What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

I respect all opinions when they're voiced in a rational and polite way. I just may not agree with all of it. Concerning Biden, I don't think he'll make it to the election still looking like a legitimate choice.

I think that Biden represents Trump's heavy chances of success.
Biden is probably going to enter the election very strong. If you don't read the propaganda and look at the facts, Biden has done a good job. If he was 55, he'd win by landslide.
The poll? I'm talking about two years of polls which show that 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Don't you think we need a change and vote Biden out?

Yes, we need to vote Biden out. We do not need to replace him with someone that could never do better than 60% of the country thinking we were heading the wrong way.
The left is the political cult. That's why they hate Trump. He wants to drain the swamp, which means defund the left.
Trump is the swamp. He had 4 years to drain whatever swamp he imagined and didn't.
Yawn, did somebody fart? Run along duck, you have no horse in this race.
I'm running with or against 5 or 6 horses that are quoting my comments with more than just your spamming and bitter protests!
You're invited to run in the race too, but it's not going to be about Canada or Canadian politics when that's not the topic! You need to 'get' that my friend.
Yes, we need to vote Biden out. We do not need to replace him with someone that could never do better than 60% of the country thinking we were heading the wrong way.
Maybe we should stop reciting polls of 1000 people and look at the things that have actually happened.
He can't answer a question about something that doesn't happen.
Do you know why 46.8% of Americans voted for Trump in 2020? Do you know why polls show Trump and Biden at about a 50/50 tie, as in half of Americans would vote for Trump?
Uh, no. The Left tolerates Biden. The two situations could not be much more different.

The Left is bad enough. But this political cult is a real threat to this country.

Trump is Hitler. How trite.
The poll? I'm talking about two years of polls which show that 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Don't you think we need a change and vote Biden out?
Maybe you should stop reciting Rassmussen polls.
Democrats don't get it and they just keep putting both feet in their oversized mouths. You're not changing any minds when you call half the country "deplorables" and deny any attempt to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
No one has said deplorable in a while. That’s so ‘16. Now it’s all about proving MAGA is a scam and…

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