for no reason....or that ALL WHITES hate period.....Put up....

Provide evidence I said "all whites" and I will oblige
If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.

There are times...but are there more times? I'd say no but thats besides the point. Not one indictment came down over multiple cases and different circumstances all involving black people. I guess you're trying to equate the fact that it can or has happened to another race means that ALL THE MULTIPLE TIMES it happens to blacks...uhhh...call it a draw.
Yea, keeping pulling bfs out of your ass, maybe someone will believe you.

I still dont understand where the hatred comes from. You like totally ignored that point to talk about another poster for some reason

You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.

Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Okay, you have repeated this nonsense enough.

Provide evidence that ALL WHITES hate for no reason....or that ALL WHITES hate period.....Put up....

Provide evidence I said "all whites" and I will oblige
You say 'Whites'....you never say "some whites"....

You said ACeplopwhateverthefuckhisnameis has a reason to hate whites......"Whites don't".

In case you missed it, when you paint in that broad a brush, you ARE saying all whites.
I still dont understand where the hatred comes from. You like totally ignored that point to talk about another poster for some reason

You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.

Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Okay, you have repeated this nonsense enough.

Provide evidence that ALL WHITES hate for no reason....or that ALL WHITES hate period.....Put up....

Provide evidence I said "all whites" and I will oblige
You say 'Whites'....you never say "some whites"....

You said ACeplopwhateverthefuckhisnameis has a reason to hate whites......"Whites don't".

In case you missed it, when you paint in that broad a brush, you ARE saying all whites.

This is a tough one...Do I go with what I say as a reference or what you say I said?

I fail to understand whats whites problem with blacks? I mean I totally get not liking someone because of what they did to you but disliking an entire race for no reason seems to be the forte of whites and its literally for no reason
I like black people.

I taught them for 23 years, and they like me too.

I am going make a grocery run today, and will most likely run in to several former students, and we will have nice chats, remember good times, and, I'll probably get to tease their kids about their school days.

That in no way means I have to sympathize with idiots getting shot by cops.

When was the last time blacks people laughed and mocked a dead white person...ever? Its like white people are just foul for no reason like blacks enslaved THEM

Stop with the slavery. It's getting old. No one existing today was a slave. We owe nothing to blacks.

First, that wasnt the point...I asked why whites hate blacks so much as if blacks did something to them for example...Like slavery

Second, When the Jews stop talking about their time as slaves 4000 years ago in Egypt then you may have a point. Passover is a thing that is never told it need to go away because its old.

You, like other whites just are "tired" of hearing about it because it involved your people. Much how Germans roll their eyes when you talk about the Holocaust

black crime violence greed and stupidity affects whites much more than slavery affected blacks.
In what way?
If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.
I still dont understand where the hatred comes from. You like totally ignored that point to talk about another poster for some reason

You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.

Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Okay, you have repeated this nonsense enough.

Provide evidence that ALL WHITES hate for no reason....or that ALL WHITES hate period.....Put up....

Provide evidence I said "all whites" and I will oblige
You say 'Whites'....you never say "some whites"....

You said ACeplopwhateverthefuckhisnameis has a reason to hate whites......"Whites don't".

In case you missed it, when you paint in that broad a brush, you ARE saying all whites.
Dont get butt hurt over semantics. Seems you dont like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.
So are you lying or an idiot?
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.
There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.
So are you lying or an idiot?

Neither. As long as you black boys are willing to use excuses, things for you won't ever get better. The only idiot or liar is the one that isn't willing to accept that you've had long enough to better yourselves. If you aren't, it's not the system or the fault of white people. It's your own fault.
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.

Michael Brown thought he could and it got him what he deserved.
Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.
So are you lying or an idiot?

Neither. As long as you black boys are willing to use excuses, things for you won't ever get better. The only idiot or liar is the one that isn't willing to accept that you've had long enough to better yourselves. If you aren't, it's not the system or the fault of white people. It's your own fault.

So why do white people have so many problems since they've had 10 times more time to better themselves?
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.
Hence the idiocy of the OP.
Next time you should lead with that instead of the attention whore racist title you chose.

And it doesnt matter what you think. If you noticed what you think didnt bring one indictment and THAT is the issue

There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.

I believe someone could give evidence of time after time where justice was blind when it came to white defendants but it wouldn't make any difference to some blacks.
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.
Hence the idiocy of the OP.
So what did Brown think when he came after Wilson?
There has been so many race issues in the past six years that I wonder if has been a backlash. Six years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of starting a thread such as this. Race relations are nearly out of control. I'm disgusted but not to the point I cannot be fair. Perhaps that isn't the same for all.

Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.

I believe someone could give evidence of time after time where justice was blind when it came to white defendants but it wouldn't make any difference to some blacks.
"What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?"

What is it about the OP that makes him such an ignorant racist.

You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.
Hence the idiocy of the OP.
So what did Brown think when he came after Wilson?

That's why I said all many want are excuses. As long as they use those excuses they don't have to face the truth.
Great, you're fair....and that still didnt bring ONE indictment down on anyone and THAT is the issue.
Don't you think that there are times when the system didn't work for others who weren't black? The system isn't perfect.
The system is biased against Blacks. Anyone doubting that is either lying or frankly an idiot.

Typical excuse. Interesting how such a claim comes from a black.

I believe someone could give evidence of time after time where justice was blind when it came to white defendants but it wouldn't make any difference to some blacks.
You quote the title of this thread, and then call me a racist? We have seen thread after thread about a teen shot by police and what an outrage it is. Never a mention that the teen assaulted the police officer as if that was irrelevant. But what is mentioned is the teen was found to be unarmed and that is supposed to make ll the difference in the world.

Just like what happened in the Brown case, if the assailant is close enough to accost the police officer, he is close enough to get his weapon. As seen in the Zimmerman case, weapons do not always come out right at the beginning of an assault, but once they have the upper hand.

If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen that I thought the police officers in the "chokehold death" were guilty, Zimmerman was guilty and recognized the fact that some police officers are acting like "Rambo" with blacks being their prime targets.

Yes, I am tired of those who spew garbage that blacks should be allowed to assault police officers without police taking any action they feel necessary to defend themselves. What everyone needs to recognize that if you are stupid enough to take on a police officer you are going to lose. Sometimes big time. That's the nature of the beast. Black or white.
Your question was stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, and racist.

All blacks are not the same, they all do not believe the same thing, and they all don't believe they can "get away" with attacking police officers, it isn't something they even contemplate.
I dont know any Black people that think they can get away with attacking police. They pretty much expect to be killed.
Hence the idiocy of the OP.
So what did Brown think when he came after Wilson?

That's why I said all many want are excuses. As long as they use those excuses they don't have to face the truth.
Sadly, I guess you're right. And excuses keeps you in the same place year after year.

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