What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

So many people are afraid of a strong prosecutor. People like her are what we need to have a strong and open society. It's good that she is a woman, so she can be an example of women not backing down. We need strong women. And kudos to her husband, who has shown that he has her back. He is a fine heterosexual man.
Like Barr.
And he's so cuddly too -- like Howard Cunningham or Winnie the Pooh.
He's the cool uncle that the whole family likes.
-I bet you a dollar Cory's hitting that booty all the time.
He's sitting there with a hard one right now...
View attachment 266144


That's funny - inadvertently, though, because you reveal what a sex-deprived, vulgar moron you are, with not a hint of self-awareness. And with that it's also clear why you are obsessed with trashing Harris.
-I bet you a dollar Cory's hitting that booty all the time.
He's sitting there with a hard one right now...
View attachment 266144


That's funny - inadvertently, though, because you reveal what a sex-deprived, vulgar moron you are, with not a hint of self-awareness. And with that it's also clear why you are obsessed with trashing Harris.
To the contrary.
I've been with the same woman for 32 years
and I'm comfortable enough with who I am that I can have a sense of humor no matter which assholes like you it offends. Now run along and take your poodles for a walk, Clyde. Let the big kids play.
What was "strong" about Kamala embracing Jussie Smollett and attempting to use his HATE HOAX to pass bullshit through the US Senate?

There is nothing "strong" about being a supporter of HATE HOAXES.

Ms. Harris is not "strong." She is dishonest and hateful.
Yet you support trump and pigpence. Two perverts, yet you like them.

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

What is does is prevent children who are victims of sex trafficking from being arrested, thrown in jail and becoming victims of the justice system in addition to being trafficked and abused.

Is your preference that these child victims be arrested and jailed?
We don't believe you anymore. A nuclear volley by an enemy is needed to take out a few of your cities. This is where we are at today.

Only a fool calls for a nuclear bomb to detonate on his own country. This is why your opinions are shit and no one listens to you.

Still does not change the fact that Harris supports Child Prostitution.
You know there are so many real things that you can criticize her about. Why choose something that is obvious hyperbole and not believable in the least? Of course she doesn’t support child prostitution. That is just idiotic to claim
Anyone that supports any Californian Politician belonging to The California Democrat Party is by Default supporting Child Prostitution and Pedophilia.

She just does not know she is supporting it. I cannot fault people for not knowing what they are supporting until they are made aware of it.

People need educated so they can flee that Cesspool Party.

That is what I urge everyone to do.

Flee California, and Flee The California Democrat Party before God's Judgment falls upon that Wicked State.
I read that first sentence and then quit. Stop wasting my time with that bullshit. Trolls are worthless, spend your time doing something more productive
There's misogyny seeping out of every pore of those pathetic nitwits. See a black woman standing up for what she believes, and all bets are off, and no fantasy is too putrid, and no bullshit too sticky to be used to make HIM appear as the victim. It doesn't matter that the chief hyperventilator can't explain what the slander was, after demands he explain himself.

If we hadn't been acquainted with it before, we'd have to invent the term "Deplorable".
Well look at how this discussion is going. There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country. We just had a guy say that she is acting white!! Come on people, grow up

How is saying "she is acting white", racist? Are you going to say that some white kids DON'T act black? So what?
Well I could be way off base here so please explain what is meant by “acting white” and “acting black”
Markle what’s the matter? Cats got your tongue?
No it's not. Look at the Republican Party - the Last Bastion of White People. Pretending that America's problems are because minorities and women have TOO much power.
Link to Republicans saying that, asshole.
Middle America is being taxed into poverty to support an artificially low minimum wage for corporate America, with food stamps and MedicAid. Republicans tell them it's because the poor are stupid and lazy. Liberals call it a transfer of wealth to rich people.
Link to Republicans saying that, asshole.
Poor, uneducated, white people believe the Republicans. To their own detriment. But they're not stupid enough to fall for Trumps lies again.
But you'll continue to fall for any Democrats lies over and over and over. Anyone ever tell you you're a fucking idiot? I'm guessing the answer is YES.


No, California did not legalize child prostitution

What is does is prevent children who are victims of sex trafficking from being arrested, thrown in jail and becoming victims of the justice system in addition to being trafficked and abused.

Is your preference that these child victims be arrested and jailed?
We don't believe you anymore. A nuclear volley by an enemy is needed to take out a few of your cities. This is where we are at today.

Only a fool calls for a nuclear bomb to detonate on his own country. This is why your opinions are shit and no one listens to you.

