What is it that ideas and people are 'left' or 'right' of?

In terms of rights? Absolutely. I believe in equal and individual rights. Focusing on a collective, isnt equal treatment to all.
Again, a "freeway" being built has nothing to do with rights. Kinda silly actually.
Ffs. Who pays for the freeway? Is that payment coerced? Do you have the right to refuse that payment?

It's like talking to propagandised children.
Now we are moving on to taxes for basic govt services :71:
OK dude, i tried to give you a break but i can see you are just a dumbass. Or you just hate liberty.
Either come up with something relevant or i will have to end this convo.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.
Thats part of the reason i do not support a big fed gov, and support a bigger state/local.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.

It's a proven fact that congress doesn't care what the people want but it is also true that the people who elect politicians want politicians that don't care what the people want
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.
Thats part of the reason i do not support a big fed gov, and support a bigger state/local.
The billion dollar question is how do we get more parties involved and make them relevant? I would appreciate ideas I am short on them for this subject.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.
Thats part of the reason i do not support a big fed gov, and support a bigger state/local.
The billion dollar question is how do we get more parties involved and make them relevant? I would appreciate ideas I am short on them for this subject.
Our voters. You would think by now they would dump the useless duopoly but NOPE
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
I think it is hilarious if any one beleives that the two party system is representative of our needs as a nation. Our interests are to varied for this system to be truely effective. How to fix it I do not know but the two party system must be fixed some time soon.

It's a proven fact that congress doesn't care what the people want but it is also true that the people who elect politicians want politicians that don't care what the people want
Congress could be fired tomarrow for all I care. They do not do their job in fear of losing their job and let the executive branch do all the work and take all the heat. If these fucks do not start taking responsibility we will end up in a dictatorship or a monarchy. They went for ever with out passing a budget. They called it partisan shit but what it real;y was is they did not want to be responsible for it's success or failure. Hang it all on the presidency and keep our job. You would think they would feel bad about collecting a pay check and doing nothing. We need more parties and we need all governemnt jobs held responsible. Congress is supposed to right the laws and the pres is supposed to sign them. We have been ruled by Executive Orders for years now and it is not due to the pres trying to gain power in most cases. It is due to our do nothing congress not wanting to be held responsible for the job they are supposed to do. If the pres does not do it nothing gets done. It is horse shit.
Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
The freedom of the individual contrasted with the good of the group.
Individual freedom is greatly influenced by how things are for the group. A happy, satisfied group means more scope of possibilities. An angry, frustrated group limits dynamics for the individual. It is in the interest of freedom that the group prosper. The group need not be as interested in the individual. That puts the group in the center, yes, but the individual is in orbit around it, not simply to the right or left.
Wow. Do you need some bengay?

Individualism requires no group; to orbit or otherwise.
Did someone say otherwise?
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
In America, for Me, the center is what the Founding Fathers and their generation adhered to. The left and the right go from that anchor point.
Can you give an example of what would be to the 'right' of those whom you cite and what to the left?
Historically, conservative has meant preserving central control and liberal has meant loosening that authority. This, however, is merely an observation of relatively classic definitions. The intent in this thread is to get a sense of what these terms mean in the minds of those using them now. We've have started to see that here, thanks.
I hope we can continue.
It should. Thats what freedom is.
I suggest the collective built the freeways.
Freeways and freedom do not mean the same thing, Idiot
Freeways do make it easier to be free. Back in the day before freeways most people never even left the county in their entire lives. I feel blessed to have been able to see more of the county than my ancestors.
Our highway system was built primarily for military defense of the country

The use we get out of it now was not really a factor considered at the time it was conceived.
There is a sense to highways meaning a kind of freedom.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
Social evolution.

I don't think the monarch was the axis. It was social evolution. In the original meaning, the monarch and those seated to the right were impediments to social evolution. I don't think much has changed.
Social evolution does not exclude positive contributions from a strong central authority, such as a monarch. In a social construct of families and clans, violence and feuds arise. Central authority resolves these, to the benefit of the weak and defenseless. This same authority can organize works such as irrigation, defense, etc. By itself, authority is not inherently antithetic to social evolution. History shows the excesses of authoritarianism, surely, but does not show it to be entirely repressive.
Yes, I agree. But in this specific historical context that gave rise to the idea of a left and a right, it was the monarchy and those on the right that stood in the way of social evolution. The monarchy was not the axis, it was aligned with the right. Together they stood in the way of the implementation of a more liberal type democracy.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
Social evolution.

I don't think the monarch was the axis. It was social evolution. In the original meaning, the monarch and those seated to the right were impediments to social evolution. I don't think much has changed.

Sure. Evolution.

Revolutions can be a messy business. Would you prefer to live under a monarch or in a liberal democracy?

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