What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

Harris over uses the race card [...]

Demonstrate that there's more than just racial animus behind that slur.
Easy. Her recent attack on Biden is a start. She took his comment out of context and made it into a race thing. Totally not necessary.

Biden deserved to be clobbered for that remark. I mean, come on, "I am eminently qualified to lead the country because I gladly worked together with ardent racists and segregationists?" Walk a few steps in her shoes, will you? There is no "context" in which same is acceptable, and it need not be "made into a race thing" because it is right there.

Moreover, one comment related to race does not constitute "overuse". Except for those who mind being reminded of the racist history and the ongoing racism today. I thought, you are not one of those. Was I mistaken?
Harris over uses the race card [...]

Demonstrate that there's more than just racial animus behind that slur.
Easy. Her recent attack on Biden is a start. She took his comment out of context and made it into a race thing. Totally not necessary.

Biden deserved to be clobbered for that remark. I mean, come on, "I am eminently qualified to lead the country because I gladly worked together with ardent racists and segregationists?" Walk a few steps in her shoes, will you? There is no "context" in which same is acceptable, and it need not be "made into a race thing" because it is right there.

Moreover, one comment related to race does not constitute "overuse". Except for those who mind being reminded of the racist history and the ongoing racism today. I thought, you are not one of those. Was I mistaken?
Come on, Biden was talking about his ability to legislate with people whom he had completely different views with despite those differences. Something that has to be done of anything is ever going to progress in Washington. He has always been a strong advocate for civil rights and the black community so for Harris and Spartacus to spin his comment to try and make him sound racially insensitive or even complicate is just plain wrong.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Thanks for the head's up. Prog-think is dangerous stuff.
Come on, Biden was talking about his ability to legislate with people whom he had completely different views with despite those differences. Something that has to be done of anything is ever going to progress in Washington. He has always been a strong advocate for civil rights and the black community so for Harris and Spartacus to spin his comment to try and make him sound racially insensitive or even complicate is just plain wrong.

Walking in her shoes apparently was not an option, and so you won't understand why a white man's boast he'd work together with ardent racists and segregationists might be not so good news for Harris and Booker. You'd rather accept the white man's excuse for his unthinking comment. Sorry to hear that, I genuinely am. Biden - and I do like the man - is out of his time and out of his depth, a fine second lieutenant to President Obama, but not one with the chops and the alacrity to lead the U.S. into a racially equitable 21st century. His comment demonstrates it, and, while he would be vastly better than the current occupant, the selection process leading up to the primaries is exactly there to weed out those best kept away from the Oval Office - the occasional failure notwithstanding.
There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
No they are not



  • Seek to end individual civil rights in favor of collective privilege ✔
  • Seek an end of a free market in favor of centralized control of the economy ✔
  • Seek to destroy minority protections in favor of mob rule ✔
  • Seek the end of free speech with hate speech laws ✔
  • Seek the end of freedom of religion with "inclusion" laws ✔
  • Seek the establishment of an authoritarian police state to ensure "fairness" ✔
  • Seek racial based privilege ✔
  • Seek the eradication of the the middle class ✔
  • Use slander and demagoguery to inflame the masses ✔
  • Use slander to attack enemies of the party ✔
  • Hold party above honor ✔
  • Hold party above family ✔
  • Hold party above country ✔
Yeah, democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin alright.

If given half a chance, democrats will institute a final solution for the white people problem
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

The bitch slept her way to her position
Harris over uses the race card [...]

Demonstrate that there's more than just racial animus behind that slur.
Easy. Her recent attack on Biden is a start. She took his comment out of context and made it into a race thing. Totally not necessary.

Biden deserved to be clobbered for that remark. I mean, come on, "I am eminently qualified to lead the country because I gladly worked together with ardent racists and segregationists?" Walk a few steps in her shoes, will you? There is no "context" in which same is acceptable, and it need not be "made into a race thing" because it is right there.

Moreover, one comment related to race does not constitute "overuse". Except for those who mind being reminded of the racist history and the ongoing racism today. I thought, you are not one of those. Was I mistaken?
Come on, Biden was talking about his ability to legislate with people whom he had completely different views with despite those differences. Something that has to be done of anything is ever going to progress in Washington. He has always been a strong advocate for civil rights and the black community so for Harris and Spartacus to spin his comment to try and make him sound racially insensitive or even complicate is just plain wrong.
It is more than wrong, it is evil.