Still does not change the fact that Harris supports Child Prostitution.
You know there are so many real things that you can criticize her about. Why choose something that is obvious hyperbole and not believable in the least? Of course she doesn’t support child prostitution. That is just idiotic to claim
Slade, you poor naive poster. Yes, there actually are people that truly believe this stuff. I know, I know, Impossible but it really is true. And to be in such a position requires such a large predisposition to ignoring everything not part of the narrative that the truth is never going to take root there. Be at peace with that sad reality :D

But crazy is crazy :D

No, California did not legalize child prostitution

What is does is prevent children who are victims of sex trafficking from being arrested, thrown in jail and becoming victims of the justice system in addition to being trafficked and abused.

Is your preference that these child victims be arrested and jailed?
We don't believe you anymore. A nuclear volley by an enemy is needed to take out a few of your cities. This is where we are at today.

Only a fool calls for a nuclear bomb to detonate on his own country. This is why your opinions are shit and no one listens to you.

Still does not change the fact that Harris supports Child Prostitution.
You know there are so many real things that you can criticize her about. Why choose something that is obvious hyperbole and not believable in the least? Of course she doesn’t support child prostitution. That is just idiotic to claim
Slade, you poor naive poster. Yes, there actually are people that truly believe this stuff. I know, I know, Impossible but it really is true. And to be in such a position requires such a large predisposition to ignoring everything not part of the narrative that the truth is never going to take root there. Be at peace with that sad reality :D

But crazy is crazy :D

The poster is a known Russian troll. He posts here every day starting threads full of half truths and lies, and flies into a religious rage when challenged.
Ahhhh just marketing. Like a corporation. Could you point out some of her “marketing” aimed at whites? Or men?
I’m not a fan of Harris. I see her as an opportunist. I see her overplaying the race card as she attacks Biden. I don’t see her discriminating against whites because she feels like blacks are a superior race.

Why are you asking me to defend Harris btw. That has nothing to do with my initial comment that you engaged with.

Are you intentionally misreading me? And putting words in my mouth? I “engaged” with your attempt at gaslighting. A major political figure, with corporate, media and political class support, is running a racial campaign which you see as so sacrosanct that it can’t even be responded to.
What happened to your “marketing 101”?

And stop worrying about a trap. I’m just asking if you have ever seen this “marketing 101” applied to whites? Or to men? Or is that a code phrase for racial appeals to blacks only?
No I’m not intensionally trying to put words in your mouth. My original post about race had to do with a poster calling Harris an angry Black lady and then another poster saying that she acts white. I was saying that it was not productive to inject race into the conversation like they were doing.

I called Harris an opportunist which is why I’m not a fan of hers.

To answer your questions... the target marketing, I’m talking about is applied mostly to minorities and oppressed groups by the dems and to corporate 1%ers and evangelicals by the Reps.

Yes the GOP has been the only party Christians can turn to. Not the 1% though. I have proven time and again that the 1% are solidly Democrat.
But basically you used slight of hand there. Racial marketing is only approved as a euphemism for racist appeals to non-white groups. There is no allowable appeal to white interests...at least not one that could be labeled “just marketing”.
If you try an appeal to whites as a voting block you get banned from Twitter, cloudflare, Facebook, YouTube, google search results, tumbler, Reddit, godaddy, Apple Store and Google play. No newspaper or media outlet will sell time to you. The 1% will crush any such effort.
Suddenly it isn’t just “marketing”. This is demonstrable fact. So no the GOP doesn’t do the mirror image and there is no whataboutism counter here.
Harris is a racist. And it’s entirely reasonable to point it out.
Well what exactly are “White interests”?

But...we shouldnt respond to the attack...

Three 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates Say They Support Race-Based Reparations
So the former cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief and his man-wife would then get "reparations" for slavery, which they profiteered off on both sides of the Atlantic, and for being gay, assuming they are willing to admit that truth to a judge....

The "con" of "reparations" has origins....

I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

Every democrat ends up supporting Socialists though. It’s baked into the party.
Still not true. There are plenty of 2020 candidates that are not supporting the leftwing socialist agenda. You need to tighten up your talking points

There are none who can succeed without the backing of socialists. As of now the leading democrats are escalating their promises to sieze the money of working families and give it away. One makes a promise to be super generous with money that isnt hers and the next says "Ill see you your free healthcare and raise you free college tutition".
Ahhhh just marketing. Like a corporation. Could you point out some of her “marketing” aimed at whites? Or men?
I’m not a fan of Harris. I see her as an opportunist. I see her overplaying the race card as she attacks Biden. I don’t see her discriminating against whites because she feels like blacks are a superior race.

Why are you asking me to defend Harris btw. That has nothing to do with my initial comment that you engaged with.

