What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

She's not alone, millions of us believe Barr is an ass kissing ambitious jerk who put himself first, and the truth last.

That said, Ms. Harris asked pointed questions, the real asshole was Grassley who committed malfeasance by withholding documents, and providing many less than requested the morning of the confirmation hearing.

Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.
I’m not calling you a racist. Perhaps you dont realize the weight the “act white” statement carries, so I’m explaining my POV. Perhaps you mean something totally different than I describe, if that’s the case then correct the record. But don’t just dismiss it and point to Kamala like you’re doing. That’s weak.

I’m happy to discuss racial issues involving Kamala but that’s not how race was introduced into this discussion. A couple posters made derogatory comments about her being black and acting white which had nothing to do with policy or her past actions. That’s their bad and they should be called out.
Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

I’m not calling you a racist. Perhaps you dont realize the weight the “act white” statement carries, so I’m explaining my POV. Perhaps you mean something totally different than I describe, if that’s the case then correct the record. But don’t just dismiss it and point to Kamala like you’re doing. That’s weak.

I’m happy to discuss racial issues involving Kamala but that’s not how race was introduced into this discussion. A couple posters made derogatory comments about her being black and acting white which had nothing to do with policy or her past actions. That’s their bad and they should be called out.

You didnt call them out. You said dont bring race into this. But she already did.
Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true
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Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
No they are not
There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
No they are not

Im sorry but they are. The intensity of their hatred for America puts Stalin to shame sometimes. I saw a headline a few days ago that said "Lawmakers chant "down with America" and I swear I just assumed it was AOC and her crowd at first. (turned out to be the other american haters..Iranians)

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

Ive noticed a media campaign to help Democrats back away from Socialism..the orders have gone out to fellow journalists/liberal activists "dont bring up socialism".

Washington Post: Stop asking questions about Socialism

Washington Post: How Democrats should respond when Trump cries socialism
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Hillary Clinto says she was hurt in the primaries by being a "capitalist". According to Hillary almost 1/2 of Democrats are avowed socialists. (She's lieing..the figure is higher than that). Its a pretty sick party where Clinton is seen as too capitalist.

"ALAN MURRAY, TIME INC. CCO, MODERATOR: You may be the only presidential candidate since World War II that actually had to stand up and say, 'I am a capitalist.' And you did. Did it hurt you?

HILLARY CLINTON: Probably. I mean, you know, it's hard to know but if you're in the Iowa caucuses and 41% of Democrats are socialists or self-described socialists and I'm asked if you're a capitalist and I say, 'Yes, but with appropriate regulation and appropriate accountability,' that probably gets lost in the, 'Oh, my God, she's a capitalist!'"

Hillary Clinton: Being A Capitalist "Probably" Hurt Me In Dem Primaries
What the United States spent half a century of blood and treasure fighting the Democrats now want to bring us from the inside. The US and Britian devoted themselves to fighting back Marxism all over the world. It practically defined us. We beat them and now find it springing up among Democrats.
It was always there but less open. Remember..Ted Kennedy asked the Soviets for helkp in defeating Reagan just as Obama advisers are at this moment advising Iranians on how to overcome Trump.
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.
I’m not calling you a racist. Perhaps you dont realize the weight the “act white” statement carries, so I’m explaining my POV. Perhaps you mean something totally different than I describe, if that’s the case then correct the record. But don’t just dismiss it and point to Kamala like you’re doing. That’s weak.

I’m happy to discuss racial issues involving Kamala but that’s not how race was introduced into this discussion. A couple posters made derogatory comments about her being black and acting white which had nothing to do with policy or her past actions. That’s their bad and they should be called out.

It wasnt me who accused Kamala Harris of being "too white". I would never say somebody was "too white" to run for office. It was her own side where she had to address such rumbles. Democrats desperately want a black woman in power. It is childish to expect no response to their efforts to attack white men.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
No they are not

Im sorry but they are. The intensity of their hatred for America puts Stalin to shame sometimes. I saw a headline a few days ago that said "Lawmakers chant "down with America" and I swear I just assumed it was AOC and her crowd at first. (turned out to be the other american haters..Iranians)

View attachment 266470
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

Ive noticed a media campaign to help Democrats back away from Socialism..the orders have gone out to fellow journalists/liberal activists "dont bring up socialism".

Washington Post: Stop asking questions about Socialism

Washington Post: How Democrats should respond when Trump cries socialism
There aren’t orders going out... there are actual Democrats that believe in capitalism that are getting drowned out by the loud mouths on the far left and the loudmouths on the right trying to paint everybody on the left as America hating socialists.
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.
I’m not calling you a racist. Perhaps you dont realize the weight the “act white” statement carries, so I’m explaining my POV. Perhaps you mean something totally different than I describe, if that’s the case then correct the record. But don’t just dismiss it and point to Kamala like you’re doing. That’s weak.

I’m happy to discuss racial issues involving Kamala but that’s not how race was introduced into this discussion. A couple posters made derogatory comments about her being black and acting white which had nothing to do with policy or her past actions. That’s their bad and they should be called out.

It wasnt me who accused Kamala Harris of being "too white". I would never say somebody was "too white" to run for office. It was her own side where she had to address such rumbles. Democrats desperately want a black woman in power. It is childish to expect no response to their efforts to attack white men.
One poster made some slur about her being an angry black woman and another said she was acting white. That’s how race was brought into this discussion and you seem to be defending those points which I was challenging.

Harris over uses the race card and that is fair critique but that’s not what we were discussing when you entered the discussion.
I'm still waiting for her to take a position. Last week she wanted to take away all the guns, and now she says she owns a gun.

Kamala = Hillary 2.0

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