What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope
What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope
That 15% for social security and medicare you mean. Raise the taxes accordingly for all of your existing and proposed programs and reality will set in. There are already pushes to raise the social security tax and age limit because of the problems it has. I remember when it was fixed forever when the massive increases and age to collect increased in the 1980's. Do you remember? I do. It was all fun and games. A good time was had by all.
People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope

No One wants the Venezuela model of socialism
What concerns "people" about Kamala Harris is probably her skin color, gender,and the fact that she is a Dem
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close

That fact that you have to lie about socialism should probably clue you in to how popular it really is.

No, SS and Medicare are not "socialism," nor is auto insurance or homeowners insurance.
What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope
Again slade, I am not offering what I feel, think or what happens when I talk with my circle of friends. I am offering you what democrats themselves say in an objective and factual format.

I know, you don't WANT to admit that a large portion of a major political party has lost their damn minds. Unfortunately they have. Now...

Now for my opinion on the lame defense of the left that has lost their minds:
'Democratic Socialism' is utter bullshit as well. There is no difference between this claptrap and 'Nationalists' telling us they really are not Nazis and are pushing white pride. Peterson has it right here, the problem is that we have no objective measure for when the left goes to far. It is painfully obvious on the right - you have gone to far when you start to talk about purity in any of its forms. With the left I think that line is damn clear as well, equality of outcome, but people have not woken up to the pure evil that is. Democratic socialism is a re-branding of the basis of socialism and most of the people shouting it have no idea what they actually are supporting it. They will support it all the way off the cliff though - the failure of the right to deal with its insanity should provide all the hard proof that you need.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

You have to leave the bubble John.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope
Again slade, I am not offering what I feel, think or what happens when I talk with my circle of friends. I am offering you what democrats themselves say in an objective and factual format.

I know, you don't WANT to admit that a large portion of a major political party has lost their damn minds. Unfortunately they have. Now...

Now for my opinion on the lame defense of the left that has lost their minds:
'Democratic Socialism' is utter bullshit as well. There is no difference between this claptrap and 'Nationalists' telling us they really are not Nazis and are pushing white pride. Peterson has it right here, the problem is that we have no objective measure for when the left goes to far. It is painfully obvious on the right - you have gone to far when you start to talk about purity in any of its forms. With the left I think that line is damn clear as well, equality of outcome, but people have not woken up to the pure evil that is. Democratic socialism is a re-branding of the basis of socialism and most of the people shouting it have no idea what they actually are supporting it. They will support it all the way off the cliff though - the failure of the right to deal with its insanity should provide all the hard proof that you need.

Yah, I know want you mean. When I talk with any trump supporter it quite quickly turns to protecting whiteness.
People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope

No One wants the Venezuela model of socialism
Why? It’s the best socialism has to offer...
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

She's a sociopath, much like yourself, and like all Democrat sociopaths, no matter how much time she spends being coached by pros in front of mirrors they can never nail down 'Sincerity' quite well enough to fool anybody, except dope addled deviants and dumbasses That's what is 'odd' about her.

lol lol lol at the 'CIA' idiocy.

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