I think that this tendency, the need to paint almost anything a racists particularly past actions that were progressive at the time, is the darkest part of the democrat party. All sides have their demons, this is just one of the ones on the left and it is growing in strength.

The right has its own problems and they took charge of the party hence Trump. I worry that the same will happen to the dems and such will leave little opening for marginalizing those black tendencies of the major parties.
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
There are no successful Democrat candidates who dont support socialism. Its not possible in a party with a socialist platform.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

Ive noticed a media campaign to help Democrats back away from Socialism..the orders have gone out to fellow journalists/liberal activists "dont bring up socialism".

Washington Post: Stop asking questions about Socialism

Washington Post: How Democrats should respond when Trump cries socialism
There aren’t orders going out... there are actual Democrats that believe in capitalism that are getting drowned out by the loud mouths on the far left and the loudmouths on the right trying to paint everybody on the left as America hating socialists.



There are pawns who vote for democrats because they are ignorant and have always voted for them, and have no clue what the scum they vote for represent, but the party is Marxist, top to bottom.
You’re conflating socialism where government control all industry with our system which is capitalist with some government regulation and control. You can support things like the military and not be a socialist even though the government controls it. Same for police, fire, social security, Medicare, public education etc.

You’re playing the socialism card like your opponents use the race card and it isn’t honest

Definitions again? Cmon. There are avowed socialists in the Democrat Party with enough power to make sure every candidate is, at the very least, not unfriendly to them. That party is full of people spouting slogans that you only heard from Moscow or Beijing for 75 years. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist but he caucuses with the Democrats. Its where he finds a home and a friendly reception of his ideas. But he is a self described socialist. And again he is a serious contender for the highest office the Democrat Party will contest.
I am not going to play the real-socialism-hasn't-been-tried game. Police and military are not socialist and existed well before Marx. I do believe Medicare and Social Security are socialist poisons that have been imposed on us. At least coming from the federal government.
Maybe people exist on a continuum from less to more socialist. In that case democrats occupy the far left end of more socialist. And any and all socialists will find a home in the Democrat Party.

View attachment 266428 View attachment 266429 View attachment 266430
well that’s an honest assessment... saying that dems are socialist is not honest or true

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin - the only honest and true assessment of the vile filth traitors.

democrats are the enemy of America, and are just like the Nazis of 1928.
No they are not



  • Seek to end individual civil rights in favor of collective privilege ✔
  • Seek an end of a free market in favor of centralized control of the economy ✔
  • Seek to destroy minority protections in favor of mob rule ✔
  • Seek the end of free speech with hate speech laws ✔
  • Seek the end of freedom of religion with "inclusion" laws ✔
  • Seek the establishment of an authoritarian police state to ensure "fairness" ✔
  • Seek racial based privilege ✔
  • Seek the eradication of the the middle class ✔
  • Use slander and demagoguery to inflame the masses ✔
  • Use slander to attack enemies of the party ✔
  • Hold party above honor ✔
  • Hold party above family ✔
  • Hold party above country ✔
Yeah, democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin alright.

If given half a chance, democrats will institute a final solution for the white people problem
No they’re not and no they wouldn’t
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple

I don’t know. Hillary Clinton herself says 41% are “self described socialists” and she is underestimating in my opinion. DNC chair Tom Perez called self-avowed socialist AOC “the future of our party”.
And only cheating and manipulation kept the Democrat base from selecting Bernie Sanders the standard bearer of the party.
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple

I don’t know. Hillary Clinton herself says 41% are “self described socialists” and she is underestimating in my opinion. DNC chair Tom Perez called self-avowed socialist AOC “the future of our party”.
And only cheating and manipulation kept the Democrat base from selecting Bernie Sanders the standard bearer of the party.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems
That’s bullshit and we all know it. You disagree with their ideology, that’s fine. I disagree with much of it as well. But don’t spread these lies trying to paint them as Stalinist America haters. That just makes you sound like a partisan douchebag. Do better

What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.

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