What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

You need to make an adjustment toward understanding the political divide in your country's politics my friend. It's all flak and shit flinging from all angles now. See my comments on the question on Trump's future being closely linked to the competition the D's finally settle with.

Trust me, it's all quite elementary to an outsider now that the time's approaching when Biden falls down flat on his face and has to be carried away on a stretcher.

note: if you desire a conversation on Canadian politics, let me know and I'll start an appropriate thread topic. please, not here!
Yawn, did somebody fart? Run along duck, you have no horse in this race.
Uh, no. The Left tolerates Biden. The two situations could not be much more different.

The Left is bad enough. But this political cult is a real threat to this country.

What is bad are people who claim to be in the middle who are so busy trying to pretend they are better than everyone else that they don't see what's really going on.
Thanks for the admission that it is worse now.

Well, it was worse in Jan when the poll was done.

But you did not answer the question, why bring back the man that more than 60% of the country thought had us going in the wrong direction?

Is that really the best we can do?
because you live in a shit hole country with a shit hole system with a shit hole press and a shit hole education system.

just a guess.
Well, that actually isn't a bad answer. Yes, Democrats have done that to us and voters vote for Trump to make America great again. Maybe you do understand after all.
Biden is a decent choice. That's why Newsom has said he won't run. Furthermore you guys just pass over Harris and she is really no one to joke with. Trump would get roasted by her in a debate as would every other Republican running. But racism has people believing an inheritance baby with no policy experience even after serving as president is a better choice than a 2 time AG who ran the second largest DOJ in this country, and served as a Senator before she was picked for VP
I respect all opinions when they're voiced in a rational and polite way. I just may not agree with all of it. Concerning Biden, I don't think he'll make it to the election still looking like a legitimate choice.

I think that Biden represents Trump's heavy chances of success.
Yes, both ends of the political spectrum hate independents.

Not my problem.
You aren't independent. You are clueless. You can't see that one side is trying to do everything you say they aren't and the other side is actually the real problem.
Uh, no. The Left tolerates Biden. The two situations could not be much more different.

The Left is bad enough. But this political cult is a real threat to this country.

The left is the political cult. That's why they hate Trump. He wants to drain the swamp, which means defund the left.
Well, it was worse in Jan when the poll was done.

But you did not answer the question, why bring back the man that more than 60% of the country thought had us going in the wrong direction?

Is that really the best we can do?
The poll? I'm talking about two years of polls which show that 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Don't you think we need a change and vote Biden out?

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