Are you intentionally misreading me? And putting words in my mouth? I “engaged” with your attempt at gaslighting. A major political figure, with corporate, media and political class support, is running a racial campaign which you see as so sacrosanct that it can’t even be responded to.
What happened to your “marketing 101”?

And stop worrying about a trap. I’m just asking if you have ever seen this “marketing 101” applied to whites? Or to men? Or is that a code phrase for racial appeals to blacks only?
No I’m not intensionally trying to put words in your mouth. My original post about race had to do with a poster calling Harris an angry Black lady and then another poster saying that she acts white. I was saying that it was not productive to inject race into the conversation like they were doing.

I called Harris an opportunist which is why I’m not a fan of hers.

To answer your questions... the target marketing, I’m talking about is applied mostly to minorities and oppressed groups by the dems and to corporate 1%ers and evangelicals by the Reps.

Yes the GOP has been the only party Christians can turn to. Not the 1% though. I have proven time and again that the 1% are solidly Democrat.
But basically you used slight of hand there. Racial marketing is only approved as a euphemism for racist appeals to non-white groups. There is no allowable appeal to white interests...at least not one that could be labeled “just marketing”.
If you try an appeal to whites as a voting block you get banned from Twitter, cloudflare, Facebook, YouTube, google search results, tumbler, Reddit, godaddy, Apple Store and Google play. No newspaper or media outlet will sell time to you. The 1% will crush any such effort.
Suddenly it isn’t just “marketing”. This is demonstrable fact. So no the GOP doesn’t do the mirror image and there is no whataboutism counter here.
Harris is a racist. And it’s entirely reasonable to point it out.
Well what exactly are “White interests”?

Whites as a voting block is what I was discussing.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

She's not alone, millions of us believe Barr is an ass kissing ambitious jerk who put himself first, and the truth last.

That said, Ms. Harris asked pointed questions, the real asshole was Grassley who committed malfeasance by withholding documents, and providing many less than requested the morning of the confirmation hearing.

Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.

There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?
Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

Every democrat ends up supporting Socialists though. It’s baked into the party.
Still not true. There are plenty of 2020 candidates that are not supporting the leftwing socialist agenda. You need to tighten up your talking points

There are none who can succeed without the backing of socialists. As of now the leading democrats are escalating their promises to sieze the money of working families and give it away. One makes a promise to be super generous with money that isnt hers and the next says "Ill see you your free healthcare and raise you free college tutition".
I’m not a socialist and I don’t support many of the new policies coming from the far left wing so I won’t defend them. I will say though, most the policies I’ve seen presented are taxing Wall Street and the ultra rich, not working class families.
I’m not a fan of Harris. I see her as an opportunist. I see her overplaying the race card as she attacks Biden. I don’t see her discriminating against whites because she feels like blacks are a superior race.

Why are you asking me to defend Harris btw. That has nothing to do with my initial comment that you engaged with.

Are you intentionally misreading me? And putting words in my mouth? I “engaged” with your attempt at gaslighting. A major political figure, with corporate, media and political class support, is running a racial campaign which you see as so sacrosanct that it can’t even be responded to.
What happened to your “marketing 101”?

And stop worrying about a trap. I’m just asking if you have ever seen this “marketing 101” applied to whites? Or to men? Or is that a code phrase for racial appeals to blacks only?
No I’m not intensionally trying to put words in your mouth. My original post about race had to do with a poster calling Harris an angry Black lady and then another poster saying that she acts white. I was saying that it was not productive to inject race into the conversation like they were doing.

I called Harris an opportunist which is why I’m not a fan of hers.

To answer your questions... the target marketing, I’m talking about is applied mostly to minorities and oppressed groups by the dems and to corporate 1%ers and evangelicals by the Reps.

Yes the GOP has been the only party Christians can turn to. Not the 1% though. I have proven time and again that the 1% are solidly Democrat.
But basically you used slight of hand there. Racial marketing is only approved as a euphemism for racist appeals to non-white groups. There is no allowable appeal to white interests...at least not one that could be labeled “just marketing”.
If you try an appeal to whites as a voting block you get banned from Twitter, cloudflare, Facebook, YouTube, google search results, tumbler, Reddit, godaddy, Apple Store and Google play. No newspaper or media outlet will sell time to you. The 1% will crush any such effort.
Suddenly it isn’t just “marketing”. This is demonstrable fact. So no the GOP doesn’t do the mirror image and there is no whataboutism counter here.
Harris is a racist. And it’s entirely reasonable to point it out.
Well what exactly are “White interests”?

Whites as a voting block is what I was discussing.
Ok, well as a voting block what would you define as white interests?
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.

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