What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

So, you're saying that half the country is like this?
Nope. People who are voting for him are not monolithic. There is a group who know exactly what he is, and still vote for him, because their political agenda is more important to them than what he represents about our country. But the loudest group are the Dunning-Kruger Effect Trumpsters, the credulous rubes who really do believe that he is a brilliant, honest, strong, God-fearing patriot, not to mention other absolutely insane notions about him.

I've had Trump voters tell me, "yes, I know what he is, he's a liar and a con man and a boor and an embarrassment and most likely mentally ill. But I think that he's our best chance at getting what I want to see, and so I'm just going to suck it up and vote for him". Y'know what? I can actually respect that.

But the credulous rubes who buy the Big Lie and believe he's a good man and out to protect them somehow? No. They are a terrible symbol of where this country is right now.
If it were only true. TBH, I don't know the poll numbers in CA, OR or WA, but I'd be willing to bet a six pack of Space Dust that Trump would lose in the polls in those states simply because of the blue shit hole population centers.
I live in a red state. Entire red states are shitholes. Portland and Seattle are beautiful cities, far better than any red state city. Trump has never got the most votes, he has lost every election, he got put in the white house on a technicality. He had the lowest job approval for his entire term in history. The only people voting for trump are dumb, low IQ, non college educated right wing nut cases.
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.
Democrats don't get it and they just keep putting both feet in their oversized mouths. You're not changing any minds when you call half the country "deplorables" and deny any attempt to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.
is this another one of these TRUMP LIVES RENT FREE IN YOUR STUPID LIB HEADS threads.
I live in a red state. Entire red states are shitholes. Portland and Seattle are beautiful cities, far better than any red state city. Trump has never got the most votes, he has lost every election, he got put in the white house on a technicality. He had the lowest job approval for his entire term in history. The only people voting for trump are dumb, low IQ, non college educated right wing nut cases.

This argument isn't that impressive. Hillary got 3000 more votes than Trump. She won California by 4000 votes. Take California out of the equation and Trump won a majority in the rest of the country.
To be fair, today's LEFT don't understand much of anything.

So Trump has plenty of company on that lengthy list.
We understand that you guys on the right aren't very bright people and that you're mad because you're dumb enough to believe to propaganda the very wealthy tell you while they hand you crumbs.
  • Fact
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Trump is the living, breathing expression of a manipulated rage that has been building on the Right since the day Limbaugh went national.

He says it himself: He is their retribution. Their payback for all the horrible wrongs they have suffered. Their big FUCK YOU to the rest of the world.
As it should be.
What does that have to do with my thread. I was asking if you knew why half the voters in the country vote for Trump.
It's directly related. A decent candidate fielded by the D's would answer the question on whether Trump is still popular, or he's finished.

For instance, if the D's turn to Newsom now, the R's should immediately know if the book can be closed on the Trump era.

Trump will then stand as the R's obvious choice----or---- another choice will suddenly rise in the primary polls.

Wouldn't you agree?

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